Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @Itz_JuliaMoonlight for the request!

"What's that ring on your finger for?"  The whole office seemed to go quiet as everyone perked up to stare at Dazai.  Kenji's question had caught everyone's attention as curiosity moved through the office like a wave.  Dazai didn't seem to care though as he brushed it off with a shrug and a grin. 
"I'm a married man and Chuuya happens to be the lucky bride," he pridefully smirked.  That was enough to make the whole office erupt into shocked congratulations, some members even handing over money from a losing bet with scowls though they were quick to hide them after seeing the happiness on Dazai's face.  Everyone seemed more or less happy for the two. 
"That's wrong.  How could you even think of doing such a thing?" Kunikida frowned in disapproval, pushing his glasses up his nose.  The ADA office went quiet at that, peering around in surprise and nervousness as tension built between Dazai and Kunikida.  No one left though, keen on seeing where this small little scuffle went and who would win. 
"You don't like that I married a man?  I wasn't aware that you were homophobic.  It doesn't suit you," Dazai smirked, leaning back in his chair as he looked at Kunikida with humor.  He of course knew it wasn't true but he loved the way the blonde man shifted uncomfortably before standing with anger.  Dazai always knew how to get under his skin. 
"I mean it's wrong to be married to the enemy.  Whether you love him or not, he's still part of the Port Mafia," Kunikida huffed, not pleased with the smile on Dazai's face.  The sound of Ranpo's sudden giggling wasn't helping his mood either.  He sent an irritated glance at the detective as Ranpo only laughed harder. 
"Interesting that you feel that way.  Considering everything," Ranpo laughed, giving Kunikida a knowing smile that made him instantly nervous.  Everyone knew that Ranpo had the answers and gossip on pretty much anyone but it was the first time other members of the ADA suspected that there was something that Kunikida might be hiding. 
Before anyone could ask for further information though, Fukuzawa entered the office as silence settled around the group.  He looked around with a raise of his eyebrow in suspicion. 
"I don't know what this is and I don't want to know but I request the service of Dazai, Atsushi and Kunikida for supervision of an area I suspect the Port Mafia will show up," Fukuzawa stated seriously, his eyes scanning everyone before he turned to leave.  Dazai wiggled his eyebrows at Kunikida as Atsushi followed behind Fukuzawa to get the mission details, knowing his higher ups would be hopeless in focusing on the task at this moment.


"I really can't believe you're homophobic.  You could've come out to me sooner about this, I still would've accepted you," Dazai teased, poking at Kunikida's side.  The other didn't find it humorous though as he was visibly becoming agitated.  Dazai didn't care though, continuing to crack jokes without realizing the company that waited just outside the warehouse they were in. 
They had been waiting for the Port Mafia to show up and now they had arrived, creeping in through a side door without any of the ADA detectives realizing.  Even Atsushi was distracted by his coworkers bickering and teasing to check his surroundings.  It wasn't until one of the Port Mafia officials was tapping his foot against the ground with a loud clap that caught the attention of the ADA members. 
"It seems we have a little gathering here for us, my friends.  Who would've known the ADA would send some gifts?" the man smiled wickedly.  Kunikida perked up at the familiar voice, his gaze meeting the leader of the small squad.  The man's grin only widened, a ring similar to one on Kunikida's hand glinting in the shadows.  "Hello my love, I didn't expect seeing you here but since you're here, we might as well have a dance." 
Dazai and Atsushi's jaws dropped in ultimate shock as the rest of the Port Mafia squad sprinted into action, targeting the two left in shock.  Kunikida and the squad leader moved simultaneously, closing the distance between them as their weapons clashed.  Kunikida had called upon a dagger from his ability while the other man held an elaborate blade that spun in his hand.  They were quick and strong and yet none of their strikes landed.  It truly looked like a dance as they parried the other's attacks, avoiding any sort of contact that would lead to harm. 
"You could try a little harder, love.  Put on a show for your coworkers," the man slyly smiled, sweeping his leg to trip Kunikida.  The action was slow and deliberate, giving the other a chance to avoid being knocked to the ground.  Kunikida threw a single glance over his shoulder where Dazai and Atsushi were finishing up the rest of the squad before his gaze glued onto his opponent. 
"Y/n, I haven't told them," Kunikida whispered low, more bashful than worried.  Y/n smirked at that, throwing a punch that never landed as Kunikida's own hand came up to feign a slice that his opponent easily dodged.  Silence fell across the warehouse as the two sparred, not aware of the confused stares of the remaining ADA detectives. 
"What's going on?" Atsushi questioned, not sure whether to jump into the lack of a fight or not.  It was clear that the two weren't actually planning on landing any of their hits as they were slow and misleading.  Y/n took a step back to send a smirk towards Dazai and the weretiger. 
"Kunikida just doesn't want to hurt his lovely husband...it's not like I want to hurt him either," y/n slyly cooed, knocking away Kunikida's knife when he became too flustered to focus.  The Port Mafia member dove in but not for a kill.  Dazai and Atsushi instantly looked away as y/n pressed a kiss to Kunikida's lips. 
"So he's not homophobic, just a hypocrite," Dazai muttered, smiling at the thought of his friend married and clearly happy.  When y/n finished taking Kunikida's breath away, he pushed him towards his coworkers with a wink.  Kunikida stumbled a bit, light headed from the surprise kiss before gaining his footing. 
"This was a lovely time.  We should do this again sometime," y/n called out, giving a small bow.  He sent a slightly disappointed look to the bodies behind the detectives but otherwise smiled large and bright.  Blowing a kiss to Kunikida, y/n noticed the way his shoulders tensed up as a light blush dusted his face.  "Don't be home too late my love."

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