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Kie suprisingly drives with me to John B's. I was sure she's going to go with them.

When we stop at John B's, everyone's already on the porch. Kie gets out behind me and I do the same.
,,So.." I stop her and look down.
,,I'm sorry about before." I add.
,,I was being asshole." I state.
,,No." she says and I look up.
,,You were being JJ, like I was Kiara yesterday." she steps closer.
,,You forget we are best friends for years, J. I know you. I knew what you were doing." she places her arms around my neck and gets even closer. I wrap my arms around her torso.
,,We'll work on it." she smiles.
,,We need to meet in the middle. When it gets tough, when it gets bad... we need to meet in the middle." she adds.
,,I'll try better." I nod and lean down.
,,I promise." I add.
,,I promise too." she nods and smiles at me.
,,I love you." we say at the say time. Kie chuckles at that, but I silante her when I lean more and kiss her. Kiss her like I could lose her. I kiss her like I could take all her pain.



At the end, all of sleepover at John B's. I texted Kyle last night to let him know so he wouldn't be worried.

He picks me up at the morning. We have another appoitment with the lawyer at Charlestone. The Pogues are still aleep when I leave so I leave them a message, because not even JJ woke up when I got up.

,,Ready?" Kyle asks me when I get into car.
,,No." I say truthfully. He drive away without comment.
,,I was thinking." I start.
,,I should have a will of my own." I add. He shoots me a worried look.
,,You are seventeen." he states like I didn't know that.
,,I'll be eighteen in a week... and mum gave me a lot... I think I should have a will in case." I say.
,,I know you would get it all if... anything happened to me, but.. you already have a house, a car, money, your own company. What would you do with mine things?" I look at him.
,,Don't take this wrong, but I don't want you to get it." I state. He looks at me again and nods in agreement.
,,You're right. I would had to sell it and I have enough mone." he looks back ahead on the road.
,,You should give it to someone who will take over the legacy and use of it all." he nods again.
,,Keep it in a family." he adds.
,,And I know family doesn't make a blood, but the law says it does so your friends wouldn't get it." he smiles.
,,Let's just hope and pray the will won't be necessary to use." he ends the conversation.
,,I also want to leave something to Kylie. I know she would have enough from you and Riley, but.. I need to know she would have something from me too." I say.
,,Of course. You don't have to ask me that. It's your possesions." he states.
,,I wasn't asking. Just annoucing." I chuckle to lighten up the mood.
,,You are unbelievable." he shakes his head with a smile.
,,Just promise me you won't get anything dangerous! You are expert on that the last couple of months." he nods at me face.
,,I was trying to stop a fight." I explain.
,,Stop playing the hero. I think your niece would apreciate you over the money she would get." he states and we change subject to something more possitive. Like me going back to school. Alright, possitive for Kyle. Not me. But still, it's more possitive than talking about where we are going and me getting a will.

When we get there two hours later. We are inform that our dad left the Carrera family cabin to Kyle and me the other half ownership of Wreck to me. Also he divided his money between us. I also make my will giving:

- The house to Sarah
- My car to Pope
- The Wreck to JJ
- The money 80% eaquly between JJ, John B, Pope and Cleo
- The money 20% to Kylie, which she would get for her 18th birthday
- A video (I'll give the lawyer the next day) to of my friends and my brother

When we are done, we go get some food and head home. It's around 4 o'clock when I lock myself in my rook and sit down in front of my macbook.

I find camera and click on record.
,,Hi." I start.
,,This is weird." I chuckle to myself and look out of the window.
,,I think you know what's coming next." I bite my lip. I look back into the camera.
,,If you are watching this.. I'm dead." I sigh.
,,I hope you won't even have to see this or know... I recorded this." I stop for a second.
,,But.. as it turns out this past couple of weeks, the death is unpredictible.. even for me.. even when I am young." I look away again.
,,I just want you to know things, I'll probably won't have time to tell you." I state.
,,First of all. I am possitive that my parents weren't killed by Luke Maybank and if anything happens to me, it was probably Reed Cameron. He's bitter that my mum give him up as a child and then she had me and Kyle. Oh, Reed's my mother, Anna Carrera, and Ward Cameron's child, so.. there's a motive for killing them.. possibly me or Kyle. Or Sarah. The list could go on, but there's not really what I wanted to tell you. For my Pogues." I smile and look back into the camera.
,,I love you with all my heart. You saved my life, so don't let anyone tell you different. I was never a Kook, I mean.. yes I am rich and live on Fugure 8, but in my heart, I was always a Pogue and you knew that. You recognize that and took me in for your better judgement I am sure. I would give all my money if that was necessary for our time together. I hope we get a lot more. I also hope, if anything happen to me, you won't blame yourself, because it never be your fault." I close my eyes to stop the tears coming out.
,,I made a will today, you all get something to help you to go on with your life. I know you will give it to good couse. JJ, I left you our family restaurant, because I know and trust you to not go in waste. I hope I'll repair it in time of anything, but if not, please do it yourself and keep it going. Keep it in the family, because all of you are my family. I don't care what anyone else says. I would die for every one of you, that's how much I love you." I smile.
,,I hope you will be happy in life. That you find your purpose. Make your dreams come true. Travel the world. Do what you want in life, because it's short. Fucking short. I believe in you and even if I'm gone, I'll alway look after you. Do everything, so you can tell me all about it on the other side." I smile even more.
,,Caleb, Mal.. you are like my siblings. I know you for a long time. I'm not giving you anything in my will, because you don't need it, but I love you just the same as the Pogues. Cabe we grew up together. We have so much memories and.. I just love you and hope you'll get better and you'll be happy and loved." I pause again.
,,Mal, you are like a sister I didn't have, but.. you are a sister. To Cabe. To JJ. I hope for the both of you, you get to know each other more and get back the time you lost, because you are an amazing people. I love you too. Very much. I know you get the world. You will get anything you want. Mikayla Carrera, my little angel. The littlest of us, the joy of us. I know you will miss me, but.. I want you to keep going in life. Graduade. Save the world. I also know I said a bad world in this video, so I know you will be happy about that. Take it as a gift from me. You can yell it at my grave. Anyway. I love you and I want to hear everything when you get old and we meet again, so make your life full. Also, if you have a daughter, I remind you that my name is Kiara, not Mia." I wink.
,,I love you all. All of you were my family and you made my life better." I sigh.
,,See you later." I smile for a second and stop the recording. I save it my mac and sent it to the lawyer through my email.
,,Now let's hope it won't come to any of that." I say to myself and sigh.

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