Chuuya x Reader

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Thanks @iipobx for the request!
‼️Eating disorder mentioned, body dysphoria?‼️
(Definitely not writing from experience...)

Seventeen pounds...that wasn't a lot right? I mean, it's been a maybe it was a lot to lose in such a short amount of time. But also not? It's not like I'm not eating, I'm just not eating as many meals during the day as I used to. I'm fine, it's all in my head. I'm probably fine.

I step off the scale with a sigh, moving to the mirror as I take off my shirt. This has become some sort of ritual I did every other day now. I check my weight, take off my shirt in the mirror and slide my finger down my exposed ribs. Was it really getting that bad? I doubt my lack of sleep was helping with my health either.

I looked at the dark circles under my eyes, the way my ribs stuck out, the curve of my stomach sinking in, the sharp points of my hips sticking out against my flesh. But I'm fine because I'm still eating something during the day.

I make an unsatisfied sound in the back of my throat before I throw my shirt back on and walk out of the bathroom. I move towards the sound of the tv in the living room, finding Chuuya laying there having finally awakened after sleeping over the night before. He just needed a place to crash for a night and I offered. Seeing him here actually brought some sort of comfort so it worked out for the both of us.

I moved to sit by him on the couch. He tore his gaze from the tv and blinked at me slowly, seemingly looking me over.

"Did you buy a bigger size shirt?" he scrunched his eyebrows together in visible confusion. I tilted my head a bit before looking at the shirt I was wearing, an old shirt that of course Chuuya recognized on me. I shook my head slightly.

"No. It's still the same shirt..." I say in equal confusion of why he would mention that before I realized my mistake. His eyes widened a bit before he reached out to gently pull on the front of it, displaying just how baggy it was on my body now...more baggy than it was about a month or so ago.

"What the fuck?" he whispered to himself before standing up from the couch to lean over me. I tensed up as I realized what was happening. He seemed to really look at me now, probably noticing all the bony parts of me that stuck out and the once fuller parts of me that caved in.

He didn't beat around the bush as he grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet. I wobbled a bit, my head light as blood rushed to my face quickly. I stumbled a bit and that made Chuuya grow more concerned as he steadied me on my shaky legs.

In the moment I was weak and unable to fight back, he pulled at my shirt and promptly lifted it up, exposing my ribs and sunken stomach to him. I froze up, terrified of the sight he was looking at. I was a mess but it was different looking at my own body rather than looking at my body through his eyes. I had to face the facts though. I was sickly looking. Like a slight breeze would knock me over and it actually just might. I tried to pull my shirt back down but Chuuya had an iron grip on the loose fabric.

"Holy fuck y/n..." he whispered but instead of disgust like I expected, it sounded more like fear which didn't make me feel much better. I squeezed my eyes shut as if that would make this all disappear. As if it would make me disappear.

"Chuuya...I'm fine. It's just a couple pounds..." I whispered shakily, trying weakly to convince him but I knew it was pointless when the evidence of my mental health was on display for him to see, clear as day.

"When was the last time you ate?" he whispered seriously, one of his fingers gently touching my protruding ribs with care and curiosity. I trembled at the contact, feeling just how much of me I had lost. This was a problem...wasn't it?

"Yesterday. I ate dinner, I swear Chuuya," I said softly, almost pleadingly as if getting him to believe me would erase this issue. He looked at me, pain in his eyes and concern clear on his face. The fear he had was for me...not at me.

"Yeah but what about before that?" he whispered. He seemed to already know the answer as I clammed up, having to actually think about that and when I realized the answer, it made all of this clear to me. This wasn't normal. This wasn't something I could brush off. Tears welled up in my eyes as I shook my head. Chuuya didn't press any further as he pulled my shirt back down to cover my messed up body, pulling me into a gentle hug that made my joints stick out against him. He didn't say anything about it though as he gently grabbed my head and pulled it to his shoulder.

"We'll figure this out y/n. We'll do some research and see if we can manage it together first and if it doesn't work, we'll go from there. We'll find someone to talk to if we have to," he whispered softly, kissing the side of my head soothingly as my body trembled. I didn't fight back or whine or lie about how I was fine any longer. I gave into the care and let him hold me.

"Okay...okay..." I whispered against his shoulder, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale that filled up the empty space in my body, making my ribs press against my skin before I exhaled, feeling that things were about to change.

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