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When we get into Outer Banks, everyone smile.

,,Cleo, you can stay at my house." John B offers to her.
,,Thanks." she nods.
,,I assume you are staying too?" he turns to JJ. 
,,You know it, man." J pats his back. 
,,Alright, later alligators, survive at home!" JJ says when they get moving. He gives me a weird look before they leave me, Sarah and Pope alone.
,,If you won't hear from me by tomorrow, send a rescue team. Although, I might be dead by then.  Call the police, just to be sure." Pope says and leaves too.
,,Good luck!" I shout after him.
,,We should go too." I look at Sarah and she nods. 

It's quite a far walk from the harbor to Figure 8, so it takes us almost an hour before we reach my house. 
,,Ready?" Sarah asks, before I open the door.
,,Noup." I say when we are already inside.

My parents are eating lunch when they turn to look at us. My mum immediately drops her fork and stands. She runs to me and hugs me tightly, my dad follow and he brings Sarah into the family hug as well.

We stand in the kitchen for almost 5 minute straight, when they finally back up and release us.
,,My God, we were so worried, Kiara." my dad says.
,,I know, I am so sorry." I look down.
,,It's my fault.." Sarah takes a step back to defend my behavior, but my parents shakes their head in sync.
,,It's not, honey. We understand, why Kiara did what she did. You are her best friend, I would do that for mine too, but that doesn't make it okey, it's just the facts." my mum explains.
,,You need to talk to us more that you had in the past, I hope you understand that. You don't need to tell us details, just where you are going and when are you going to be home. Everyday, Kiara, not just when you feel like it. Even if you are mad at us, you let us know your whereabouts. Got it?" my dad looks at me. I nod.
,,I promise." I smile slightly. He nods in approval.
,,You too, Sarah." my mum adds. Sarah looks confused but she's smiling like never really cared about where is was, when she's going to be home before. 
,,Sure, if you want." she smiles wilder.
,,We are happy to welcome you in our house, even more when we know what happened with Ward and.. Rafe, but that means we are taking responsibility of you, even if it's not legally on paper. We love you already and we want you save as much as we want Kiara to be save. You so you know, why we want that also from you." my mum explains.
,,You are part of our family now, so get used to us." my dad winks at her and she hugs them for a second.
,,You don't even know how much this means to me. Really. Thank you." she look at them, they nod like it was even choice not to take her to us.
,,Anything. You just worry about school and we take care of the rest." mum turns around and grabs something from the kitchen counter. Two small white boxes. I can't recognize what it is till she gives each one box. It'a new iPhone. 

I look up at her.
,,So we could reach you and you us." she explains.
,,The SIM card are in the box too, you have a new number." she adds.
,,Thanks." I smile. 
,,It's more for us than for you two." dad chuckles.
,,Yeah right, you could have bought us older model then. Don't need to spent so much money on these to new models." I got him.
,,Well, maybe I got too excited, when I chose them." I admits. He loves electronics and he always buys me new model, just because he thinks it's way better than my previous one and I am his little girl and he wants the best of the best for me.
,,Thanks." I repeat, Sarah thanks them too. Then we are excused for the night. We agree to talk more in the morning, but they can tell we are tired and we need a shower and a good sleep, before we sink in to the deep stuff we need to talk about.

We take our turns in the shower, before we sit down on my bed and turn on the new phones. We log into our Apple ID's and we wait for a while before the phones are ready to use.

,,Should we call the Pogues?" I ask Sarah, she nods. I text them first.


Kiara Carrera added Sarah Cameron to the group chat

,,Shit." I say out loud. Sarah raises her eyebrows at me.
,,They don't have their phones." I say what I just realized.
,,Oh, don't you John B's landline phone number?" Sarah asks.
,,Yeah, I do. Good idea!" I nod and call the number on my phone.

It rings for a while, at least it's still connected.
,,Halo?" JJ picks up the phone.
,,Hej." I say.
,,Kie?" he asks like he's surprised. 
,,And Sarah." Sarah makes herself known.
,,Yay, you are alive!" he chuckle. I smile hearing hi laugh. He calls John B's and Cleo's names, so they could join the phone call too.
,,They are alive." JJ says. 
,,Sorry to disappoint." Sarah jokes.
,,Oh well, what can I do now, right?" he jokes with her, I shake my head but with a smile on my face.
,,How did it go at home?" John B asks. 
,,It was fine." I say.
,,No boarding school?" he asks again.
,,We'll see in the morning, we haven't talk about that yet. They gave us today to adjust and get some sleep before we talk about this stuff." I explain.
,,Oh. Good luck, then." he say. 
,,Thanks." I say ironically.
,,What day it is anyway?" JJ asks out of nowhere.
,,Saturday." Sarah answer after she checks her phone.
,,So, Monday we are going back to school?" he asks. 
,,I hope. That would mean no boarding school." I say.
,,I mean that would be great, but school sucks either way for me." he sighs. I roll my eyes. 
,,Have Pope called?" I ask them.
,,No, he doesn't have a way how. He doesn't have his phone, remember?" John B says.
,,Where did you even get a phone anyway? You aren't calling from you landline, it would show your father's name." he asks. Oh, that must have been why JJ was so surprised by my call.
,,Mum and dad bought us new one's, so they could reach us anytime and we could text them where we are." I explain.
,,Oh, I forgot I am talking to Kook's." I would swear I could hear his rolling eyes when he said that.
,,Ass." I shake my head.
,,Be glad or we couldn't have called you." Sarah adds.
,,Super glad." JJ answers that one. 
,,Okey, we are hanging up if you don't want to talk." I say.
,,Wait." John B shouts before I can end the phone call.
,,Could you meet us tomorrow?" he asks.
,,Don't know yet, we'll let you know after we have that talk with my parents." I say truthfully.
,,Key." he says.
,,Love you, Sarah." he adds.
,,Love you." she reapers before I hang up.

I look at Sarah and remember one thing.
,,How much money do you have left from Ward?" I ask her out of the blue. She raises her eyebrows.
,,Around 9 thousand dollars? Why?" she asked confused.
,,I thought about JJ's restitution." I admit.
,,We need to help him, he won't be able to pay it back by himself." I add. However he doesn't want to hear that, it's the truth.
,,He won't take money from us, you know that." she says, but I know she wants to help.
,,So we won't tell him." I smile.
,,I like your thinking, Carrera." she nods and smiles too.
,,Please collaborate what you have in my mind. Where do we get the rest of the money?" she leans closer as I explain what I have in mind.

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