Fyodor x Nikolai x Reader

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Thanks @bongwaterbones_ for the request!
‼️slightly suggestive?‼️

"My dear Nikolai, will you stop poking my foot with yours?" Fyodor purred, resting his face against the smooth palm of his hand as his eyes latched onto the white haired fiend sitting across the table. Nikolai's smirk only grew as he clearly tapped his foot again just to undermine Fyodor. His hand lifted to move another pawn across the chess board as I adjusted myself in my seat in the middle of the game. And that's exactly what I thought this was just supposed to be. Turns out they were both feeling a bit more teasing today as they constantly flirted back and forth.

This was common and I usually didn't have any problem with it but I found myself getting more annoyed as the minutes passed by. I would never admit it out loud but I was a bit jealous of the situation. They hadn't even bothered to glance my way the entire time and I was now pretty sure I was third wheeling at this point.

"Fyodor, my beautiful, if you keep staring at me like that I might get a little more handsy," Nikolai winked across the chess board right as Fyodor slid a bishop along the tiled surface. I couldn't help the tired sigh that escaped my nostrils, sitting back in my seat with my arms crossing over my chest. Neither of them batted an eye, too entranced in the game of both chess and flattery. Well I knew I definitely wasn't winning in either case.

"Ah, then my plan is working," Fyodor breathed out, his too alluring grin making even me pause in my misery. I knew the effect it must've had on Nikolai considering my own heartbeat sped up rapidly and I was just witnessing it on the sidelines. I wanted to be on the receiving end of that dangerous, chill inducing smirk. Even if it happened to be the last thing I saw.

Nikolai practically trembled as he accidentally knocked his own rook off the board. He didn't even bother bending down to grab it, letting it be a loss that didn't matter compared to Fyodor's attention. Another curl of jealousy flooded through me as I shifted again. This was really starting to suck and I didn't want to stick around much longer if they started to get more physical than the way Nikolai was casually pressing his knee against Fyodor's.

Thinking about it, I wasn't even sure which one of them I was jealous of. They were both hella attractive and, when they weren't making me third wheel like this, I loved both of their attention and care. If I could have it my way, I feel like we would all make a great pairing. That was assuming I wouldn't just be pushed aside and forgotten in the intensity of their clearly mutual passion. My leg began to bounce in growing agitation.

"I'll let you take my queen, Fyodor but you'll have to repay me later," Nikolai cheerily suggested, moving his queen to a spot, hesitating to retract his hand. Fyodor seemed to perk up the slightest bit. I couldn't take it any more, fed up with being invited here just to watch them flirt. This was ridiculous and a waste of my time.

"That's it. I'm leaving. You two have fun with each other and never invite me back," I stated, pushing myself out of my chair and turning away from them without a goodbye. I instantly heard the screeching of chairs following behind me. Before I could turn to see if they ran to a different room, freed now without me to witness them, only to feel someone grab my wrist.

"Don't go y/n! It's not what you think!" Nikolai pleaded, pulling at my hand and spinning me around to face the both of them. I rolled my eyes at the dramatics but decided to see what sorry excuse he would try to use. He might be a master of manipulation but I wasn't going to be swayed with a pretty smile and a wink. When Fyodor smirked at me though as Nikolai wound a sneaky arm around my waist, I was starting to question my self control.

"You both seemed a little busy with each other so I didn't want to cramp your style," I pointed out, trying my best to ignore the warmth of Nikolai's fingers slipping under my shirt to touch the small of my back or the way Fyodor stepped closer to slide a gloved hand along the nape of my neck. Goosebumps rose along my skin, whether in warning or want, I wasn't sure. I did know that I wasn't going to pull away though.

"Pretty little y/n. You don't have all the facts, my love," Fyodor chuckled to himself, stroking the back of my neck gently. Nikolai smirked as he leaned in to press a kiss to my cheek. The action was sweet and soft, something neither of them displayed often. I was practically melting between Fyodor's careful touches and Nikolai's innocent affection. My heart fluttered with each graze and poke.

"I think I speak for the both of us when I say we hold some very passionate affection for you. We didn't mean to leave you out of the fun, prince," Nikolai whispered, pushing his forehead to mine softly. Fyodor dragged his fingers down my spine to rest on my waist, pulling me closer to him and causing our sides to press against each other. I willingly leaned into his touch, loving the way Nikolai held me just as warmly. I didn't even feel any jealousy as they both happened to clasp their hands together, fingers interlocking lovingly as they held me tighter.

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