Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @AllYouWannaDo4321 for the request!

My eyes refused to stray from the blond man seated at his desk, completely oblivious to my pain. I wasn't sure what's been happening but it hurts that we've been falling apart like this. We were so close before. We would do everything together, paperwork, walks after work and even sharing dinners. Somewhere between then and now something broke and I wasn't sure what it was or how to fix it so I could see him smile at me again. He was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him like this.

I sighed dejectedly, turning away from Kunikida to type my report on my computer. It wasn't going to help anybody if I wasted any more hours just watching him like this. I just wanted to know what I did to drive him away. It was clearly something I must've done to cause him to avoid me at all costs and ignore my pleading stares. I was going to go insane not being able to figure out the problem when all I wanted was to be near him.

"God damn it," I muttered to myself. Hitting my hands on my desk, I pushed myself up in dire need to get out of this small office for a bit. I didn't even bother looking at Kunikida as I walked past him on my way to the door. A few of my other coworkers glanced up but nobody stopped me as I slammed the door shut behind me in a strong fury, all of my anger directed at myself.

I wasn't even sure what to do once I had left the office so I ended up strolling around the block to clear my mind, just enough for me to keep my sanity once I had to go back to the office again. I couldn't keep hiding like this, feeling forced out of a space with Kunikida that I used to feel so comfortable in. Whatever had happened between us needed to be patched up no matter how painful it might be to bring up. Something had occurred for Kunikida that I did to make this possible so it only made sense that I reached out to him first.

With a resolved state of mind, I trudged back to the ADA building in hopes of making things better between us. I was a little nervous to approach him after days and days of neglect but I had to steel my nerves. It didn't help however when I walked up the steps and happened to overhear Kunikida saying my name.

"I just can't talk to him, Dazai. Whenever I even think of having that conversation I get unnerved and immediately dismiss it," his voice mumbled from around the corner. I knew eavesdropping was a morally grey area but I couldn't help crouching a bit to hear what he was saying better. Perhaps I could get an answer for what I did wrong to push him away and make him hate me like this. He didn't even want to think of talking to me again. The sting of it spread through my chest painfully but I didn't make an effort to leave yet.

"So you're not going to talk to him again? That seems a little counterproductive, don't you think?" Dazai sighed. It was clear in his tone that Kunikida has already talked to him about this issue. The pain only increased thinking that even Dazai wouldn't tell me what was the matter. Did everyone just hate me now? What the hell did I even do?

"I can't keep doing this. It hurts too much to be apart from him like this. If I could just tell him already and get it over with, maybe everything can go back to normal," Kunikida sighed in clear exhaustion. By the time Dazai and him turned the corner, I was gone and more confused than ever.


I was thankful that the next day was a day off from work. I wasn't ready to face Kunikida yet after what I overheard from yesterday. Confusion and unsurety plagued me the whole night and made sleep nearly impossible. I normally didn't drink coffee but I definitely felt like I needed it now as I found myself walking to the nearest cafe. When I walked in however, it took everything in me not to bolt.

Kunikida stood in line, his gaze already turned on me in a way that he hasn't done in a long time. It was jarring to see the beautiful color of his eyes and feel the once common warmth that blossomed from the pit of my stomach to my chest. This time he didn't immediately look away from me, a flicker of hope sparking inside me that I could make things right.

I walked towards him, standing behind him in line. It was a little awkward to say the least but I wasn't sure how to start this conversation. Jumping right in would be best but my tongue ended up tied and my lips refused to move to form words. Turns out Kunikida had something to say first.

"The weather is nice for a day off, don't you think?" he smiled softly, if a little bit tensely. I had to bite back a scoff as I looked at him in incredulity. He's talking to me about the weather? It seemed like such a simple thing to say, especially after what felt like endless days of silence.

"I suppose it is. Work's been a little rough so this is pretty calming," I mumbled back a little shyly. It was surprising when Kunikida began to talk about the previous cases he's been working on, something so plain and familiar. The tense mood instantly melted away as we replayed what we've been up to in our momentary separation. He didn't mention why that was and if I didn't still feel that ghost of shame and confusion leering over the conversation, I would've sworn I had been dreaming the whole thing to begin with. When there was a pause in the conversation though, I decided to ask.

"Why did you avoid me for so long? Did I do something wrong or hurt you in any way? I'm really sorry if I did but I want to go back to this," I whispered quietly, averting my gaze to the ground in disappointment for ruining the cheery atmosphere. Kunikida fell silent as I started to panic. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked out of the blue like tha—."

Kunikida wrapped an arm around my waist, catching me by surprise before he pulled me to him. When he kissed me, I was sure I had missed something in our conversation. How had I missed this fact? Kunikida was gentle and the feel of his lips on mine was comforting in a way that nothing else could compare to. By the time I could think to slip my fingers in his hair, he had pulled away with a heavy blush.

"I love you y/n. I didn't know how to tell you when I realized it. I didn't want to scare you or make you uncomfortable so I pushed you away," Kunikida breathed out. I couldn't help smiling wide, pulling him in for another kiss despite the fact that there were witnesses in this coffee shop. I hadn't done anything wrong and I had Kunikida back again. And now I knew that he loved me almost as much as I cherished him.

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