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,,We should go back before they see us out here." I say after like 10 minutes just standing there hugging. Kie takes a step back and looks at me.
,,I forgive you, Kie. Pogue honor." I say when I can see in her eyes she isn't sure if I meant it when I said it 10 minutes ago.
,,You shouldn't." she shakes her head.
,,I shouldn't have been even angry. I get it. I hate it. I hate that you went through something like that, but I get why you went to him. Just promise me, next time you feel at your bottom, come to me instead, okey? Not that something like that should happen ever again, but I just want you to know I am here for you anytime." I squeeze her hand. She nods with a tight smile.
,,I don't want the rest of them to know. Please don't tell them." she looks down again.
,,I won't, if you don't want that." I hug her one more time, before we head back inside.
,,Thank God, you you reconciled." Sarah says immediately. She goes directly to Kie and hugs her, she makes a face and I remember her bullet wound.
,,Shit, I forgot you are wounded. Fuck." I say and nod to bed so she would go sit up. She does that.
,,So.. You two are good?" Pope asks.
,,I won't say it, Pope." I say because I know what the next question would be.
,,It's between us. Kie doesn't want you to know for a reason and I respect that and absolutely understand that. I even get why she went to my dad." I specify. He just nod, same as John B.

After a few more seconds I decide for a shower I haven't had time yet. It doesn't take me long, but long enough to let all the tears let out and get it together again after what Kie told me. I am starting to hope to run into Rafe, I would finish what Caleb started. Well maybe he should pray not to run into us.

When I get out, everyone sitting around the table.
,,We should get back to OBX as soon as possible." Pope says. I sit on the bed, before I know some candy bar ends up in ma lap. I look up, Kie is looking at me more happy. She also has a candy bar. I pick the one she threw on me and discover it's her favorite one. 
,,Smart money from Pope." she smiles me. I am glad she's smiling, few minutes ago she looked like she's gonna loose it. I smile back, but when I catch myself for staring maybe for too long I look away. I catch Pope's eye. He's looking at us with weird look on his face.
,,Thanks." I say to him and bite in it. He nods and looks away.
,,I should maybe call my parents. Tell them I am with Cabe and Sarah, that could easy their mind." Kie shrugs. 
,,Are you sure?" Sarah asks.
,,I can't hide here forever, it's better if I call them now then post pone it. It's inevitable either way. Better sooner than latter." they exchange look for a second.
,,What do you want to tell them?" Pope asks. He's the second one here, who has parents who cares and aren't dead or just doesn't care.
,,Not everything obviously, just something.. I make something up, I guess." she shrugs again.
,,We should also relocate. Can we come to your house?" Kie looks up at Caleb, whose quit since kick him out.
,,Sure." he nods.
,,We should wait after the sunset, so we could sneak out without being seen." I say, everyone nod at that.
,,I hate to say it, but I need to go. I need to find out if dad's home and if he is I should probably warn him you are coming so he wouldn't be surprised." Cabe says and looks at Kie, who nods. I guess she is still mad at him a little.
,,I know where you live." she adds. He nods again and leave.

I notice how Kie is holding her wound again. She must be in pain. I exchange a look with John B and nod in her direction, he notices too and we get up at the same time. Everyone look up at us.
,,What are you doing?" Sarah asks.
,,We just though Kie should lie down and get some energy before we go." I answer her.
,,I am good, thanks." she waves her hand at that. I frown.
,,Maybe we all should." John B goes for it in a different way. Sarah looks at Kie for a moment and starts to get what are we doing.
,,Yeah, that's actually a great idea." she gets up. Kie shakes her head because she knows too what are we doing.
,,I already slept, we should take turns." Kie still protest. How could we even doubt her intentions?
,,Maybe JJ should lie down, I am not the one with a concussion." she looks at me with raised eyebrows. I lie down with a smirk.
,,If you wanted to sleep next to me again, you should have just said so." I joke. She rolls her eyes.
,,Yeah right, that's what I wanted all along. Thanks for noticing, JJ." she shakes her head.
,,No problem." I smile back at her. To be honest, when she slept next to me, it was the best sleep I had in a long time. When I am home I don't really sleep that much, I need to be on high alert because of Luke all the time and I don't want to bother John B every day.

Finally she gets up and we end up sleeping 3 in one bed. Cleo, Pope and I on one bed and Kiara, Sarah and John B on the other one. The girls fell asleep almost instantly.
,,Do you think Rafe and Barry will go after us when we get back to Outer Banks?" Pope asks into the silence. I have my eyes closed.
,,On one hand I hope not, but on the other one I could kicked his ass for what he did to Kie." I admit my thoughts I had in the shower already. They stay silent for a while, before Pope finally asks.
,,Was it really that bad?" I can't hear his worry in his voice, he hopes I say no, but I can't do that.
,,Yeah." I say. I turn my head to look at her. I don't know how she does that. To keep going after that. 
,,Practically nothing prevent him from going back." John B says.
,,Ward wants Sarah back and Rafe can't go back without her, so there is a huge probability he will." he adds.
,,And he also wants Kie back." Pope adds to that. That makes ma instantly mad. He doesn't deserves even looking in her direction. He should leave her alone and forget about her or I will kill him without a second thought.
,,There is also the restitution we need to pay back. And Barry's money we own him." John B reminds us.
,,That are not your problems." I remind him.
,,The restitution is on my name and I stole Barry's money, not you guys." I add.
,,You all have a future when we get back, don't let my problems affect you. Pope needs his own money for a collage and not for my fucking restitution." I say.
,,I sank Toppers boat, JJ. Not you." Pope reminded me.
,,Yeah and who's idea was that? Mine. I took it on myself for this very reason, even if I didn't have the restitution to breath to my neck, there is no way I even graduate. I most definitely end up as a fuck up like my dad." I let it out of me.
,,JJ." John B says my name.
,,It's the truth." I end the conversation and both of them know it. The silence gets back and everyone stays with their thoughts. Mine are at the brunette on the next to me on the other bed.


I wasn't asleep when the boys started talking, but I pretended that I was. I wanted to know what are they thinking.

My heart almost sinks when JJ said he doesn't have a future and he will probably ends up as Luke. But that isn't true, he's total opposite of him. He has a good heart, he would sacrifice everything if it would helped us in any way. He loves us, he is even capable of love even after what Luke did to him. I had one rough night and I almost ended my life. He has bad night almost overnight when he's home and here he is. He never tell us if the bruises can't be seen and he can still be happy. I don't really know how he does that. 

I note to myself I will get that money for him. I have some savings, I could take more shifts at Wreck when we get back, because everything JJ get from working is enough only for his food and some necessities. 

However, he has a future and I will prove it to him either the easy way or the hard way if I have to.

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