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Kiara (the night before)

We get upstairs into my room and I grab Kylie's PJ's.
,,Alright." I turn around to see her lying on my bed.
,,Let's go." I wave my hand. She sighs but gets up.

But we won't get even to the door when I hear a knock on my window.
,,Fucking JJ.." I shake my head.
,,Stay here." I say to Kylie so she wouldn't go lie back down on my bed.
,,I told you..." I open the window and stop when I realize it's not J.
,,Sorry, not your lover boy." Rafe says.
,,What the hell are you doing here?" I frown.
,,No time to explain, just that you have a bomb in your house that will go off in..." he looks down on his phone.
,,93 seconds." he looks up.
,,We need to hurry." he states.
,,What!?" I shout.
,,I know, it's hard to process and everything but you have to trust me on this. C'mon." he waves at me. I don't even question him anymore and grab Kylie's arm. I pick her up and push her through the window so Rafe could take her in his arms. I come through next and we climb down as quickly as we can. We jump the few more meters and run the hell away. All of us fall down when the house blows up behind us.

I turn around to see my house on fire.
,,Fuck." I sigh.
,,Let's go." Rafe helps me up and we run into his boat.
,,How did you know!? Where are we going!? I need to call my brother!" I shout at him when we are safe. Kylie's looking all around herself pretty shaken up. I sit down next to her and hug her tightly.
,,It's alright, Kyles, we are safe." I say.
,,For now." Rafe turns around.
,,If you go and tell people that you survived, Reed will try again. You can't tell anyone." he shakes his head.
,,But they'll think we died!" I shake my head.
,,We need to come out with some evidence before you can come back, Kie... or the next time it can be more of you." he states.
,,But.. we have to call Shoup." he nods and turns right to his house.
,,What? You just said..." he interupts me.
,,They won't find bodies, we have to tell him, so he would help." he gives me a look and I nod without thinking.

He parks his boat on his doc and we get out. I carry Kylie all the way to his house and I take care of her before I can even think about what Rafe said on the boat.


We decided to call Shoup the next morning after we talked it through more.
,,This is Shoup." he says on edge.
,,Don't hang up." Rafe says.
,,I know you have a lot of work with the bomb situation but I have some info about it, but.. no one else can know yet." he adds. We can hear Shoup's going somewhere more quiet.
,,We know who did this, but you have to come to Tanny Hill." Rafe says.
,,We? Who's we?" Shoup asks.
,,We survived." I say.
,,Don't make a face. Everyone needs to believe we died, okey? Just for now." I add and exchange a look with Rafe.
,,I'm on my way." he says and hangs up.

He comes rushing into Tanny Hill in 15 minutes.
,,Oh my God, you are really alive!" Shoup looks me up and down.
,,Rafe got us out before it blew up." I explain.
,,How did you know?" Shoup looks at him.
,,I heard my dad and Reed talking yesterday. I went straight back home." he says.
,,Reed?" Shoup asks and I explain the situation.
,,Okey." he nods.
,,We need you to tell them, we died." I say.
,,So Reed wouldn't try this again. He somehow knew I was onto him." I explain.
,,We also need a wire and... you have to pretened you don't know any of this and look into how Luke was involved. Reed can't find out that we are alive at any cost, okey? My friends need to stay out of this." I add.
,,Shoud I ask about the wire?" he raise his eyebrows.
,,We will try to get some evidence against him." Rafe says.
,,We also decided, that we will tell Kyle after you tell them. He needs to know or he might go insane." I inform him.
,,Okey." he nods.
,,I'm going to trust you on this and go tell your friends and brother now. I'll get you the wire by the end of today." he states and Rafe walks him out.

When he gets back I stop him.
,,I need you to do one more thing for me." he raises his eyebrows.
,,I already did so much." he says ironically.
,,I need you to go and find JJ tomorrow and tell him not to tell anyone about our suspicion about Reed. He needs to stay safe and not end up with a bomb too." I state. Rafe stays quiet for a second but he nods eventually.
,,Shoud be fun after our last meet." he bypass me and heads somewhere in the house.
,,This won't end well." I sigh to myself and go check up on Kylie again.



I would say waking up the next day was the worst thing ever. Realizing, she's not here anymore, that it's the first day, first full day I woke up knowing, she didn't. Yesterday, I still had hope. Not today.

But then it hits me. It's not because it's the first day. It's the knowledge that I won't ever see her again. It was suppose to be only 90 minutes before seeing her again. 15 minutes before I would head to her house to meet her at 10. 30 minutes in total. Now, it's never. She's.. dead. Gone. Forever.

I should have gone with her. I shouldn't let her leave knowing he's still out there. At least we would be still together wherever she is now.

I hardly get up and sneak out before anyone wakes up.

I head to my house to... be alone. I don't want to hear anything now. If ever.

But of course that asshole is waiting on my porch.
,,The fuck are you here waiting for!?" I push into Rafe. He steps back but doesn't say anything.
,,I'm sorry." he says.
,,I know I'm the last person you want see right now, but... I had to come after what happened." he says.
,,You can't tell Shoup or your friends about Reed. He knew that Kie knew and look how that turned out." he adds.
,,Oh, don't pretened like you care! You were probably the one who told him." I push into him again. Almost praying for him to punch me. At least I would have something else to concentrate.
,,I'm here only because of her. I owe her that much. I didn't tell him, but.. I'll make him pay. But you will stay the fuck away!" he states.
,,I can do whatever the fuck I want to do, now piss off." I shake my head.
,,I get it. You don't care about you anymore. You wish you were the one who died, but she wouldn't want that! For whatever reason she loved you. She loved you more than anything and she wanted you to live, so don't disrespect her and go on revenge spree that only ends up in you or your friends dying." he looks me in the eyes.
,,You can argue with me all you want, but you know I'm right about this." he steps closer.
,,If you can't do it for yourself, stay alive for her." he gives me a final look and walks away. I sigh, because he's... right. I have to stay alive for her.

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