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We wake up around 10 which isn't much suprising since we went to bed around 5.

We go downstairs and find Kie, JJ, Kylie and Mal in the kitchen playing Ludo.
,,Morning." I say and sit down next to Kie and John B next to JJ.
,,As if." Kie shakes her head.
,,She's losing." Kylie smiles from one ear to other.
,,I slept for 3 hours before your yelling woke me up." she states.
,,I slept fot 5." JJ smiles.
,,Because you have a room." she says.
,,Jealous?" he smiles.
,,I am actually." she nods.
,,But I am a good host and gave my own room to these two." she points at us.
,,Very appreciated." I smile.
,,You'll get your own room next year." Kie adds.
,,Even better." I wink at her.
,,For the both of us." she smiles.
,,But we are still going to be one room short since you two are too stuburn to get back together." I state with an ironic smile.
,,JJ can stay with me." Jamie bypasses us.
,,Presso please!" Kie shouts.
,,Make that two!" JJ shout.
,,Pretty please." he shoots her a lovey smile.
,,Well why don't you move there this year too!?" I snap and looks at JJ.
,,I didn't offer." Jamie says.
,,I am suprised. You were all over each other yesterday!" I state.
,,Jealous much?" JJ smiles.
,,Mad much." I shake my head.
,,I can't believe I am the only one who cares." I say.
,,We care too." Cleo and Pope comes in.
,,Yup." John B nods.
,,You?" I look at Kie who was just discarted for a figurine.
,,No!" she looks at Kylie.
,,Did you say something?" she looks up at me.
,,You are pissing me off." I cross my arms on my chest.
,,What's new, S?" she asks and rolls the dice.
,,Yes!" she says.
,,Nooo!" Kylie shouts.
,,Here you go." Jamie gives the two their coffees, then she grabs her own and sits down next to JJ.
,,Who's winning?" she asks and looks at the board.
,,Suprisingly JJ." Kylie says.
,,Suprisingly?" he raises his eyebrows at her.
,,Yeah! You suck in everything else!" she says.
,,Thanks." he smiles.
,,I am with her on that note." I nod.
,,Could you stop already?" JJ shoots me a look.
,,Can I kick your ass?" I ask.
,,No you can't." he shakes his head.
,,Then yours?" I look at Kiara.
,,No thanks." she shakes her head.
,,You all are stupid." Riley walks in with Kyle.
,,To be young and stupid again." Kyle sits down.
,,As you say grandpa." Kie shakes her head.
,,You know what I mean." he says.
,,I'm married." he gives her a look.
,,Really? Since when!?" Kie asks ironically, Kyle smiles at her.
,,Nice bracelet. New?" Kyle asks and looks at it. I do the same.
,,Actually yeah, do you like it?" Kie asks. I close my eyes at it. I saw it somewhere already.
,,Love it." Kyle shakes his head.
,,I want a new bracelet!" Kylie shouts.
,,Get a boyfriend who'll buy it for you." Kyle looks at Kylie.
,,Oh. My. God!" it finally clicks it all together so I look between Kie and JJ.
,,Good job, Sarah." Kie claps her hands.
,,I'm going to kill you." I lean back into my chair.
,,What?" John B asks confused. I grab JJ's arm and Kie's. I pull them together untill the bracelets join together in a heart.
,,They are together the whole time." I explain.
,,Since the dinner if you want to be accurate." Kie says a pulls her arm back.
,,Un-fucking-believable." I shake my head.
,,For real guys?" John B asks next to me.
,,You owe me 20 dollars." Kyle shouts at Riley.
,,I was so close, damn it." Riley shakes her head.
,,Do you make bets about absolutely everything?" Pope asks curiously.
,,Oh yeah." Kyle nods.
,,You still owe me money." Kie looks at her brother.
,,Back to zero I see." Kyle makes a sad face. Kylie makes the same ones, at least I can see where she got it.
,,You started it, Cameron. Just so you know." Kie states and smiles at me.
,,I underestimated you alright." I shake my head.
,,So you didn't mean anything you said last night?" John B asks JJ.
,,Straight up lies." JJ says.
,,But she made me!" he points at Kie.
,,That's true." Jamie nods.
,,You were on it too?" I ask.
,,Yes." she nods again.
,,Can we go home now?" I look at my own boyfriend who starts to laugh.
,,Fuck why am I not even suprised? It's really something only you two would do." he shakes his head with a smile.
,,I would just like to point out it took me like 5 minutes to find out." Kyle says.
,,By accident joke." JJ rolls his eyes.
,,Doesn't matter." Kyle shrug.
,,Well fucking finally." Pope smiles.
,,The band is back together." he adds.
,,The bad words keeps coming in here." Kylie smiles.
,,Great." Riley shakes her head.
,,It is great." Kylie smiles.
,,I don't like the game anymore." she hops down from the chair and she and Mal walks away.
,,So I won?" JJ asks.
,,No. No one won. They walked away." Kie says and cleans the game from the table.
,,I think I won." JJ doesn't wave.
,,You wish." Kie doesn't wave either.
,,Yeah they are back together allright." John B chuckles again.
,,Funny." Kie smiles at him ironically.
,,What do we do now?" Kie asks.
,,I know!" Kyle says.
,,If I won't see you all day, I'll buy you whatever you want!" he smiles.
,,And they say I am the mean one." Kie shakes her head and get up.
,,And you are still leaving." he comments.
,,Of course, I need money for a new house. It ain't cheap." she winks at him.
,,You should have said some maximum price." Riley tells to Kyle and rolls her eyes.
,,Fuck me, Kiara." he leans his head back.
,,See you when I come to collect." she smiles.
,,I hate you!" he shouts after her.
,,Love you too, bro." she shouts back.
,,What about the box that came in the mail?" JJ asks.
,,False alarm, but it was a game called bomb." Kyle shakes his head.
,,Hm, really funny." JJ rolls his eyes.
,,He's still out there and he's going to be back." Kyle sighs.
,,You need to be carefull, okey?" he gives us all a look.
,,Yeah." I nod and follow after Kie upstairs. The Pogues do too.
,,You are taking your room back now, don't you?" I ask when I find Kie lying in her bed.
,,Yup." she smiles.
,,Oh I miss it so much." she adds.
,,You can take JJ's." she states.
,,You can take the couch in the living room. It's pretty comfy." she looks at JJ.
,,Ha." he shakes his head.
,,I wasn't joking. I love my space." she sits up.
,,Then say goodbye to it." he smiles at her ironically.
,,Why did we want them back together again?" Pope asks John B.
,,Ask Sarah." he says.
,,I already forgot." I shake my head.
,,Close the door, I need the money from Kyle." Kie says.
,,I don't know. Are you buying the house in Ourer Banks?" John B asks.
,,She is." JJ answers instead of Kie.
,,Okey then." John B shuts the door.
,,What are we doing today?" I ask.
,,I slept for 3 hours. Close the door on your way out." she grabs her blanket and lie back down.
,,How about... the sightseeing I am suggesting all along but no one listens to me?" John B says.
,,Get out." Kie says.
,,We meet you in 30 minutes downstairs." I nod.
,,Bye." we say and leave the two alone.
,,I'm not leaving this bed." I hear Kie say.

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