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,,What do you mean he was full of shit? What did he say?" Pope asks when Kie and John B disappear inside. John B is right back but Kie stays in. I take a look and see she's putting everything in the fridge. That should take a momemt.
,,I don't really know. I noticed him talking to Kie when I realize it doesn't take so much time to pay, so I went back to rescue her." I say.
,,Kie said in the car he was full of bullshit and excuses, which I can verify by what I heard at the end." I add.
,,What did you heard?" JJ asks.
,,That he still loves her and shit." I say, but John B gives me a weird look.
,,Told you." JJ states and gets up.
,,He doesn't, JJ. He's full of shit. He loves only himself and Kie reminded him that." I say. He gets inside and after a few second we hear his door close loudly.
,,Yeah. Should have keept that to yourself." John B says and stands up.
,,I got it. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk. He can listen." Kie stops him in the doorway. John B nods and sits down. Kie takes a bite of her bread with cheese and follow after JJ. She goes into his room and closes the door behind her.
,,What did I say exactly?" I ask John B.
,,He thinks Rafe's her first love and she might forgive him and get back together with Rafe." Pope answers. I can't help but start to laugh.
,,You are joking, right? You can't be serious!" I shake my head.
,,We are not." John B says.
,,Well shit, did he hit his head or didn't pay attention lately?" I ask them.
,,There's no way he was Kie's first love to begin with and even if he was, she wouldn't go back to Rafe. Jusus!" I shake my head because this is really absurd.
,,Yeah, I don't see that happening either." Cleo nods.
,,He's the biggest dumbass I have ever met." I state and grab John B's arm.
,,Let's go to bed and hope Kie will knock some sense into him till morning." I say and we head back to his room.
,,We take the couch again, I guess!" Pope shouts.
,,Do that!" I shout back and close our door after me.
,,I hope you did say JJ he's an idiot." I say while I change my clothes.
,,I did." John B smiles and looks me up and down. I roll my eyes playfully and go to him. I kiss him and we fall back into the bed.
,,I love you." I say because it feels like I haven't said it in ages.
,,I love you, Sarah Cameron." we go back to kissing again and hope no one can hear us.


I don't bother to knock, I just come inside and close the door behind me. JJ is pacing around the room deep in thought he doesn't even notice me. I sit down on the bed and eat the rest of my bread with cheese while he's thinking and pacing around.

After a whole 10 minutes, he stops, sighs and looks up. He startles when he finds me sitting on the bed.
,,Are you done or...?" I leave the sentence open.
,,How long have you been sitting there!? I didn't hear you come in!" he asks.
,,Well." I look at my watch I don't have.
,,10 minutes give or take. I ate my dinner while you were angry walking back and forth." I say.
,,Shit, Kie. You scared me." he says and runs his hand through his hair.
,,Did I do something, J? Why are you so angry and stressed?" I ask him.
,,I don't want to talk about it." he says without looking at me.
,,Figured." I nod.
,,I can just take a few guesses. Feel free to stop me when I hit the right one." I say.
,,Are you worried abou Riley? About hurting me? Hurting us? Are you mad that things got complicated again and it doesn't even concern you..." I start, he stops me at the last one.
,,Of course it concers me, it concer you." he says but I can tell this is not it.
,,So it's not about Riley. Got' ya!" I say and start to think again.
,,Is is about my Kook year? My history with Rafe?" I stop when he clenches his fists. He didn't even have to stop me this time, his body language did it for him.
,,So, me and Rafe." I repeat and he looks up when he realizes I won't keep guessing.
,,I don't care about you and Rafe." he shakes his head.
,,Right." I stand up.
,,Are you mad at me because I dated him or are you just mad it happened altogether?" I ask him.
,,I am not mad at you Kie." he looks into my eyes and I recognize he's telling the truth this time.
,,Then what is it, J? You know I hate the guy and if I could take it back, I would, but I can't. It happened, but it's in the past and it will stay there for the rest of my life." I say. He looks away, so I place my hand on his cheek and make him to look back at me.
,,What is going on? Please tell me, so I can reason with your dumb thoughts." I smile at him.
,,I'm worried that..." he doesn't finish the sentence.
,,That what?" I nudge him.
,,That you..." he looks away again, I can see his eyes water. Then it hits me.
,,You think I would leave you and go back to him?" I ask, but hope I am wrong. He doesn't say no, he doesn't say yes. But I know that this is what he's worried about out. He would denied it other wise and looked at me. He's not doing that.
,,J, I am trying here. I don't want to yell at you right now because I can see you are really worried about that, but... what the hell? I would never leave you! Period. I wouldn't leave you for anyone! Certainly, one hundred percent not for Rafe! I wouldn't leave yot at all! Jesus Christ, JJ! I love you! Not him! Certainly not him! Not anyone!" I say and step back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm down.
,,So much for no yelling." I comment.
,,But fuck. I could punch you right now, but I am afraid what other dumb ideas you would got!" I shake my head and start to pace around the room like he did few minutes ago. Then it hits me again. He's queit.
,,Why don't you say anything? Should I yell at you some more?" I ask him. He looks up at me. He has tears in his eyes.
,,J." I say and rush to him so I could hug him. His head falls down onto my shoulder and he hugs me tighter.
,,I'm sorry." he whispers between his sobs.

We fall down on the floor but I won't let him go.
,,I don't know why I keep questioning your feeling for me. I can't help it, it's just... I don't want you to get mad again." he doesn't finish that sentence.
,,Say it, J. I won't get mad, I promise." I run my fingers through his hair in reasurance.
,,I feel like I am not good enough for you. I know you said I am, but my head keeps reminding me you will wake up one day and realize you could do so much better than me. I mean I am from the cut, I don't have anything to offer you. I am damaged thanks to my dad and... I just thought that you might go back to him because he's still better or shit. I know he isn't but... I don't know. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Kie." he starts to cry even harder and it breaks my heart to see him suffering because of something that isn't true.
,,I love you, JJ. I'm in love with you and I am not leaving you." I say for now. We can talk about the rest when he calms down. I kiss the top of his head and then lean my head against his while still holding onto him like for dear

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