Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @Itz_JuliaMoonlight for the request!

Kunikida had expected plenty to occur when he showed up for his mission.  Ideals in the palm of his hand, he had a whole plan for how this skirmish would play out.  He wasn't going to let the Port Mafia conquer this part of the city and he was ready to lay down his life to stop anyone who threatened his ideals.  What he hadn't planned for was y/n. 
Kunikida arrived at the scene that Ranpo had shown him was the most probable area that the Port Mafia would be found.  The blonde man already had a gun tucked at his hip, his journal in his hand as he adjusted his glasses with confidence.  He wasn't prideful or cocky but he already felt a bit of victory when he looked around to find no ambush waiting for him.  It was like he already succeeded. 
Doubt plagued his mind the more he looked around though.  There should've been at least someone out here but all he found was shadows and lamplights.  There weren't even any signs that someone had passed by here in the last hour or so.  It was definitely most peculiar and Kunikida was ready to call in to report his lack of findings when the loud screech of a cat broke the silence. 
His head swiveled behind him where the sound was coming from but he only saw the dark shadows of the alleyway.  He was about ready to turn away and retreat from the abandoned area before he spotted movement emerging from the darkness like a spirit.  What he saw made his chest clench but it wasn't from fear. 
"Hello there!  Didn't mean to scare you," the stranger called out sweetly, the light of the city washing over him as he stepped out of the alleyway.  In his arms was a dark cat which he lovingly pet, the animal purring in bliss.  Kunikida took several moments to stare in awe, his heart picking up speed as he became confused and slightly flustered.  There was something familiar about the man, as if he'd seen him in a dream or read about him from a story. 
"Are you with the Port Mafia?" Kunikida coughed out, trying to stay focused.  There was only one realistic reason that this handsome stranger was out here at this hour of the night.  This was a peculiar place to decide to take a night stroll through.  Even if Kunikida was a bit confused, he wasn't dumb and could put two and two together.  The stranger smiled back, bright and shining despite the dark. 
"Yup!  And you're with the ADA.  I'm y/n by the way.  We might as well get acquainted before things get out of hand," he cheerily proclaimed, leaning down to the feline in his arms to place a gentle kiss on its fur.  The cat meowed happily, its eyes turning to look at Kunikida as if also waiting to see what he'd say next.  He couldn't focus on the animal though, his eyes widening as he stared at y/n in disbelief. 
"I'm Kunikida," he breathed out shakily before suddenly bringing his journal to his face with urgency.  Flipping through the pages eagerly, he found the easily recognizable page.  His ideal woman list in front of him, he ran down each bullet point as his stare flickered from the descriptions he wrote down and y/n.  With shock and confusion, he crossed off each box in a hurry. 
"Are you alright?  What are you doing with your little book there?" y/n questioned brightly as he started walking closer to see what the blonde was writing down.  Kunikida panicked, his ideals journal slamming shut as he took a wary step back.  Y/n immediately stopped his movements, disappointment clear on his face when he huffed.  Setting the cat down onto the ground, he stared back at Kunikida with his arms crossed. 
"Is it your diary?  Is that why you won't let me see?  Were you writing about me?" y/n smirked playfully, enjoying the moment when Kunikida's face turned bright red.  He just couldn't understand how the man standing in front of him fit every description for his ideal woman.  It felt impossible and he wasn't sure what to do considering y/n was still part of the Port Mafia, making them both enemies.  He didn't know what to do now. 
"It's none of your business.  Are you here to kill me or not?" Kunikida frowned, not sure what was actually occurring between them.  Y/n's smirk shifted to a warm smile then as he chuckled softly.  The sound made Kunikida grin as well, small and sheepish before he caught himself.  It was too late based on the bright shimmer in y/n's eyes as he started to move forward again.  This time Kunikida didn't step away. 
"Do you want me to kill you?  I don't think either of us would enjoy that.  We can find something else to do though if you want to write all kinds of things about me later," y/n whispered enticingly.  A shiver rolled down Kunikida's body, y/n now right in front of him and staring at him with his bright eyes.  He wasn't sure what to do.  He couldn't fight his ideal partner.  It'd be nearly impossible to find anyone else who fit every description he made though.  He couldn't just let down the ADA though and let innocent people get hurt.  His ideals were certainly at odds. 
"How about a truce?  We can work around fighting but you also can't hurt anyone around here," Kunikida whispered firmly, trying to tamp down his wild emotions that were swirling in his chest as y/n tilted his head curiously.  The gesture was just too adorable and everything he wanted to see in his dream partner, woman or not.  If it was y/n, then all the better. 
"It sounds like I don't get anything out of it.  How about you give me your address so I can find you whenever I want to see you again?  I won't share it with anyone else, I promise," he quietly asked, smiling softly as he leaned in closer to the blonde.  Kunikida sighed, knowing he wasn't making the smartest decisions as he quickly scribbled his address onto a small piece of paper before handing it over to y/n.  The truth was that he really did want to see him again.  He also trusted y/n's promise to not spill the information with the Port Mafia.  It was a gamble but bound to be worth it by the cheery way y/n hugged the paper to his chest.

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