Tetchou x Reader

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Thanks @LoveAce_ButOdasaku for the request!

Sliding my blades into their respective sheaths up my sleeves and against my forearms, I felt instantly satisfied even if this mission was going to be a drag. I had hoped for a day off or at least a day of patrol where nothing occurred but instead I had been called in for an emergency outing. Being part of the Hunting Dogs meant being there at any hour of any day while performing at my best. Even though I was prepared for this physically, emotionally I was disappointed to leave Tetchou behind.

"Do you have to go? I thought we were going out on our date today," he pouted at me pitifully, eyes sad like a puppy's. I gave him a small smile, ruffling his hair affectionately before leaning forward to kiss his forehead. A small blush worked across his face in response but his frown still remained. He really didn't like that I was leaving but something told me it was only made worse considering who my partner was for this particular mission.

"We can always have our date later tonight. You sure you're not just upset because I was paired up with Jouno?" I chuckled softly. He grumbled quietly, rolling his eyes as if the mere thought of the other Hunting Dog member was annoying him. They definitely didn't get along most of the time and now that I was involved, it was clear that Tetchou was starting to feel jealous in the way he clung onto me with his pleading expression.

"He doesn't like me and I don't like that he's taking you away from me when we had a fun day arranged. He probably planned this on purpose just to make me upset," Tetchou crossed his arms like a stubborn child, one hand still grabbing my uniform needily. Leaning down to peck his face even more, he eventually relented and a small smile twitched onto his lips. He was always the cutest when he was grumpy like this because then all I had to do was show him plenty of affection which I had no problem giving him.

It became clear he was starting to become eager for more when his arms wrapped around my waist firmly. My own hands tangled into his hair just as greedily as I pushed my lips onto his. He gave a satisfied hum that made my body tingle from my scalp to my toes. If there was one thing that I didn't give Tetchou enough credit for, it was his skill of distraction. I had to quickly push him off of me when I realized I was beginning to forget why I was about to leave.

"I'm sorry but I really need to leave now. I'll see you later," I patted his head reassuringly. He didn't let me go from his hold, instead intent on leaving kisses along my neck and jaw. Inhaling sharply, my whole body tensed at the pleasant sensation. It felt too good to turn down and yet I had a job to do. Jouno couldn't handle this mission by himself, dismissing any ideas of standing him up to just waste the day away with Tetchou. I couldn't do that to him or our group.

"I hate Jouno. He's such a buzzkill," Tetchou mumbled against my skin, leaning away to pout once again. I left one last kiss on his cheek as I chuckled, walking to the door. Shooting one last glance over my shoulder at him, he was already sulking. I'd make sure to make it up to him later on our date but for now I had to push him out of my head so I didn't get distracted helping Jouno. He'd probably chew me out for it.


It turns out that the mission was a waste of my time considering the targets we were supposedly following didn't show up. We spent hours just hovering near what we thought would become an active sight but there was absolutely no action. I definitely wasn't going to mention this to Tetchou when I saw him again. It'd only make him more pissed off than he was when I left him to go on a mission I had assumed would be more important than our date.

After about four hours of awkward silence and daydreaming about my lover, I had left Jouno who was insistent on staying just in case. It was obvious that no one was going to show up today and I had worked myself up into a frenzy, needing to see Tetchou who was probably still bitter over our canceled plans. Sitting around and doing nothing was a waste of my time that could be spent in more cheerful ways.

"Did you have fun with Jouno? I bet he was more entertaining to hang out with," Tetchou's grumbling voice called out once I shut the door behind me after my quick walk home. Rolling my eyes at his dramatics, I hunted him down to find him lounging across the couch. He narrowed his eyes at me as I stood in front of him, looking down at him affectionately. He would forgive me soon enough though.

"Stop being like that and get over here. I actually ended up abandoning him for you so cheer up already and stop being jealous of someone who doesn't stand a chance," I sighed. Tetchou didn't need any more encouragement, his body springing up to wrap with mine. His arms held me close with his lips eagerly resting against mine. And so began the process of consoling Tetchou which happened to be easy when he was already this clingy.

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