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The Pogues sleeps over tonight. Dad told us Luke paid them a visit and he started to be agressive and wanted to punch Hannah, but Rick got in the way. They started to fight, dad tried to seperated them, but he wasn't able to and got punched himself.

He went for his gun and shot into the air, Luke run away and I opened the door few seconds later. Dad thought it's him again and shot by accident, he wanted only to aim at the door to scare Luke away. Unfortunately, it was me. And JJ close behind me, so he saved me for being shot again.

JJ helped me upstairs and then he helped the boys to bring Sarah's mattress into my room so they could sleep in here too.

,,I can take the mattress on the floor and you can sleep with Kie in her bed." I hear JJ offer to Sarah in the hallway. My door is open so I can even see them but I guess they think I can't either of the two.
,,No, I think she needs you by her side." Sarah lightly smiles and goes back to her room for a second. JJ turns to my room and find me looking at him.
,,Do you need something? Like water or anything?" he asks me and goes to bed. I shake my head and pat on the bed so he would lie down next to me. He smiles and takes off his shoes so he could do what I want.

The rest of the Pogues comes soon after that and lie down on the mattress on the floor.


The next day, mum is the only one home. We have closed today at the Wreck, so they can go to hospital for support because the surgery is today. Rick, Hannah and dad already went there. I don't know where's Kyle and his family at, but probably also in the hospital.

,,Morning." mum says when I and JJ enter the kitchen. The rest of the Pogues are still sleeping.
,,I figured I wait here till you wake up and check up how are you doing after... yesterday." she says worried.
,,I'm fine, I was just in shock." I say and sit down. JJ goes to the fridge and hands me a water bottle.
,,Thanks." I smile at him.
,,No problem." he kisses me on my cheak.
,,Okey, what do you want for breakfast? I wasn't sure when you wake up so I didn't prepare anything." she asks.
,,Mum, you can go now. We can make something ourselves. I'll text if anything." I give her a serious look.
,,O-okey." she nods eventually. She then go to the door where she grabs her kyes and leaves.
,,So, what do you want for breakfast?" JJ gets up and looks in the fridge.
,,Make yourself at home." I joke, he slightly turns around and winks at me.
,,So?" he asks.
,,I could go for eggs." I decide.
,,Right." he nods and take out everything he needs.

It takes him 10 minutes and when he's done, he place a plate in front of me. He also grab a plate for himself and sits opposite of me.
,,Want a poisoned coffee?" I stand up before I start to eat.
,,Ha ha." he rolls his eyes.
,,You sure you can do that?" he asks. I frown at him.
,,I can make a coffee, JJ!" I roll my eyes and prepare two coffees from our coffee machine.
,,Carefull, I might have poisoned it for real for that bullshit comment." I place a cup in front of him and sit back down. He smiles and take a sip without saying anything. That's new.
,,You already have people to help you hide my body so." he shrugs and we eat our breakfast in peace from anyone interupting.
,,Do you think Luke comes back?" I ask him after I put the dirty dishes to the dishwasher. He looks up at me.
,,I hope not." he says.
,,I hope he won't go to the hospital to cause another troubles." I say.
,,Well, she's not his daughter, so he can't do anything to interupt the surgery, so there's that. Also, the hospital have security, if he went for Hannah again, they would stop him." he goes to me and wraps his hands around my torso, I wrap my arms around his neck and smile.
,,How are you doing? Really." he asks the same question as my mum.
,,I'm okey. Really. It was just a shock yesterday." I repeat and I mean it.

,,Sarah's coming into the room!!" she shouts from upstairs, both of us turn around and wait for her and John B show up.
,,That was unnecessary. AGAIN." I comment.
,,She already told you, she likes to be annonce before entering the room." JJ reminds me and steps back and leans on the counter next to me.
,,I learned my lesson and I won't ask." John B says and sits down.
,,So when I was onto them, I said it so I wouldn't walk in on them. It was the night we played the scrabble." Sarah explains anyways.
,,We were just talking. Then and now." I say.
,,I just want to be sure. You can't unsee it later!" she points out.
,,I didn't even ask and still got the answer. Perfect." John B rolls his eyes.
,,Where's your parents?" she asks.
,,Hospital. Malia's surgery is today." I explain.
,,Oh yeah, I forgot." she shakes her head.
,,So no breakfast I see." she makes a sad face.
,,We already had one." I smile.
,,And poisoned coffee. Don't forget that!" JJ reminds and I chuckle.
,,Right." I nod.
,,I guess, you didn't make it, if the house is still standing." Sarah's chuckle to and I give her a death stare.
,,That was uncalled for." I cross my arms, but she just smiles at me.

They make them breakfast and also for Pope and Cleo who wakes up half an hour later. We spent the day watching Netflix in our living room and wait for the update about Malia.

Around 7 o'clock my phone pings so I read a message from mum.
,,She's out of surgery in recovery. It went well." I tell the others with a smile.
,,Jeez, at least we won this if not anything else." Sarah comments.
,,Yeah." JJ nods and smiles also even though he tries to hide it. I get it though. He hates his mum but that doesn't change the fact that Malia is his sister. Half-sister, but still. I realize in that moment that he haven't had the chance to meet her yet, I should talk to mum later and see if we can change that. I bet, she would like to meet JJ.
,,Hey, you okey?" JJ places a hand on my knee and brings me back to reality.
,,Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about Malia." I say half the truth.
,,Okey." he nods and moves his hand away. It's still kind of weird doing anything more than friends do in front of the Pogues.

The girls and I do some coctails in the kitchen before all of us move to our porch to celebrate this.

My phone starts to ring. I frown when I see Topper calling me.

,,Hey?" I answer the phone confused why he's calling.
,,Fuck, great. Are you home?" he asks.
,,Ehm, yeah?" I ask confused. Everyone stops talking and turns to look at me.
,,Ricky's back." he says almost scared.
,,Wasn't she in jail?" I don't understand what her arrival back has anything to do with me.
,,Yeah. Ehm, funny thing. She's out and on revenge spree as it looks like." he explains.
,,Revenge spree? What the hell!? Why?!" I get up and start to pace around.
,,Who's we anyway? Where are you?" I ask.
,,I'm with Rafe and Kelce at the Club. Rafe's talking to her right now with Kelce but I thought I should warn you she's back and you are on her hit list." he explains again and I close my eyes for a moment.
,,Hit list? Tell me that you don't mean that litteraly?!" I shake my head.
,,Just, lock your house and we come to explain." he says.
,,Jesus Christ. What did you do? What had any of this do with me? We were friends!" I shake my head.
,,Yeah. She's a psychopat. I don't have time to talk to you right now. We'll be there in twenty." he say instead of answering any of my questions.
,,You don't have time to talk to me? Alright." I chuckle ironicaly.
,,See ya. Lock your doors! Stay in!" he hangs up the phone.

I look at the others very confused.
,,What? Who was that?" Sarah asks first.
,,Riley's back apperently and it was Topper." I say.
,,They will pay us a visit." I add.
,,Wait, Crazy Riley?" Sarah frowns.
,,Crazy Riley?" John B asks.
,,Rafe's ex." Sarah explains.
,,They did something to her, but I don't know what and why. However, she's back and on revenge spree and I am on her hit list." I say still confused.
,,What does that mean?" Pope asks. JJ gives a worried look.
,,Don't know. I just hope it's not mean literaly." I give them a look.
,,Topper said they'll explain in 20 minutes. We should stay in a lock the door in the meantime." I add. They don't argue and we move to the house locking the doors behind us. Sarah and I shut the drapes on the windows. Then we wait.

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