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My alarm clock starts to ring, but I am too lazy to get up and turn it off.
,,J." I shake with him.
,,Turn it off." I say and hide my head under the pillow.
,,You turn it off." he turns on the other side of the bed.
,,I am sleeping." I shake with him again.
,,I am too." he says back.

I start to zone out from the annoying alarm when someone burst in.
,,Jesus Christ, are you two deaf!?" Sarah shouts and turns it off.
,,Thanks." I give her the thumbs up but I stay under the pillow.
,,Do I have to kick you out of the bed?" she asks but I ignore her. Maybe she goes away.
,,Ouch!" I shout when she pulls my hand and I almost fall on the floor.
,,What!?" JJ sits up on the bed, but you can clearly see he's still half way asleep.
,,Oh, it's just you." he notices Sarah and lies back down. He wraps his arm around me and closes his eyes again.
,,Go away. We are sleeping." he comments with his eyes still closed.
,,Yeah." I shake her hand off of me and turn around to face JJ and close my eyes also.
,,I don't care. School starts in an hour, so get up." she slams the door, so I assume she's gone.

I am almost asleep again when the door burst open again.
,,Do I have to carry you to the car or you two get up on your own?" I slightly turn around to see it's John B.
,,Or you can go and we stay here." I lie back down.
,,He'll actually do it." JJ sits down on the bed and his arm around me disapeares.
,,Key." I give them my thumbs up without moving my body to get up.
,,Okey. You asked for it." Sarah comes into the room and before I know it, she pours out icy water on me. I am up in matter of seconds.
,,What the fuck!?" I shout suprised and angry.
,,Told you to get up." she winks at me and leaves the room. John B follows her while laughing.

JJ starts to chuckle so I turn around to look at him. I smile ironicly and jump onto him, he falls back down.
,,Sorry, sorry! Get away!" he laughs and I get up.
,,Laugh again and see what happens." I wink at him and go to the door.
,,Hey, you can go out like that!" he storms out from the bed and blocks the door.
,,I have to get a towel." I say confused.
,,Okey, stay here. I bring you one." he turns around and brings me a towel.
,,Thanks, but I could have got it by myself. I have legs." I take it from him and start to dry myself.
,,Yeah and they don't have to see them. You are practicaly naked." he explains and closes the door. I look at myself.
,,I have more clothes than when we go surfing." I raise my eyebrows.
,,That's different." he shakes his head.
,,How? I mean I practicaly have only underwear when we go surf, now I have your shirt that covers me under my butt. Don't see a problem and John B already saw me like 5 seconds ago and Pope..." he stops me right there.
,,Don't remind me that. Thanks. And... it's different. It's more... intimate, when we are here and not on the beach where you would look weird if you wore more than a swim suit." he crosses his hands on his chest.
,,You are ridiculous." I state and grab my legines from yesterday to put them on. Then I take out my shirt and put on my bra. I want to stole JJ's hoodie when someone burts in again. Both of us turn around and JJ stands up in front of me.
,,Oh, sorry. Just cheching if you got up." John B looks away.
,,We are. Get out!" JJ sents him away and he gladly complys.
,,Told you." JJ turns back on me.
,,What?" I ask him because he talks so much I don't know what he's talking about now.
,,He looked away, he doesn't look away when you have swim suit, so iťs different. TOLD YOU." he explains and I roll my eyes.
,,You are still ridiculous." I state again and grab one of his hoodies he has here.
,,Hope you won't want this hoodie real bad in school, that would be awkward." I wink at him and get outside.
,,I might!" he shouts behind me and put on some clean clothes himself.

I sit down on the porch and grab a coffee that's waiting for me.
,,Sorry about that." John B shoots me a look. I roll my eyes once again.
,,Told you, told you, told you." JJ sits down next to me.
,,What are you two on about now?" Pope asks.
,,Don't ask." I shake my head.
,,And I beg you not to answer." I look at JJ.
,,So, I said it's different seeing a girl in bikini on the beach and seeing girl in her underwear in a house." JJ says.
,,It's the same thing!" I repeat.
,,It's not." the boys back JJ.
,,I mean you wouldn't want to see me Sarah in her underwear, right?" JJ looks at John B.
,,No, I wouldn't." he nods.
,,See, it's different." JJ looks back at me.
,,Jesus Christ, JJ." I shake my head.
,,Why are we even talking about this?" Cleo asks.
,,I couldn't go for a towel by myself because I was said to be practicaly naked even though I was wearing a long shirt under my butt and had more on than when we are on the beach." I sum it up.
,,JJ's right this time." John B repeates.
,,I can't." I shake my head and get up.
,,Didn't you hurry to school?" I ask them and they all finish their coffee and we get going.

I go to my car and JJ hops in again.
,,Say a word and you are walking to school, I swear to God, JJ." I warn him before starting the engine. He pretendes to zip his mouth and throw away the key.
,,Moment of silance, thanks." I say and drive after Twinkie.

,,So, I was thinking." he says after 5 minutes of silance.
,,You really want to walk I see." I say even though I wouldn't kick him out. Probably.
,,We should go on a date." he states and I shoot him a suprised look.
,,What? Couples do that!" he says like I offeneded him with my look.
,,I'm just suprised, that's all. Didn't know you think about that in your free time." I chuckle.
,,I mean if you don't want to." he shrugs.
,,I do want to." I hit him with my elbow slightly.
,,Okey." he smiles too.
,,So, do you have time after school?" he asks.
,,I do. You already planed it or...?" I shoot him a curious look.
,,Maybe." he smiles.
,,Don't expext anything fancy." he adds.
,,Everything would be perfect if you're there, J. I don't care where we go." I state for a matter of fact.
,,Okey, okey." he nods and smiles all the way to the school.

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