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I open my eyes confused. I look around, but it's dark so I don't see much. I try to remember what happened and where I could be. I remember JJ, he's worried face, blood, Rafe, a gun. I look down and remember my wound. JJ carried me in the woods. How did we get to a hospital?

I hear some noises from the hall. I get up and take the drip with me, but I moan in pain when I stand on my feet. I place my hand on my stomach and take the pain in. I look through the drapes on the window which shows the hall behind it. I can't see anything interesting, so I turn around to get back to my bed, when I see I am not alone in this room. There is a second bed and someone is sleeping in it. I can't recognize who.

I get closer so I could see some face.
,,J." I recognize my best friend. My heart starts beating faster. What the fuck happened to him? I go to the foot of the bed and take his chart out. I sit down on the edge and open the chart.
,,Concussion." I whisper. I look at him before I give the chart back.

The noises on the hall go louder and soon after that alarm goes off. I get up and go back to the drapes, but I can't tell what's happening. I watch the hall for a another minute when I recognize Rafe walking around our door. I step back and hold my breath but he doesn't go in.

I go to the closet, where I find my clothes. It's dirty from the blood but what can I do. I put it on with some effort and a lot of pain but we need to get out of here before he finds us.

When I am done I take my drip out and go to JJ's bed.
,,J." I say and shake with him. I look back to the door, my nervousness is on high alert. He could walk in any second, I don't know how much he knows or how big the hospital is.
,,JJ!" I raise my voice. He opens his eyes and take a deep breath, I guess he had a nightmare. When he's aware he's awake and not in a nightmare anymore, he looks up and our eyes lock for a moment. I think my heart skips a beat.
,,Kie." he extend his hand to my face like I was only a dream.
,,I am fine, JJ." I smile even though I am terrified that Rafe is here.
,,We need to go, J, Rafe is here. I saw him in the hallway few minutes ago." I tell him. He blinks twice and gets up. He put his sneakers on, he still has his shorts but he has different T-shirt. It's white and has some hospital logo on it. He takes his drip as I did and gets up, but he closes his eyes for a second.
,,Can you walk?" I ask him when I see that, he opens his eyes in disbelief.
,,You asking me?" he shakes his head.
,,Can you walk or you need some help?" he takes a step closer to me, but I nod.
,,I am fine, J. I can walk." I assure him and we head to the door. I am in lot of pain to be honest, but he has concussion. He carried me here, I can take it, so he could concentrate on himself.

I look through the drapes again, before I nod and JJ opens the door. He looks around before we go outside.
,,The coast is clear." he get out and I follow him. We don't know which direction should we go, so he just picks one and we go. I just hope he chose the right one.

JJ suddenly stops and I stumble over him a little, but he catches me hand and helps me stabilize. I raises my eyebrows at him, but he nods around the corner. Before I can ask more, I hear Rafe's voice.
,,I just want to know if she's alive, nothing more." I frown and exchange a look with JJ. We take a quick look around. JJ opens one door and push me in just in time, so Rafe wouldn't see us. He closes the door and lean at them. We are at the storage room and my balance isn't really perfect so when I stagger few thing fall down, witch causes rattle. I look at the door behind JJ with fear that he could have heard it.

I hear footsteps closer to the door and I forget how to breath. JJ steps forward, he wraps his arm around my waist and he moves us backwards. I can sense he's nervous. I close my eyes when the door opens up and the lights switch on. I can barely breath now, I pray in my head that he won't go in.
,,Told you it's nothing. Kiara had a surgery, what would she do here? I doubt she can even walk now." familiar voice says but I can't recognize whose. I open my eyes so I could maybe see who it is, but JJ is in my way and shelves with lots of hospital stuff.
,,Right." I can recognize Rafe now. They switch the lights off and close the door. I take a deep breath, so does JJ, when we hear them leave.

I look up at him, our eyes lock again and in that moment I realize how close we stand to each other. Our bodies press to each way too close. I should back up, back I don't have anywhere to go and I don't think I even want to. We stare at each other for few minutes longer without a word. I want to know what he's thinking. I need to know why he haven't back up yet. I think it's safe, so why won't he? Not that I am complaining. Maybe I should, but I keep my mouth shut.


I wonder why she haven't said anything yet. She would normally say something sarcastic about how close we stand to each other, but she doesn't and stares back at me. I don't mind at all, I don't want to move an inch from here, because when she's so close I know I can protect her and also I might like how close she is to my body even though I shouldn't feel this way about her. She's my best friends and I know for a fact she doesn't feel anything for me more than friendship.
,,I am glad you're okey." I say so she would think that's the reason I haven't back up yet. I mean it's not a lie. I am very very glad and happy she made it, but I have also selfish reasons she doesn't need to know about.
,,Thanks to you, J. Thank you for caring me here, you saved my life." she smiles at me.
,,The doctors saved your life, not me, Kie." I correct her.
,,Maybe, but you are the reason they even had anything to save." she corrects me. I nod lightly.
,,Any time, but rather never again, please." I smile back at her. She nods in agreement.
,,We should go and get out of here." she states, I nod and take a step back. She goes to the door, I wait for a second to process what just happened. 
,,I think it's clear outside. We need to get out of here." she opens the door fully and goes out, I follow her. 

We make it in front of the hospital without being seen by Rafe and whoever was with him. I look around briefly, but I see she's holding her right side of the stomach.
,,Do you need to sit down?" I ask her because I can clearly see she's in pain. She shouldn't been walking, she just had surgery hours ago. She should be inside on pain meds and rest. Fucking Rafe.
,,Maybe just for a minute." she admits I am right with my thoughts. We go a little further from the hospital, so Rafe wouldn't see us if he came outside and we sit down on a bench.
,,Better." she sighs with relief of some pain when she has no longer need to stand. I nod.
,,What about your head?" she looks up at me.
,,Peachy." I lie. I don't need her to worry about me, but truthfully but I feel like someone is stabbing me in the head with small needles.
,,You can tell me the truth, J." she raises her eyebrows, because she know I lied to her just now. Shit. I look away.  
,,It's not the first time a have a concussion. Nothing new I couldn't handle." I wave my hand at that, so she could relax about it.
,,That's maybe even worse." she looks down. 
,,I'll be alright, Kie, concentrate on yourself." I squeeze her hand to assure her of my words. 

We sit in silence for a while before she speaks again.
,,What now? Where are the others?" she asks. I completely forgot that she doesn't know, because she was asleep when they said where are they gonna spent the night.
,,In a motel near by. I don't really know." I say.
,,They were suppose to come back at the morning." I add, but I don't mention Caleb for some reason. 
,,We need to find them before that happens. They could run info Rafe or they wouldn't find us in our room and freak out." Kie decides. I get up and find a map of this island. When I do find one, I locate the nearest motel and go back to Kie.
,,The nearest motel is 1,5 kilometers away." I help her get up and we head in that direction.

Half way there I need to hold Kie around her waist, because her pain in even worse than when we left the hospital. I guess her meds are starting to wear off, which isn't good. 

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