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We get back to our cabin around 4 o'clock in the afternoon so we have 4 hours till we have to go to the pub.

The twins went back to their's and we are going to meet outside of our cabin's at 8.

I go to my room, but Sarah and John B follows me since they are staying there since they came here.
,,I'll go to shower then I'll leave you to it." I say and grab my home clothes.
,,Key, key." Sarah nods.

I make it in 10 minutes and get out. I remember Sarah throwing my hair straightener out of window so I go use Riley's which is in their bathroom.

I wait for them to shower before I take their bathroom and straighten my hair. I make two braids so my hair wouldn't fall into my face and check the time. I still have an hour and half before I'll have to go change my clothes.

,,Hey!" JJ grabs my arm and shoves me into his room closing the door behind me and pressing me onto them.
,,Hi." I smile but he's frowning.
,,Yes?" I ask.
,,This isn't funny, Kie. We have to tell them before Sarah makes you kiss... Chris." he shakes his head.
,,They know, J. She's doing this to mess with us, but.." I lean my face closer to him.
,,We don't let them win, okey? I have a plan." I smile.
,,No! You have shitty plans!" he shakes his head immediatelly.
,,Look who's talking." I raise my eyebrows at him.
,,My plans work everytime." he states.
,,Beg to differ." I shake my head.
,,They want to mess with us? We mess with them. Simple as that." I state.
,,Really? Wasn't we hiding we are back together so they would forgive you on their own?" he reminds me.
,,Sarah started it! We finish it!" I say.
,,You two acting like babies." he shakes his head.
,,So the plan, we make them believe we are still broken up. Jamie will help us." I say.
,,Jamie?" he asks.
,,You want me to hit on her?" he asks.
,,Yes! But we tell her." I explain.
,,Oh my God." he shakes his head.
,,Remind me why do I love you?" he asks.
,,Because I am awesome." I kiss him quickly. He looks at me again when I lean back, but then he frowns.
,,For God sakes, where did you get another hair-straightener?" he shakes his head.
,,See! You already know what's it called." I smile and make him step back. I find the lock on the door and turn it. JJ looks down at my hand.

,,We still have 80 minutes." I say and push him back till his legs hit the bed and he has to sit down. I smiles and sit on him astride.

His hands wraps around me and pulls me closer.
,,Keep going." he smiles and my hands goes into his hair. I lean down and kiss him like my life depends on it.

He lies back down and takes me with him. My hands go under his t-shirt and I take it off soon after. He turns us around and take off my shirt with my bra. He moves down on my neck and keeps going.


After thirty minutes we find our clothes and JJ checks the hall before he lets me leave. I go into Kylie's room to play with her for the remaing time.

When the clock hits 7:30, I grab my phone from her and go change.

I find Sarah and Cleo in my closet. The boys are sitting next to each other on my bed playing PlayStation games.
,,You move like turtle, Pope." JJ says when I enter the room. He snatches the controler from him so now John B and JJ play.
,,Hey, that's my clothes!" I raise my eyebrows at them.
,,You mean it's our clothes you stole from us over the years?" John B says without looking away from the TV.
,,Exactly." I nod and walk into my closet where Cleo and Sarah are trying some options.

We decide for this:



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When we walk out of the closet, the boys turns at us

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When we walk out of the closet, the boys turns at us. The four are to busy staring at each other to notice JJ's shocked face. He bites his lip and looks away.
,,It fits perfectly. Angel, the in between and... the she-devil." Sarah comments our outfits.
,,Funny." I say and put my phone in my bag.
,,I wasn't joking!" she says and follows me into my bathroom where we put on some light make-up and mascara.

,,It's 8!" the boys shout, so we finish and go downstairs. I already texted the plan to Jamie when I was hanging out with Kylie and she's in.
,,You can't go like that!" Kyle shouts when he sees me.
,,She can't, right?" he looks at Riley who's laughting.
,,She's single, Kyle. She have to impress Chris." Sarah says.
,,You look great!" Hanah and Riley says.
,,Chris, Chris!? My best friend Christ!?" Kyle asks.
,,She likes to date her best friends." Sarah points out.
,,You look great." JJ says to Jamie who walked in.
,,Thanks." she smiles at him all lovey.
,,Ehm, what?" Sarah turns around.
,,You look nice too, Sarah." JJ turns to her.
,,I... know." she nods and looks at Cleo, then John B.
,,I am curious, if you had to evaluate our outfits from one to ten, what would you give us? I am asking all three of you. Jamie come here." Sarah says.
,,I would give Cleo like ten out of ten, you would get eight for the attitude. Eh, like six out of ten to Kie, feels like basic party clothes. And deffinetaly eleven to Jamie." JJ says and I try not to laugh.
,,Wrong, you should have said ten to all of us." Sarah crosses her arms.
,,You asked." JJ shrugs and Pope and John B give us all ten so Sarah would be happy.

But me and JJ know she was just asking just him. Game on, Cameron.

,,What's taking so long?" the twins comes in with Jackie who joins the adult in the living room.
,,Have fun! Don't came back for at least six to eight hours!" she sits down and pours herself a glass of wine.
,,Okey! Bye!" I shout and we grab our jackets and head out.

It's only 10 minut walk by foot, so everyone could drink.
,,It's on Carrera tonight, so drink all you want!" Finnley says to them before we walk in.
,,What? Who decided that?" I ask him suprised.
,,You had birthday, so you are paying. Take this night as celebrating that!" he walks in.
,,You just want free drinks!" I say and we find a table for 12 people so all 11 of us would fit.

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