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I quickly get up, I don't hesitate this time. I just run as fast as I can and stop in front of JJ grabing him with my right hand so he would stay behind me.

Another gunshot goes off. I step back and close my eyes. JJ's left hand wraps around my stomach pressing me to him.
,,Run!" all of us comes back from freezing. I look in front of me. Luke's holding the gun with Kate now pointing it at the sky.
,,Run!" he shouts again and looks me in the eyes. It finally hits me what happened and before I know it, I am moving. Running. JJ's hand is holding me around my wrist and rushing me faster.
,,Go, go, go!" John B shouts. Pope is next to him and we are right behind them.

Another gunshot goes off and all of us stop turning around.
,,We need to keep going!" John B suddenly shouts when we hear movement which isn't from us.
,,What if it's my dad?!" JJ turns to look at John B.
,,What if it's not?!" Pope shouts back at him.
,,You can't hide from me! Come back you little shits!" I recognize Kate's voice not so far from us.
,,Shit, shit, shit." John B says. We duck down and scan our surroudings.
,,What do we do!?" Pope whisper-yells.
,,You know a way back to your cabin?" John B asks and I realize he's talking to me so I look up.
,,We are in the middle of the woods, John B! I have no fucking idea where we are!" I shake my head at his stupid question.
,,Calm the fuck down! All of you!" Pope looks between all of us.
,,You started yelling first, dude!" I remind him.
,,Shut up." JJ says and looks around, we do the same, when we hear closer movements.
,,Just run. Run! Now!" John B decides. We get up without question and run after his lead.

,,I see you!" Kate shouts behind us and shoots again but fortunately hits only the tree. We take sharp turn to our right and keep going until John B stumbles and falls head first.

I stop running and try to help him up but he nudges me away.
,,I'm fine." he gets up.
,,Just trying to help." I step back.
,,Don't need it!" he looks at me and at the same time another gunshot goes off. We turn and see Kate in the distance.
,,Go." we start to run but we realize JJ and Pope are nowhere.
,,Shit, where are they!?" I shout at John B while running.
,,Do I look like I have the answer!?" he shouts back and grabs my hand when he makes left turn.

We stop several times but we are deffinetally lost. We are in the middle of nowhere but Kate's not behind us anymore. Or close to us. At least we don't hear anything else except our loud breathing.

,,Do you have a phone or something?" John B asks. I put my hand in my pocket but my phone isn't there.
,,Fuck, it must have fall out." I sigh and close my eyes for a second.
,,Fucking great!" John B shakes his head and starts to pace around.
,,Great plan by the way! Going after a crazy lady with a gun in the woods at midnight! But what should I expect from you, right!?" he looks me in the eyes.
,,First of all, we didn't know she's armed!" I throw my hands into the air.
,,Second of all, you shouldn't even be here!" I state.
,,You would like that, wouldn't you?!" he steps closer.
,,What the hell are you doing here, John B?" I ask.
,,Sightseeing! What do you think we are doing here!?" he shouts.
,,Could you stop yelling at me!? It's not my fucking fault!" I defend myself.
,,I didn't call you here! You shoud have been back home! Safe!" I remind him the facts.
,,That's right! You didn't even call us!" he steps even closer.
,,Like you would even pick up!" I shake my head and he frowns. I bet if I was JJ, he would already punch me.
,,Fuck.. JJ and Pope!" I turn around like they could magicaly show up.
,,If Kate's isn't after us anymore... she must be after them!" I look back at John B. His expression changes from mad to scared in matter of seconds.
,,Fuck... we.. need to get out of here!" John B says like I want to stay here all night.

He steps closer again and take off his jacket and gives it to me.
,,I'm fine, thanks." I turn him down.
,,You have shorts with crop top on and it's freezing. Take it." he frowns.
,,I said, I'm fine." I say.
,,Fucking take the jacket or I force it onto you." he says. We stare at each other for a minute before I grab it.
,,We don't have time for this. We need to find them." I state and put it on.

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