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When he drops me off, no one is there. Kyle stayed in the car, so I text him it will be a while. I check the phone and see it's 9:47.

I notice that the boat isn't here so I sit down on the steps on the porch and wait for them to come back. They usually comes back around 10.


I look up nervously when I hear the boat come. They park and get out. I can see even from here how different are they since I last saw them.

When they come closer I get up, but I don't think they can see me yet because the only light is behind me.

I take a deep breath and step closer when I realize they know someone is here waiting for them.
,,Whoever you are, just fuck off, we are not commenting." I recognize John B's voice. All of them stops at sight and he's the only one still going forward to get rid of me.

When he's closer he stops too, when he realizes it's me.
,,The fuck." he says after a minute of staring. I look down for a second.
,,I'm so sorry." I say the only thing I can think off.
,,You were alive the whole time?" he asks as he squats down. I look behind him and see the rest heard him and they run to us.
,,Kie?" I recognize JJ's voice.
,,I'm really sorry." I say again.
,,Wha.. you.. what the fuck!?" he shouts and steps back shaking his head.
,,I didn't..." I step forward but stop when I can see they don't like that. They are still in shock.
,,I didn't want to do this, but.. I had to." I say.
,,Just let me explain." I add.
,,You pretended to be dead! What do you want to explain!?" JJ shouts at me while getting closer stoping in front of me. I look down when I can take his look anymore.
,,No, you don't get to look away! You... how could you do this to us!? How!?" he shouts again so I look up.
,,I'm sorry." it's the only think I can really say.
,,You promised me you won't pull shit like that anymore! You promised! You promised to tell us shit and you fucking didn't! We went to your fucking funeral for fucks sakes!" he yells again.
,,I know." I sigh.
,,I was trying..." I start but he interupts me.
,,I don't care about your excuses anymore! I'm done! I'm fucking done with your bullshit! I tried, I fucking tried, but you still do what the hell you want and we just need to go along." he shakes his head.
,,We are done." he steps even closer.
,,Get the hell out of here!" he bypass me and goes loudly inside. I try to keep my tears inside.
,,What happened?" Pope asks, so I tell them how Rafe saved us, how I got the confession and how we got them arrested. I only leave out me getting shot and how I suffered too. They are not ready to hear that now after finding out I lied and pretended I'm dead with Kylie.
,,You should go." John B states and goes inside too. The rest follows him soon after.

I let the tears out now and look at the sky before I move back to Kyle's car.

He doesn't ask me about anything. He just drives off to the hotel they are staying.

I'm welcomed by Riley and hug. Then I go to read a book to Kylie like I promised and when she finally falls asleep, I get back to them.

We sit down in the small living room and I tell them everything too. I don't even care when I start crying. They let me. They get it after loosing our parents and the fact I protected Kylie when they couldn't.

They let me take the only bed remaining and Riley goes to sleep with Kylie while Kyle takes the sofa.


I sleep through a lot of the next day. When I wake up around 4 o'clock in the afternoon I am still pretty tired after the week I had and the bullet wound that hurts more today than last night. I guess the adrenalin wore off.

After a late lunch, Kyle takes me to the police station where I make my official statement and then Shoup goes with us to the hospital where we meet up with Riley and Kylie. They check us up and Shoup explains with us how is it possible we are still alive. A Cheaf of the hospital knew that because he signed the death certificates because there weren't bodies but we had to be thorough if Reed had conection even in here.

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