Oda x Reader

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Thanks @chishiya_solos for the request!

"Will you stop bringing that up?!  You want me to go through all the times you made a fool of yourself?  I can already tell you there's many to pick from," I hissed, narrowing my eyes as Dazai laughed his ass off, the drink in his hands shaking precariously in his loose hold.  I wanted to throttle him or knock over his drink but luckily I was sober enough to restrain my impulses unlike Dazai who leaned forward to flick my forehead. 
"Aww, but this is much more fun!  After all, you nearly pissed your pants over the most predictable jump scares, the movie wasn't even scary but the look on your face made it look like we were forcing you to watch war crimes in person," Dazai laughed, tilting to the side and bumping my shoulder.  The weight of his bump sent me leaning away until my own shoulder hit into the man to the side of me. 
I glanced at Oda sitting casually next to me, his eyes widened in interest and an amused smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth that wasn't hidden behind his glass.  He was clearly enjoying Dazai's and my little bickering.  I wasn't one to stay calm when someone was bugging me and the bandaged brunette at my side sure knew how to do that easily.  This night was sure to end the same way it always did when we all met up at the Lupin Bar; with Dazai triumphant and me simmering in my anger, Ango and Oda along for the ride. 
"You know what, you're right.  Maybe we should talk about the time I heard you talking in your sleep.  Want me to repeat what I heard?" Dazai cooed, smirking evilly as I felt my anger snap.  Ango exhaled in surprise as I shot to my feet, towering over Dazai who slouched on his stool with a victorious shimmer in his dark eyes.  Oda laughed suddenly, the sound short and cut off but I had already heard it and threw my attention at him now. 
"Oda, you think that's funny?  How about you get your kid already?  He's making me sick," I glared, my eyes flickering between the two of them in annoyance and irritation.  Both of them burst out in drunken laughter as I crossed my arms.  It was clear there would be no reasoning with either of them at this point.  With how blinded I was becoming with my anger, it's not like I was much more reasonable either. 
"Child?  What are you talking about?" Ango questioned by Oda's other side, his head tilted in confusion as he stared between all three of us.  He was probably the most fed up with all of our antics, even more than me but right now he looked like the most lost.  By the looks of his empty glass and his dazed stare, he looked like he was questioning everything in his life. 
Arms suddenly wrapped around my waist, a small yelp escaping my lips as I was yanked backwards.  Oda pulled me onto his lap, my face immediately heating up as his chest pressed into my back.  I could feel his heartbeat against my spine, each beat reverberating through me.  His hands latched onto my waist as his lips brushed against my ear. 
"If I'm one parent of Dazai, does that make you the other in this relationship?" he slurred in a whisper, his breath tickling my skin and making goosebumps rise along my arms.  Surprise and embarrassment washed through me as I became flustered, my hands trying to push his hands off of me.  My movements were half assed though as a part of me wanted to stay in his hold. 
"What?!  Dazai, Ango, get him off me!  Help me," I called out in a panicked tone, my voice shaky due to being flustered.  I shouldn't have expected much from my friends though as Ango only stared at us wide eyed and still in his drunken stupor.  Dazai was the one to move, nodding at me and getting up as if to help but he suddenly pulled out a camera that made my blood pump faster as he aimed the lens at Oda and I. 
"Alright then, action!" he called out with a thumbs up, smile wide and beaming.  A flash of realization filled me as my body froze its attempts to escape.  There was no way Oda would do what I was suspecting he might do.  He was drunk though and not thinking straight.  Dazai gave me a mischievous smirk as he pressed the button on the camera. 
"Why you little—!"  My proclamation was cut off as one of Oda's hands tilted my face towards his gently, guiding my lips to his.  It didn't take very long for me to melt into his kiss, my body adjusting in his lap to face him.  I couldn't even process anything other than his touch as I leaned against him in bliss. 
Each movement he made sent my head a little higher.  His teeth grazed against my lip, hands sliding along my sides enticingly.  Everything else faded away for a few moments the second he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.  When I came back down from the sudden high, I felt my face heat up as I pushed him away. 
"Do you have any idea how many black mail photos I have for the both of you now?" Dazai laughed out, waving the camera around.  I was too speechless to say a word in retaliation.  I couldn't even summon enough anger to overcome my delighted shock, ignoring Dazai and only staring at the beautiful dark eyes of Oda as he pulled me back in for another kiss.

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