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One month later


It has been a month since I have been anywhere with the Pogues except for school. It's been hard, but it needs to be this way. I told them I am grounded the day after I was at the police station. They believed me, so except for school and work, I have to be home. At least that's what they think. They don't know about my second job or that I am working in the Wreck almost everyday after school. They don't really go there for food. 

Sarah spends time with them still. She's working too, but not as much as I do. My parents wouldn't allow it anyway. She's been laying with me the whole time.

It's Saturday around 4 o'clock. I am just preparing to go to the cinema, when my phone rings. I pick it up from my bed and read the message. 


Pope: Do you want to go surfing today? The waves look great!!!

JJ: My shift end at 5, I can go after.

JB: I already finished, so I am in.

Cleo: I can't surf, so...

Sarah: Yeah, right back at ya, sister!

JJ: I can teach. I am the best for a reason!

Pope: Yeah, right XD.

Kiara: I'm the best one, J.

JJ: You are funny for sure, Kie. I admit that!

JB: Still grounded? 

Kiara: Yup! I hope it'll end soon, I am getting pretty bored:(.

Pope: Definetelly! :D

JJ: Alright.. 5:30 at John B'?

Sarah: Yup <3.

JJ: Great.

I put my phone down and sigh. Sarah comes into my room soon after.

,,How much more?" she asks and sits down on my bed.
,,Couple hundred." I look at her.
,,You can borrow my surf, if you want." I change the subject. 
,,Thanks." she smiles.
,,Only couple more days, Kie." she stands up.
,,I know." I smile.
,,Go have fun and say hi from me." I add before both of us leave my room. She goes back to her's and I go to work.


It's half past midnight, when I unlock the door to my house and slip inside quietly. I lock them after me and go to my room.

I grab my door handle and open them up slowly, but they squeak, so I close my eyes and slip inside and close them again. I rest my forehead on the door and listen if I woke up anyone. That would be a problem. 

,,Grounded, huh?" I quickly turn around and I sigh in relief it's only JJ.
,,Fuck, J, I almost had a heart attack!" I place my hand on my chest and I can sense my heart pounding really fast.
,,I'm sorry. I knocked on the window, you know, but when I look inside and didn't see you inside I invited myself in. I thought you just went downstairs for some food or whatever, but that's been more then 3 hours ago and judging by your outfit I would take a hard guess and say you were out." he stands up from my bed and takes a step forward.
,,You said your are bored, so I thought I would come with a joint and lift your mood. For my surprise you weren't bored at all, because you weren't even home." he takes another step and another and I starting to realize he just caught me lying to him. To all of them. And I have nothing to defend myself. Nothing I can say to him. He stops before me, so I have to hold my breath.
,,So, Kiara, where have you been all month?" he asks the final question. I look down because I can't face him this close, I would tell him everything, which I can't allow.
,,Nothing to say now? No apology? No excuse? Nothing? Not even another lie?" he asks mad. I close my eyes. I knew this was a possibility. I just didn't know it would actually happened. I hoper they would find out after we tell them the restitution is paid off.
,,If not, it just leaves me with the only reasonable truth." I look up at him, when he says this.
,,You don't wanna spent time with us, is that it?" I can see in his eyes he really believes it's what's  happening. I shake my head slightly, but he takes it and my silence the wrong way.
,,You could have just said that." he turns around and head to my window. 
,,That's not it, J." he stops, but he doesn't turn back at me.
,,I want to spent time with you, I miss you... I just... can't right now... not now, okey?" I blurt out some kind of an excuse. He turns around and even though it's dark in my room, I can see his worry in his eyes.
,,Did something happened? Did Rafe come back? Are you okey?" by the end of his questions, he stands in front of me even closer than before. I think I stopped breathing at all. I won't make it and tell him everything if he keeps standing so close to me. I back away from him and look down at my feat.
,,It's about me." he whispers. Shit. Not now, I can talk to him about us, now.
,,No, it's not. I just can't tell you. It's not even anything you said asked before." I kind of lie.
,,It is. It's about us, right? You avoid us, so you can avoid me." he says. It's not really the reason, but he's not off the topic totally.
,,No, I am not avoiding you, J, okey?" I look back into his eyes hoping it would be more believable.
,,Bullshit. Something happened between us back in Kingstone and we never talked about it. The next day we got back you were conveniently 'grounded' which I didn't question, but now I know you weren't grounded at all and you have no other reason why you don't spent time with us anymore, so yeah, I think this is about me. Me and you." he says and I look away.
,,I'm also not blind, I can see how you keep avoid my gaze even now, how you backed away from me. Just admit it, Kie, both of us know it already. You regret what happened." when he says the last sentence I look at him pissed now.
,,I regret it?" I chuckle for a second, which by his looks surprised him.
,,You were kissing another girl the same day, JJ, so don't blame me for regretting our kiss!" I shake my head in disbelieve. How dare he. 
,,What?" he raises his eyebrows.
,,You kissed Jamie." I take a step closer to him angrier now.
,,The same day you kissed me." I stop in front of him and point at him.
,,So how dare you to say I regret anything. You are the one who regrets it. Not me." he frowns at me.
,,She kissed me for a record. I haven't kissed anyone." he corrects me.
,,I saw it, JJ. She might have kissed you, but you didn't protest at all." I correct him.
,,She surprised me, so I'm sorry it took me a second to back away and understand what just happened!" he corrects me again.
,,Yeah, right." I roll my eyes.
,,Yeah, right! That's what happened. What about you and Dean, huh? You the one to talk." he switches the table.
,,Dean? Really? So we are back blaming shit at me. Great." I sigh.
,,We did one shot together because I helped him and you were kissing another girl. You really think it's the same thing to compare? I don't!" I shake my head. He doesn't say anything, neither do I.
,,You should go, I don't wanna talk about it anymore." I say. He shakes his head.
,,The whole peachy speech.. I get it now." he ignores me. I remember it and look away. 
,,You were jealous." he adds. I shake my head.
,,I wasn't. I was drunk and pissed at Sam for spilling a drink on me." I lie. I don't want him to know I was jealous, but when I look back at our conversation, I realize he must already put two and two together. He knows. Fuck.

,,You were jealous of Jamie, because you though I liked her as much as I like you." he says and I look up surprised. 
,,What did you just say?" I whisper. JJ opens his mouth slightly, because he realizes he admitted he liked me. What!?

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