Poe x Ranpo x Reader

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Thanks @Greg_thesnail185 for the request!

I watched the two men saunter down the alleyway, unaware that I was watching their every movement.  A smile curled my lips as I noticed the familiar raccoon stiffen, Karl's head swiveling in my direction with his pupil's dilating.  Only then did Poe tense up, his own head turning to stare wherever Karl was looking.  I felt his stare hit the shadow I was hiding in, his mouth twitching as he reached a hand out to stop Ranpo who then turned around to gaze in my direction as well. 
"Y/n?  Is that you, dear?" Poe called out tentatively.  Ranpo tilted his head, peering where Poe was speaking as if he'd be able to pull me away from the shadows with just his stare.  I gave in knowing that my disguise was pointless.  I also didn't want to freak out Poe too much.  Taking a step out of the darkness, I saw all three of them instantly calm down. 
"You're getting a little too good at this.  Any better and I won't be able to use that little truck much longer to scare you," I smiled widely, brushing spare dust from my clothes.  Two pairs of arms wrapped around me lovingly as I hummed happily in response, loving the feeling of being in both Poe and Ranpo's embrace.  There would never be a day where I didn't look forward to this warmth I received from them. 
"We missed you.  Where were you the past few days?  Poe and I were worried," Ranpo pouted, holding me tighter and causing me to chuckle light heartedly.  They were both so sweet and caring.  I wasn't sure how I managed to get both of their love and affection and I could only hope I was returning just as much care back to them.  Though disappearing for days on end was probably not the best way to show that to them. 
"I'm sorry if I frightened you both.  You probably don't want to know where I was either.  Just know it was once again justified but I had to lay low so I didn't drag you both into my mess," I admitted with a bit of guilt.  I didn't regret the murder though.  The prick had it coming after all the harm he had caused.  It was only a matter of time until someone else killed him, I just happened to be the first one to get to him. 
Poe and Ranpo clearly didn't approve as they released me from their hold, warm smiles still on their faces even if there was a bit of concern in their expressions.  Their worry was justified though.  Being a notorious murderer wasn't the safest or healthiest occupation and even after I swore I would dial back on my targets when we all agreed on our relationship, I still had moments where justice needed to be served. 
"As long as you're alright, we can save the lecture till we get home.  It seems like it's been a long few days for all of us," Poe sighed tiredly.  My head swiveled to stare between them, noticing the way their shoulders dropped a bit, their expressions seemingly on the verge of collapsing.  Whatever they had been working on the past few days was clearly wearing them out and I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for it. 
"I can get us home quickly if you let me.  You both look like you need rest," I whispered gently, moving forward to hold each of their hands carefully.  Ranpo gave me a tired smile, Poe's face had a light blush.  Home sounded so lovely and I could barely wait to crawl into bed to sleep for days.  I hated asking them for it but Poe had already read my mind and lifted his hand in mine to rest on my chest. 
"Go ahead.  Just make it quick please, I already feel dizzy," he muttered shyly, his fingers twitching as I focused all my attention on him.  Holding his hand gently, I raised it to my lips.  I could see his eyes widening behind his unruly hair, stare burning through mine.  Teasingly, I stuck my tongue out to trace his smooth skin, making him shiver before he glared at me. 
My ability was practically bubbling with anticipation as I bit into Poe's skin carefully, his blood washing over my tongue.  Power thrummed through my body as the metallic and sickening liquid slid over my tongue.  Contrary to vampire daydreams, blood was absolutely disgusting to taste and sadly Poe's blood was no different.  There was a thrill to it though that made my disgust turn into excitement as I pressed my hand to the nearest wall after releasing my teeth from the skin of his hand. 
The shadows of the wall swirled in response, curling excitedly as I felt the pull of home.  Envisioning our shared apartment and all the memories made there, I knew where the shadows would take us as I turned to beckon my lovers closer.  Poe stepped forward first, the most familiar with my bloody travel ability.  I gave him a reassuring kiss to the back of his hand where I bit before he smiled once at me, stepping into the shadows that instantly swallowed him up as Karl stared at me before disappearing as well. 
"Can you stay with us longer this time before you leave again?  We really did miss you.  It's not the same without you," Ranpo frowned a bit sadly as I curled my arm with his.  Leaning in, I kissed his cheek as a silent promise that I'd stay close by to support them.  I realized my selfishness was causing discomfort for my lovers and I did miss them myself.  My sense of justice could wait. 
"Of course Ranpo.  Anything for you both," I whispered reassuringly, guiding us into the darkness where Poe waited for us on the other side.  There was a strange queasiness that filled my stomach as everything shifted around us.  The only thing tethering me to reality was the hand of Ranpo in mine, fingers intertwined lovingly as another hand reached out to pull me through. 
Poe looked at me brightly as he helped guide me out of the darkness and into our apartment, Ranpo right by my side after the shadows curled away and my ability receded.  Relief washed over me as I was once again embraced by both of my lovers, the reassurance of their combined presences filling me with warmth that spread through my whole body.

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