Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @xXHailSNailXx for the request!
‼️gender dysphoria, accidental outing‼️

I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling a bit meh today as I adjusted my chest binder a bit more for maximum flatness. It just didn't feel like enough today for some reason as I ruffled my hair before throwing on an extra baggy shirt. I angled myself to the side, running my hand down my chest and frowning a bit more with the tiny bump. It was barely anything. Even cis men have chests, it's okay. It doesn't need to be any flatter to keep passing.

I tried to calm myself down as I brushed my teeth and threw on a sweatshirt for extra cover with a sigh. I'd probably feel better tomorrow but today was not the day.

On my walk to the ADA, I kept my head down and avoided interacting with people in any way. I was going to be fine today. No one even knew. They all see me as who I am, not what I was. I'd never let any of them find out anyways.

I sighed tiredly as I stopped at the cafe under the offices, ordering a coffee to get me through the morning at least. I waited patiently, tapping my foot on the ground a bit nervously. Something didn't feel right today. It could've been nothing but I felt my ability already on edge from my unease. Gender dysphoria was a bitch and even more so because my ability was so tightly wound to my mental and emotional state. Yeah, ouch.

I paid for my coffee and gave the old man a smile before I walked up the steps to the offices. I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping into my home away from home with my found family. Immediately I felt a bit better as I waved at Atsushi and stole a candy from Ranpo, running to Yosano's office to grab her reports like I did every morning.

When Dazai walked up to me with a frown, I stopped in my tracks in instant fear. It was always the first thing I thought of when someone looked like they had bad news to give me. I was always afraid I was being outed. It didn't make sense though as I shook the thought from my head, putting on a small smile to hide my anxiousness.

"Kunikida wants to see you about something. He's in his office," Dazai told me with seriousness. I felt my ability strain under my skin, wanting nothing more than to lose control in a panic. I managed to chain it up though as I gave Dazai a nod, walking past him before he gently grabbed my arm. I looked over my shoulder at him in surprise.

"You can tell me anything y/n. You can tell any of us anything. We're your friends, your family," he whispered softly. I felt my breathing turn heavy as I nodded shakily. He let me go with a nod, turning away from me as I took a moment to rapidly think over what the hell Kunikida wanted to tell me. I felt my ability flaring as I desperately held it back, taking shaky breaths as I stepped into Kunikida's office.

I didn't even bother saying anything as I stood in the doorway. I was too afraid to move any closer, too scared of what he might say. He looked up at me from his desk before realizing I wasn't going to get any closer let alone sit. He stood up and walked close to me. My eyes were trained on him in fear.

"Y/n...there was an accident this morning before you showed up. Some files from Fukuzawa's study ended up being mixed up with the case files and as a group we went through them to try to sort them out," he started off quietly. It didn't sound so bad until a thought slithered into my brain, my whole body tensing up as I started to breathe heavily.

"We came across your file. We didn't understand at first but when we did we put it away," Kunikida whispered carefully. My arm reached for the doorway as I started to hyperventilate.

"You...you saw my old name. You saw my goddamn picture. You all saw it..." I breathed out painfully, shaking my head as I felt a panic attack building. My ability tugged at my emotions and growing distress, feeding off of it as my back grew sore.

"Please no. You guys weren't supposed to know," I cried out.

"Y/n, please calm down. We don't think any differently about you. It was an accident," Kunikida stated firmly as he looked at me in concern, clearly trying to ground me but it was too late as my ability laced through me like some fast working drug. I felt the skin on my back rip apart as dragon wings sprouted, bloody and trembling from my panic as I stepped away from Kunikida in fear. They knew. They all knew. They all saw the old me I was so sure I had killed long ago.

I desperately looked around, searching for an escape as I ran down the hallway, my wings aching against my back before I felt horns slice through my skull and out of my head. I cried out in pain, clutching my head as I bumped into Dazai and Kenji, both of them looking at me in concern as they blocked my exit. I tried to run backwards but Kunikida, Junichiro and Atsushi were there now. It didn't take long until Kenji, Ranpo and Yosano joined in on cornering me. My heartbeat thrummed as I whimpered and cried in fear. They'll hurt me, they'll hate me.

"I'm a boy. Please, I'm a boy," I repeated pitifully, my arms wrapping around myself as my wings shivered behind me. My ability tugged on my fear as I cried in pain, shaking my head. "I'm a boy".

"Y/n, listen to me right now." Kunikida's voice was demanding as he strode forward. I shrunk away in response, crouching down with my wings folding over me as if I could hide from them, from my past self. Suddenly, gentle fingers stroked my wing. The touch was careful and light, just enough to catch my attention.

"Y/n. We all love you no matter what. You've always been our boy and you always will be. That file doesn't define you or how we see you. You're still our beautiful, handsome, kind hearted guy. No file will change that," Kunikida whispered as he continued to gently touch my wing. My breathing was still heavy but I was feeling slightly calmer as I gathered my thoughts. They didn't hate me. They knew who I was before but only recognized the me now. It still hurt to think they saw all of it but...this was better.

When my shivering subsided enough, Kunikida softly moved my wings from my body. I looked up at him with my tear stained face, seeing his gentle gaze and the understanding in his eyes. I couldn't help myself as I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around him. He instantly pulled me against him, holding me tightly.

I felt my ability calm over time until I was able to withdraw my wings back into my body with a soft cry, my horns retreating as well until I was only a boy in Kunikida's arms. Only a boy.

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