Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @KilluasChocorobos for the request!

It was another ordinary day in the office...as ordinary as it usually was anyways.  Dazai was harassing Atsushi while Ranpo yelled out in the corner.  The Tanzaki siblings were being weird like usual while Kenji stood wide eyed and beaming in the corner.  Pretty much the usual chaos for the ADA. 
Without Yosano or Kunikida in the office to take control and calm everyone down, it was left to anarchy.  It became so loud that no one heard the door open as someone slipped in.  No one was aware of their company until they heard a muffled unfamiliar voice. 
"...won't mind right?  It shouldn't take me long."  Dazai was the first to perk up at the chance to eavesdrop as he spotted Kunikida standing at the entrance with a phone up to his ear.  The voice on the other end sounded nervous and altogether strange to Dazai's ears.  Wouldn't he know everyone in Kunikida's life?  So who was on the phone with him now? 
"Don't stress yourself out.  You don't have to if you're so worried.  I can always pick up the files myself," Kunikida regarded quietly, completely focused on the voice on the other end.  Dazai was awestruck by the tenderness in his coworkers voice.  He's never heard such sweetness from the blond in all the time he's worked side by side with him.  He started to lean in closer and he wasn't the only one as the office started to quiet down to listen in. 
"I want to do this for you.  It's my fault you forgot them anyways.  I'll just pop in and be gone," the unfamiliar voice warbled through the phone.  Dazai watched as Kunikida straightened up, seemingly bashful about something.  It was all so strange and unexpected.  Dazai started working at theories furiously as even Ranpo perked up to try to piece the puzzle together. 
"You don't have to leave so quickly, I don't mind, just don't push yourself.  I'll let you go now.  Stay safe and I'll see you soon," Kunikida whispered fondly, cupping his hand around his mouth into the phone as if that would muffle his voice away from his nosy coworkers that he hadn't yet realized were listening in.  There was a pause of silence.  "Love you too." 
When the click of the phone signaled the end of the call, the whole office exploded in surprise and curiosity.  Everyone crowded around Kunikida with wide eyes and pleading expressions.  How had no one known that Kunikida had a lover?  Suddenly everyone was desperate for answers to this strange riddle. 
"What the hell are you all saying?" Kunikida frowned, crossing his arms in slight annoyance.  He wasn't aware that the whole office had been listening to his private conversation until it was too late as a soft blush covered his face at the realization. 
"Who is she?  Is she nice?  What's her name?  How long have you two been going out?" Dazai was the first to start bombarding with questions.  Kunikida straightened up in surprise, adjusting his glasses on his face as he coughed nervously.  The attention was starting to make him flustered. 
"His name is y/n...and he's my husband actually," Kunikida mumbled shyly, an uncontrollable smile twitching on his lips at the thought of his love who happened to be coming over any minute now. 
Everyone collectively gasped in surprise before erupting in cheers and cries of happiness for their coworker.  They started to ask even more questions including how they met and who proposed and how the wedding went.  The answers included a bookstore, y/n proposed, and they skipped the actual wedding to just get their marriage license.  Excitement buzzed in the air but that was before a soft knock broke through the chaos. 
"Kunikida?  I brought the files," a gentle voice called out.  Everyone looked at the entrance to find a handsome man standing there with kind eyes and a nervous smile.  Dazai noticed the ring band that was on the man's left hand that resembled the same one Kunikida wore.  They didn't need to be told who the stranger was as someone pulled y/n into the crowd of ADA workers. 
He now stood awkwardly as his husband's coworkers excitedly asked more and more questions that y/n began to happily answer including all the embarrassing ones.  Pretty soon y/n had everyone sitting calmly as he recited Kunikida's and his love story with his husband by his side holding his hand. 
They met at a bookstore where y/n worked and he couldn't help but find Kunikida attractive, asking for his number that first day which the blonde man had bashfully given him.  They began to meet up for lunch until one day Kunikida asked him out to which y/n happily accepted.  They dated for about a year when y/n proposed one summer night after a scare he had when Kunikida almost didn't return from a mission.  They skipped a wedding celebration to just get their marriage license but spent a week together and now they were set to have their one year anniversary soon enough. 
When the story was finished, it brought happy tears to many of their eyes as a polite round of applause erupted through the office.  Y/n chuckled at his husband's coworkers before handing Kunikida his paperwork.  He leaned in to place a sweet kiss on his husband's lips before claiming he had business elsewhere.  On his way out, the office simultaneously agreed that they approved of their coworkers choice, waving goodbye to y/n as Kunikida smiled wide, warmth swimming through his chest.

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