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The door bell rings in 20 minutes sharp. I take a step forward but JJ stops me and goes open the door instead.

We all stand next to each other in the kitchen waiting.
,,No fucking way. You are not coming in." I hear JJ say.
,,You should be glad I haven't punch you yet." he says after a second.

,,Let them in." I shout. Nothing comes back. I exchange a look with Sarah, but then we hear foot steps and we move our gazes back in front of us.
,,Look at that, the whole band is here." Rafe comments. JJ gives him a death stare but continues to stand besides us.
,,Hey, sis." he adds.
,,Get to the point or you are out." I say and cross my arms.
,,Right." Topper nods and they exchange a look between the three of them.
,,So, the thing is." Topper starts.
,,Riley's a psychopat and wants to get rid of you." Rafe interrupts him.
,,Smooth." Topper shakes his head.
,,Says the psychopat." John B comments.
,,Can we sit down?" Topper asks.
,,This is weird. Just standing here." he adds. I roll my eyes but nod and we all sit down in the living room.
,,So, I don't know how much they know your time with us. And your history with Rafe." Topper starts.
,,They know." I say and give Rafe a look. He frowns.
,,Wasn't all that bad." Rafe comments.
,,Wasn't it?" I ask and look at him.
,,No,..." he starts to raise his voice but then he stops.
,,New Rafe. Like I told you." he steps back.
,,Anyway. You two know Riley dated Rafe before you came into the picture. It was a long before you even started to talk to us." he starts.
,,When she found out, she played it well. We stayed friends with her. You remember, we hang out couple of time. But at the end, she started this crazy talk everytime it was just us boys and we met her anywhere." he says and looks at Rafe.
,,She wanted to get back together and she always talked trash about you, but it didn't work anytime. When it got worse and worse, I talked to the boys and we decided to talk to her. To explain to her. She started to threaten to get rid of you and then nothing will be between us and shit." Rafe says. I shoot JJ a look, but he doesn't look at me. Figured.
,,We decided to prevent that just in case she meant that. We bought drugs from Barry and planted them in her car and her room. We called an anonymous tip on her and she got arrested. But now she's back and thinks this was all your idea and your the psycho one and she needs to save us from you." Kelce finish the story.
,,Jesus Christ, are you serious?! I don't even talk to you! And by all means she can have Rafe as long as I care." I say.
,,Thanks." he snorts and rolls his eyes.
,,She's crazy, Kie. She wouldn't listen to us when we tried to explain to her a lot has change since then." Topper says.
,,That's an understatment." I lean back into the sofa.
,,Go find her and try harder for fuck sakes." Sarah shakes her head.
,,I told you she's bad news when you started dating!" she looks at Rafe.
,,You the one to talk." Rafe looks at John B.
,,He hadn't try to kill anyone so what the fuck are you talking about?" Sarah stands up.
,,Okey, I think we should go." Kelce stands between them.
,,Yeah." Topper stands up too.
,,Go do something. I am not very interestead of being someone target because of Rafe of all fucking people!" I kick them out and lock the door behind them.
,,That was... unexpected." Pope says.
,,Shit. I had no idea." Sarah adds.
,,Yeah. Me neither." I nod.
,,We just can't have a one day off." JJ states and goes away. No one follows him.
,,We should maybe to yours. I mean, if I was her, my house would be the first stop to find me." I say and give John B a look. He nods.

I text mum we are going to John B's and then I pack few things with me.

Mum respond with a thumbs up and says they are going to stay with Rick and Hannah.

I grab my kyes and we head out. We almost run to my car and Twinkie. I thought JJ would ride with me, but he makes a straight line to Twinkie. He looks angry only by the look of his walk.

I shoot a look at Sarah. She shrugs and ride with me. Cleo decides to go with us when he senses the tension in the air.

We start our cars and drive away from our house. Twinkie is just few metres ahead of us so we wouldn't seperate.
,,Is JJ mad at you, us or the world?" Cleo leans forward from the back seats.
,,Maybe all of the above." I shrug, because I don't really know.
,,I would say he's mad because you and Rafe dated." Sarah says.
,,I mean, he already knew that. I told all of them, remember." I say.
,,Yeah, you told them bits and pieces, but today they all made it real for them. Like we witness that. You had another group and relationship with us." she suggest what might have happened.
,,That's why we are not suppose to talk about my Kook year." I sigh.
,,Maybe I should give them a time to process and stay somewhere else." I say.
,,No way." Cleo says.
,,You're just a human, Kie. Things were different back then when you were forced by your parents to attend the Kook academy or whatever. You made mistake with Rafe and leaving your friends, but they don't know how it was for you. What you were going through when you had to change schools. You trusted the wrond person. Happens. Untill they stand in your shoes they can't judge." Cleo makes a whole speeach. I look at her through the rear view mirror.
,,Thanks. I need that." I smile at her.
,,And by the way. I wanted to talk to her about something, but the boys are always around." I start.
,,Remember the day we went surfing and Sarah told you Pope's in love with me?" I ask her. She looks down and nods.
,,He isn't anymore. He was, we tried and both of us know we weren't supposed to be together. I mean, it looked like he's still in love with me because how he reacted when he found out about me and JJ, but when we had our talk. He said it wasn't because of that. He's just worried if we broke up, our group wouldn't be the same, because we are actually in love with each other. He said he won't choose between us and that's why he reacted the way he did. I know for a fact he likes you and has crush on you. Not me. And not because you are just a rebound or anything. You two clicked the moment you met. Everyone can see that, so... don't give up on him just yet." I clear thing like I promised.
,,I noticed that too." Sarah nods.
,,It was wrong from me to say he was in love with someone else, but I just guessed it. But the way he looks at you when you are not looking, it's obvious I was wrong." she adds.
,,You meant that or just saying that because Pope is your friend?" Cleo asks.
,,You are our friend, we wouldn't lie to you." I say.
,,And you litterally saved my ass, so I own you the truth if anything else." Sarah turns around and look at her.
,,Besties over testies. Isn't it what they say?" Sarah adds. Both Cleo and me laughs.
,,No one says that!" I state.
,,They should, but you get what I'm saying right?" she asks.
,,Boobs before tubes? No?" she says another one. We start to laugh even more.
,,We got you, Miss Poet." I nod.
,,Great, I was about to think of another one." Sarah leans back into her seat with a smile.
,,I love you guys." Cleo says.
,,I never had this and I am glad we are friends." she adds.
,,We are family, Cleo." Sarah corrects her and I nod with a smile in agreement.

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