Sigma x Reader

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Thanks @goshikisBff for the request

Work was always a pain, emotionally, mentally and physically. As I walked up the stairs to my apartment, I rubbed my shoulders and tried to work the knot out of my muscle but it was stubborn this time. Groaning, I fished my key out of my pocket and managed to push inside with a sigh for finally making it home after a long shift.

I barely had time to ease off my jacket when a bundle suddenly rushed into my arms, taking me by surprise as I caught my balance last minute to wrap my arms around the other boy.

"Jesus Sigma, maybe a little warning," I chuckled as I leaned closer to kiss the top of his head. He latched onto me tight, his long hair tickling my nose and his slender fingers gripping my shirt. Tenderly, I ran my hand along his head with a small hum. When he looked up at me, I nearly swooned like I did every time he did anything.

"Was work alright? You seem tense," his soft, smooth voice whispered with care and concern. His hands moved up to my sore shoulders to gently squeeze as if testing the waters. When I winced with a groan, he pulled his fingers back before gently grabbing my hand and guiding me to the couch. I followed willingly with a smile.

"Work was good, just long. I usually don't work so much so I guess my body is still trying to catch up," I shrug before kissing his cheek as he sat me back and almost shyly straddled my hips. I gave him a raise of my eyebrows which got me a gentle smack to my arm and a small glare from him.

"Don't look at me like that, you nasty. I'm giving you a massage," he grumbled through a blush as I rested my arms around his waist comfortably. He took a moment to adjust with a small squirm before cupping my face and pecking my nose gently, his hands sliding to my shoulders before working his fingers along the tender spot.

My head rested back on the couch as I melted beneath his touch. The aching felt good and that was before he had started to pepper the side of my face with his soft kisses while massaging the stress from my body. I couldn't help but laugh softly from the sensation as my hands moved from his waist to slide up his shirt to his sides. He let out a small gasp before pulling back to look at me with wide eyes.

"Don't. You. Dare..." he whispered while shaking his head. I smirked with a nod, clearly ready to dare. "Y/n, no. Y/n. Y/n!" He exclaimed with a surprised squeak as my fingers started to tickle his sides, his most sensitive spot.

He erupted into the most childish giggles, lurching sideways as I followed him down onto the couch, kissing his cheek while my fingers ghosted over the soft skin that made him squirm and laugh.

"God, I'm addicted to your laugh," I whispered to him while his hands tried to push my face away playfully, his legs weakly trying to kick me off him. I eventually laid my whole body down on him, my arms wrapping around him to fully trap him.

With no more tickles, he started to catch his breath, still softly laughing while I gently smothered his face with kisses. I pressed my face against his neck after a while, my ear pushing against his chest where I could hear his rapid heartbeat as his fingers stroked my hair.

"You're such an idiot sometimes. You were getting a free massage," he whispered clearly out of breath. I sat up a bit to look down at him, pressing my forehead against his gently.

"It was worth it. I got to hear your amazing laugh. We both know I'm not the best comedian so tickling is the only way I can make you laugh genuinely," I said softly. He sighed but his face was still flushed and his eyes were bright. His hands once again moved to cup my face and bring me closer.

When his lips brushed mine, I was done for. My body shuddered as I laid on him and held him close, kissing him passionately with all my love. His eyelashes fluttered beautifully against the soft skin of his cheeks, his fingers sliding into my hair while I melted more and more in his affection. After pulling away, there was only one thing on my mind.

"I can't wait to marry you Sigma. I love you so much," I gushed softly, grabbing his hand to press against my face as my fingers played with the engagement band there that matched the one on my own hand. My fiancé of the past few months smiled brightly up at me in a way that set me on fire.

"I can't wait to have you in every way possible y/n. Our marriage is going to be so beautiful and I'm so excited to spend the rest of our lives together...I love you too, more than anything..." he breathed out with a look of utter adoration. I leaned down to kiss him...and then kiss him again...and then again and again, knowing that no matter how many times I kissed him, it would never be enough to express how much I cherished him.

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