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When I wake up I don't even check my phone because I already know what's waiting for me. Nothing.

I go downstairs and find Kylie snooping around the tree and checking the presents.
,,Morning." I say. She slowly turns around.
,,Ehm.. morning." she says and I go make myself a coffee.
,,Want some cocoa?" I look up at her. She nods and sits down on the chair.
,,I'm sorry." she states.
,,I know." I nod and we stay quiet for a while.

Kyle and Riley show up minutes later.
,,Alright! Who's ready for presents!?" Kyle asks cheerfully.
,,Meee!" Kylie hops down from the chair and runs into the living room.

She gets a lot of toys she wanted and some clothes. After we unwrap our presents Kylie goes grab my phone and calls the Pogues. I scoot away so they wouldn't see me since it's face-time.
,,Happy Christmas!" they all shout when they pick up.
,,Oh my God! I got so much presents! I have to show you!" she says and gives me the phone so I would hold it in front of her.

She starts to show them everything and comments.
,,Wow, you had to be such a good girl this year!" Sarah says when Kylie's done.
,,As if." Kyle looks at the screen.
,,I was, daddy!" she gives him a look and turns back at them.
,,Just ignore him." she says.
,,But hey! You have a lot of presents here too!" she grabs the phone from me and goes to the tree so they could see.
,,Oh my!" John B says.
,,Hello!" the main door opens so I turn around.
,,Hey!" I get up and go to hug Caleb. Hannah, Rick and Mal are right behind him.
,,Mal!" Kylie shouts and waves at her so she would go to her.
,,How is it going?" he asks me silantly. I just shrug and make him go further.
,,Look, we have more presents!" Hannah says to Kylie and puts them under the tree from the bags they brought with them.

Kylie unwraps the presents while Kyle hold the phone so the Pogues would see her. Mal does too and then they go into Kylie's room.

Me and Caleb then go next door and spent the day with Finnley and Frankie.

The rest of the day goes around quickly and before I know it, it's my birthday. Eighteen.

It should feel special since I'm legally adult now, but it feels like every other day. I wake up, smile and we go to dinner in the near by restaurant.

After we come back, I excuse myself and go to my room. I am not feeling it this year to be honest.

,,Hey." Mal comes to my room around 10 o'clock.
,,What's up?" I sit up and she comes to me slowly.
,,Here." she gives me a little box. I raise my eyebrows but I take it from her.
,,You already..." I start.
,,It's from JJ." she says.
,,We stopped by in Outer Banks on our way here to give him Christmas presents and he gave me this for you." she explains which suprises me.
,,Said he bought it weeks ago." she shrugs and leaves my room. I look at the wraped box. That's it. I just stare at it for more than 30 minutes before I shake my head and place it on my night stand. I shouldn't have this. I don't want it like this.

I go downstairs to Kyle's office.
,,Hey." I go inside. He looks up.
,,Can we talk?" I ask and he nods. I close the door behind me and sit down opposite of me.
,,I thought about it and... I don't know if I can go back to OBX." I say and he raises his eyebrows at me suprised.
,,What?" he asks.
,,I can't hurt them anymore than I already did, Kyle. I just thought I could finish high school somewhere else and after graduation come back to work in the Wreck." I state.


We went surfing today and now we are sitting on the beach staring at the ocean in silance.
,,It's weird." John B states.
,,Yeah." I nod.
,,It shouldn't be like this. I hate it." Sarah adds.
,,Did anyone text her?" Pope asks.
,,I want to, but when I grab my phone... I just can't." Sarah says all of our dilema out loud.

My phone starts to ring so I pick up and give Kylie on speaker.
,,Hi, Kyles." I say when she says nothing.
,,I have a... question.. for you." I can say she's crying. I exchange a look with my friends.
,,What's up? You okey?" I ask.
,,Do you really hate her so much as she thinks?" she asks which suprises us all.
,,Kylie..." Sarah starts, but she interupts her.
,,I heard them talking about not coming back." she says and we stay queit.
,,What?" John B asks like we heard wrong.
,,She doesn't want to hurt you by seeing her everyday in school." she explains.
,,That's..." I shake my head but don't say anything else.
,,You can't move." I state finally.
,,I don't want to! I would never see you again, but I'm four! They are the adults who decides!" she starts to cry harder.
,,Calm down, Kyles. You won't move." Sarah shakes her head too.

,,What are you doing, Kylie?" we hear Kie come to the room.
,,I told them." Kylie says after a minute.
,,Kyles." Kie comes closer.
,,Can we talk?" she asks her.
,,No!" Kylie states.
,,They don't want you to move." she adds.
,,You are crying, of course they said that." Kie says.
,,I'll call you later." Kylie says and hangs up.
,,This took a turn." Pope comments.
,,This is way out of control." Sarah gets up.
,,I don't like this silance between us." she adds.
,,I don't think I'm ready to talk to her." Pope says.
,,We have a decision. Every one of us. Are we willing to actually lose her for good?" Sarah asks and gives us a look.
,,Didn't we already?" John B asks.
,,No, we are just at the point where we decide that and I don't think we can do that here while she's there." Sarah says.
,,Pack your shit, we are leaving tomorrow." Sarah states and suprisingly, no one says no. Not even me. Because she's right.

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