Oda x Reader

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Thanks @Azulitaria for the request!

"Why the hell do I have to be here?"  Huffing, I checked my sides to feel the reassuring weight of my daggers in their sheaths before continuing down the sketchy alleyway.  The night did little to help with an assortment of strange nocturnal characters that lingered in the shadows but I also knew these strangers wouldn't so much as glance my way unless they had a death wish. 
"Mori gave you a job and so we you to complete it.  It might be fun," Dazai poked my back teasingly.  I slapped his hand as he whined, not amused with his too cheery behavior and wide smile.  Something felt especially off with him tonight, more so than usual.  Whatever he planned was never good so I was justified in being skeptical of his intentions. 
"Let's just hurry up and get this over with so I can go home," I grumbled back.  I should've been in bed with a good show or book in front of me, maybe even sleeping the night away but I couldn't seem to have that.  I just wanted to kill whoever needed killing and be done with it. 
Turning down another shady street, I perked up at the lone figure standing under one of the only working street lamps.  I wasn't sure where I'd seen him before but I could almost recognize him from somewhere.  When Dazai waved at the man, I took a guess of who this guy was. 
"Oda!  I'm so glad you could make it," Dazai shouted out cheerfully.  I slapped his arm to get him to quiet down.  At this point, he'd wake up the whole neighborhood and we didn't want that.  The man seemed to agree as he frowned at his friend.  I trailed behind with my own scowl. 
"I didn't have much of a choice when Mori sent me here," Oda pointed out matter of factly.  I scoffed in understanding, already telling that this guy didn't want to be here just as I didn't either.  At least we had something in common already.  It'd make this mission go by easier. 
"Well you two are here now and I have plans somewhere else!  Y/n, play nice," Dazai smiled, waving goodbye to us both.  My scowl deepened, flipping him off as he walked away with a thumbs up.  He was definitely acting weirder than usual and I didn't appreciate the warning either.  He had no control over me. 
"So, you're y/n," Oda stated politely behind me.  I spun around to stare at him, taking in his features for the first time.  His hair was messy and unkempt but his clothes were clean, an attractive combination.  Slight stubble dotted his jaw, giving him an edge to his looks.  Overall, he looked put together and capable of getting the job done. 
"And you're Oda," I replied back.  I've heard about him from the times Dazai would rant about his best friend.  I was expecting a punk or slob by the way he was described to me but this man seemed polite and calm.  He wasn't too bad to look at either.  Maybe this job wouldn't be such a pain after all. 
"We should get going.  The warehouse isn't too far from here," Oda nodded before turning away to walk down the street.  I snapped from my trance to chase after him, sidling up beside him.  My curiosity was surely piqued as I let my gaze trace his neutral expression.  He didn't seem to mind my attention even as his eyes flicked to watch me back. 
"Dazai made you sound like much more of a pain," I stated.  He gave a small shrug as if he understood what Dazai saw in him and didn't mind his opinion.  Oda didn't seem like he cared about much at all really, not in a heartless way but a calm understanding.  It only drew me in more. 
"You should hear the way Dazai talks about you.  I was worried I was dealing with the devil himself.  I guess you've got the sinfully good looks for it," Oda smiled slightly, one side of his mouth lifting as his eyes focused on the street ahead.  I couldn't tell whether he was teasing me or not but my heart began to race nonetheless.  I definitely wasn't expecting to be flirted with tonight.  Two could play that game though. 
"Careful there, handsome, I doubt Dazai's told you how I deal with guys like you," I smirked, stepping closer to him.  His eyes flickered to me with mischief glinting maliciously.  It was a promise of trouble that I was starting to want.  I knew he was still a stranger but that could be fixed. 
"What do you mean guys like me?" he goaded with a wink.  It was clear Oda knew what he was doing as his hand brushed against mine between us before dropping again.  That small contact sent sparks across my skin.  This teasing could only go so far until someone made a bold move.  I was beginning to wonder which one of us that would be. 
Deciding it was going to be me, I suddenly pushed against Oda.  He let out a surprised grunt as his back collided with a wall behind him.  There were no working street lamps here, only darkness as one of my hands pressed against his chest to hold him back.  His eyes were wide in the darkness but they didn't hold fear, only curious anticipation. 
"Guys like you that are too attractive for their own good or anyone else's," I whispered between us, pushing closer as I gazed into his eyes.  I felt him shudder slightly at our closeness before he smirked.  His hand came up to hold my wrist before it trailed up my skin teasingly.  Goosebumps rose along my flesh wherever he touched until he reached my collarbone where he stopped. 
"Dazai should've set us up sooner.  How have I been missing out on this?" he whispered with a soft chuckle.  The sound made my face heat up even after everything else didn't.  I released him, taking a step back as I turned down the street again.  Oda wasn't far behind as we walked side by side again.  I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up my throat.  When Oda gave me a curious tilt of his head, I looked at him with a knowing smirk. 
"He did set us up, didn't he?"


Dazai POV

Yes yes yes!  It's happening!  It's finally happening!  Y/n and Oda are sailing!  The two flirty bastards will be dating in no time!  Marriage isn't far behind!  Maybe a kid or two!  Look at their smiles; I knew they were a perfect match.

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