Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @HayHay5453 for the request!

Anger pulsed through my veins as I hopelessly tugged against the cursed branches holding my brother and I hostage. Steinbeck's words still rang in my head as frustrated tears ran down my face. How could he say such horrid things to my brother like that? He was still just a kid who didn't deserve this life.

My gaze slid over to Q who slouched unconscious in the arms of the roots, eyelids fluttering in a dreamless sleep. Guilt swelled in my chest for my inability to protect him against this. Without the Dogra Magra doll anywhere around, there wasn't anything I could do to try to force our way out of here. We were stuck with the pain still twisting our limbs.

"I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better than this," I whispered brokenly, all of my anger and hatred spilling down my face as my body went slack. My fight was beginning to drain out of me, ready to leave behind an empty husk of what I was as I squeezed my eyes tight to block out the image of Q's slumped body.

Our ability was a shared one that centered around our pain and our doll. My brother was able to manipulate a person's mind through his pain while I was able to manipulate a person's emotions. They were fairly similar techniques but emotions could lead to actions far quicker and easier than someone's thoughts. It didn't matter now though as I began to wonder if we'd ever escape this alive.

Whatever was happening out of our painful prisons, it had taken all of Q's energy and led to him going limp quite a few minutes ago. I had my own exhaustion plaguing me but my anger kept me awake and seething despite the sleep threatening me as I started to squirm again. I hated being imprisoned like this, especially after I had won our freedom with my brother not too long ago. It was all like a cruel joke.

Miserable laughter bubbled up my throat before it quickly morphed into choked sobs as more pain tightened in my chest as if the vines were penetrating my heart. Everything seared painfully as I cried out for someone to save my brother and I. It didn't matter to me who did it as long as it got Q far away from here in the treacherous branches of this disgusting ability.

A sudden thud nearby made me flinch, my eyes squeezing tighter. I refused to see the horrible face of Steinbeck again, not after he caused so much misery and agony on Q and I. If I caught even a glimpse of his mocking face, I'd find a way out of my restraints and tear him apart limb by limb. He'd rue the day he messed with me in his spot in hell.

"Y/n? Well isn't this a surprise," a familiar voice rang out through the room. My eyes widened in surprise and shock as I spotted Dazai's speculative stare trained on me intensely. Relief and hope surged through me as I began to smile through my tears, all of my anger dissipating just by his steady gaze.

"Dazai! Please get my brother out of here. He's suffering," I cried out, yanking my arms against the restraining branches on my wrists. A scoff from behind Dazai alerted me to Chuuya, my hopeful gaze turning to a glare as I scowled. It wasn't good that he was here, someone who had made his strong dislike towards my brother and I very clear.

"Hurry up and kill them. This is the perfect opportunity since you've been wanting to do it," Chuuya hissed, his cold eyes not leaving mine as my hope died instantly. Surely Dazai wouldn't actually consider doing such a brutal thing but as he retrieved a sharp dagger from his coat, I began to doubt my little trust in him. His blank expression didn't soothe me as he took a step towards Q.

"No! Don't touch him! You can't hurt him, he's been through too much! He's only a child, please Dazai," I yelled out desperately, kicking with all my might even as the branches began to tighten painfully around my body. Coughing, warm liquid splattered over my mouth as crimson dripped onto the floor. I didn't care about the blood though as I fought Steinbeck's ability with all my might as Dazai brought the knife close to Q.

When he pulled his arm back, I thrashed wildly as desperate pleas fled my lips like a prayer. This was my brother and I already failed to protect him once. I wasn't about to let him be stabbed while he was so vulnerable. He deserved a fair chance at least but as Dazai brought the dagger down, I froze at the sight of him cutting through the branches carefully around Q's limp body.

More hot tears slid over my face as my body went slack in exhaustion. Chuuya seemed equally surprised as he expressed his concern but I didn't bother listening to his complaints as my head became light headed. Gratefulness filled me enough that I thought I would burst as I quietly cried at my luck. Q would be okay, we'd both be okay.

"Hey. Stay awake for now. I'm getting you out of here," Dazai whispered gently, cutting away branches as my pain lessened bit by bit. When he cut away the last vine holding me up, I promptly collapsed weakly. Dazai caught me before I hit the ground with his arms securely around me before he picked me up completely.

Cuddling closer to his chest, I couldn't help but cry more soft tears against his coat. If he hadn't saved us someone else would've killed us without a second thought. I was tired of being thought of as a monster and people looking at my little brother like he was just as bad.

I knew Dazai didn't actually appreciate the things my brother and I had done but he had cared enough for me once to offer an escape. The same escape I was willing to make now as his hands held me carefully and as lovingly as he used to. "Thank you," I whispered breathily, everything blacking out as I passed out in Dazai's warm hold.

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