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I look down from the boat, JJ is floating head down on the water.
,,JJ!" I shout as loud as I can, but it does nothing. He clearly passed out from the shovel hitting his head. I don't think twice about what I am about to do. I jump down. When I hit the water, I swim for air first, then I grab JJ's body and flip him over so he's face up. 
,,JJ." I shake with his body but he doesn't move. 
,,I'm sorry." I whisper to him when I realize this is my fault. He tried to save me and got himself throw overboard.
,,Stay with me, J." I press him closer to me with one arm. The other one is keeping us afloat, so we wouldn't drown.
,,I'm sorry." I repeat again.
,,John B's coming, J." I whisper again. My strength is slowly disappearing because I need to swim for both of us. 
I lean back and close my eyes from the exhaustion. Just a little longer, they are coming.

I don't know how long I swim here, when I hear my name.
,,Kie?!" I hear again. I open my eyes and shout back.
,,Here!" but nothing response this time or at least I don't think so. God, I am so tired. I close my eyes again.
,,I'm sorry." I press JJ even closer if that's even possible. 
,,I'm sorry." I wave washes over to us and for a second we are under water. When we get back up, I am surprised to hear more shouting from closer than before. I actually thought I imagined that.
,,JJ! Kie!" I open my eyes and see a small boat and Pogues on it. Pope jump to the water when they are almost in front of us. He takes JJ from my hands and with John B's help, they get him to the boat. Pope helps me next and then he gets in. 

Someone starts the engine, but I don't care at all about that. I get to my knees and shake with JJ,  he still didn't open his eyes and I am afraid to check his pulse. Pope does it for me, he just nods lightly.
,,J." I shake him again, he slowly opens his eyes and starts to cough out the water from his lungs.
,,Cough it out, man." John B says and I just look at him relieved his okey. J lies down again and looks around confused where he is. His eyes locks with mine, he can surely see the worry.
,,Sup?" he says, I smile a little and then I hug him around his head. He's fine. I smile more.

I look up when I hear a gun shot out of nowhere. Everyone's attention is caught up and we turn around. Rafe is standing on the top of the boat that we just get out of. Our eyes lock for a brief moment. Everything he did to us runs through my mind. 

He points his gun again at us, but my eyes won't leave his and he hesitate which give us time to get further from him. He lower the gun when he realize is pointless to shoot now, but he keeps looking. After a few more minutes he turns around and leave from our sight.

I look around, everybody is quit.
,,So.. I can see you are fun and games 24/7." Cleo states ironically and look at John B and Sarah.
,,Yeah." Sarah bows her head down.
,,Good to know." Cleo nods and starts to spin her knife in her hand. I turn around back to JJ, I pick up some cloth that Sarah gave me and brush the blood from his head. It takes some time before the wound stops bleeding, but it stops, that's important here.

JJ close his eyes from tiredness and fell asleep almost instantly. I lean next to him.
,,What now." Pope asks the question everyone think about.
,,We are in the middle of nowhere, we have no way to call anyone..." he starts to panic, but JB cut him mid sentence.
,,We need to get to shore before the gas runs out. That's the only problem we need to worry about right now. Okey? We figure out the rest then." Pope nods, John B give a look to everyone else and we nod as well.
,,Which way should we even go?" Pope starts to panic again. I sigh.
,,I guess, this wasn't the best idea we ever had." I join their conversation.
,,Yeah, surprisingly it wasn't JJ's." I add so I would lighten up the mood.

The rest of the way everyone's quit, we just look around looking for the shore. I can feel how tired I am, but I resist falling asleep. Even if we weren't looking for the shore and I could sleep, I don't think I even wanted to. Only nightmares are waiting for me about what just happened. It happened when we thought John B and Sarah has died too. I can do that again even though I know we survived.

After few more hours heading in the same direction we finally see a shore. John B turns to us and smile lightly. It takes us another hour before we reach it. 
John B shut down the engine and jumps out of the boat first. He secures the boat so it wouldn't float away. Everyone's starts to jump out too, I shake with J to wake him up. He opens his eyes and with mine help he sits up. He smiles when he sees we are on the shore and not at see. We get out of the boat and take a quick look around us.

,,JJ, you good?" John B asks him. I sit down next to Sarah and Cleo on the sand.
,,Yeah, my head spins a bit but I'm good." they do the Pogue handshake.
,,So, anyone know where the hell we are?" J gives everyone a look.
,,On a beach, North Islands?" Pope states.
,,Key, I take that as a no." J says sarcastically.
,,Good plan by the way, it went very smooth." JJ adds towards Pope.
,,We can't go any deeper than this." Pope sighs.
,,We have nothing to lose anymore. The cross? Gone!" he shakes his head.
,,The gold? Gone!" Sarah continues. 
,,We got lucky, it could have ended worse." John B states. I look up at him same as everyone.
,,If the boiler room wouldn't blow up, Rafe would have killed me. I wouldn't get out, I wouldn't get to Sarah and to the boat. I wouldn't get us out of there and Kiara and JJ would be dead as well as I would." John B look at me, JJ and Sarah.
,,That wasn't luck, it was evident that boiler is gonna blow up the second I stop adding to it." Cleo corrects him.
,,Okey." JB nods and looks at Pope.
,,Pope is related to Denmark Tanny, that's amazing!" Pope raises his eyebrows at him.
,,Yes, and I lost all of his inheritance." Pope remind him.
,,You know what?" John B stands before before us.
,,This is Pogues life!" he throws up his hands.
,,We have a piece of paradise all to ourselves!" he tries to cheer us up.
,,With my friends! With my family!" he continues, but everyone still looks at him depressed.
,,I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else than you guys." he adds and look around. But that only reminds me my parents. I know we mostly fight in the past few days. Dammit, they wanted to sent me to boarding school, but still.. I had never wanted them in this situation, when they don't know where I am, if I'm still alive. I know they love me and they only want the best for me, but they can not understand that I already had that with Pogues. I wish that they could understand that and stop trying to change me or sent me away from my friends.
,,So when you all complain about all the little things.. JJ?" John B looks at his best friend.
,,Look at the waves." they both turn around.
,,I can see a few." JJ smiles.
,,Kie?" John B turns around. 
,,I know you can see them." I shake my head with a smile.
,,We don't have surfs." I point out, because he clearly forgot about that part.
,,We can just swim!" he smiles.
,,C'mon!" he turns to Pope.
,,They look great." Pope admits.
,,We could stay here before we figure what to do next." Pope adds.
,,Poguelandia." JJ says out of nowhere.
,,I name this place Poguelandia." he explains. I chuckle same as everyone. John B squats in front of Sarah.
,,Going full Pogue." he extend his hand and Sarah gets up with him.
,,Going full Pogues." she repeats. Pope helps to get up Cleo ,,Welcome to the Pogues." he smiles at her. JJ looks down at me, I take his hand and he gets me up.

We head to the see, on the way Pope explain our handshake to Cleo.


,,Don't worry dad, I'll find her. I'll find Sarah and bring her home, I promise." I get out of his suite. I head to the deck and find myself the same boat the Pogues stole. I head in the same direction they did, I check my gun if it's ready because I know they won't let Sarah go easily so I am going to need that gun for sure. However I didn't say I'll bring her home alive so it's really up them. I won't mind either way.

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