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We are back in square one when we have to hide again. But, we are back. That's what matter to me now.

I fell asleep instantly after we came back to the cabin.
I was woken up by the sun rise, so I checked the time to see we still have time to just lie here. I turn on my right side and pull Kie closer to me. I leave my hand around her and close my eyes again.
,,Morning." Kie says and turns around to look at me.
,,It's still early." I state.
,,I didn't say I am leaving." she moves her hand into my hair, so I open my eyes.
,,I said good morning." she smiles.
,,Don't you have a hungover?" I raise my eyebrows at her.
,,Not really. I sobered up pretty quickly when we talked." she explains.
,,It was great talk. Love it." I smile and kiss her slowly.

,,C'mon, if we get up now and go hang out in the living room, I don't need to sneak around." she turns around and stands up. She grabs my hoodie from the chair and leaves my room. I sit up shaking my head.

I stand up too and grab my t-shirt, because I slept only in my shorts. I follow after her in the kitchen.

As we thought, no one is up yet, so Kie makes us coffees and we turn on the TV in the living room. We sit down and watch The Grinch.


,,You already up?" Kyle comes into the living room an hour later. He sits down into the arm chair and shoots us a look.
,,Trust your eyes." Kie comments.
,,They see corectly." she adds.
,,Funny." he rolls his eyes and looks at me. I just shrug.
,,So, you two are good again?" he asks.
,,This is a common space, Kyle. We are just watching TV, nothing more." Kie lies, I stay quiet.
,,Okey, so you are back together in secret. Got it!" he states and Kie finally looks at him. I just start to laugh.
,,Oh fuck! I am right, aren't I!? I was just joking but your reaction said it all." he laughs too.
,,Do I win something for figuring it out first?" he smiles.
,,Why couldn't I be an only child." Kie shakes her head and looks at me annoyed.
,,I was born first, I was an only child till you came along to piss me off." he reminds her.
,,And I do it with pleasure." she smiles at him.
,,I figured." he nods and leaves to wake up everyone.
,,Took him 5 minutes to find out." I look at Kie.
,,It won't take long for the rest to figure it out too." I add with a smile.
,,Keep smiling like that, see what happens." she rolls her eyes and look back at the TV.

,,Morning." the Pogues waltz into the living room.
,,Morning." Kie and I say at the same time.
,,Everything... okey?" John B asks and they look between us.
,,Peachy." Kie says without looking away from the TV, but I look at her after that.
,,Peachy?" I ask.
,,It's just a word, J." she looks at me too.
,,Everything's fine." she looks at the Pogues who exchange looks.
,,You know what I realized!?" Kylie runs into the room.
,,You still haven't unwrap the gifts from Santa and People!" she points at the gifts.
,,Oh, you are right." Sarah nods.
,,Okey, now is a good time for it, don't you think?!" Kylie decides and starts to give everyone their presents.
,,So, I feel like I have to explain this one's." she points at the 5 biggest. Kie narrows.
,,It's from us Carrera's to every one of you." she starts.
,,We didn't know if you actually come here, but we thought since you are part of the family, you would someday." she says.
,,If you don't like them, we can exchange them from some other... color? Well, it's not really just one color, there are pictures and text, but you get my point." she gives us a look.
,,They'll like it." Kie comments.
,,You chose them, they might not." Kylie looks at her.
,,They will." Kie states naturaly still looking at the TV.
,,I wouldn't like it." Kylie crosses her arms.
,,Because it's not for you. If it was, I would choose something different." Kie rolls her eyes.
,,Okey, maybe we could see and decide." I interwien because this could go on forever.
,,Yes!" Kylie shouts.
,,Mia, be a little usefull and help me carry it? It's heavy." Kylie says to Kie, who stands up and they gives us the big presents.
,,Oh my!" John B comments his snowboard.
,,Oh no!" Sarah leans her head against it.
,,This is like surfing, right?" she looks at Kie.
,,Better!" she smiles at her.
,,That should go.. great." Cleo says and exchanges a look with Sarah.
,,When are we going?" Pope asks enthusiaticaly.
,,We can go today if you want." Kie sits back down.
,,Will you learn us?" I ask.
,,I can, but Kyle could do it too. You can choose. Or Cabe. Or the twins." she says.
,,You'll do." John B decides.
,,Can I watch?" Kylie chuckles.
,,Should be fun for me." she adds.
,,It will be fun for all people there." Kie starts to laugh too.
,,Great." I say and we unwrap other present which is snowboard gear.
,,This is from Hannah I think." Kylie gives me a small box. I am suprised to find an iphone inside.
,,Oooh." Kylie likes that one.
,,Yes." Kie smiles.
,,It's better model than mine, Kyles, you should start to snach that one from now on." she adds.
,,You bet." Kylie sits next to me very closely and wait for me to turn it off.
,,Maybe you could give them the rest of the presents while Jayj actives the phone." Kie suggest.
,,Okey." Kylie says and do that.

Sarah gets a macbook from Kyle and Riley and some clothes since she lost most of her things in the house. John B gets a speaker since we broke his last one months ago. Pope gets some fancy sneakers and Cleo gets some girl thingys. Sarah gets some too.
,,Heylou." the twins shouts from the main door.
,,You got a mail, KC." they come into the living room without it.
,,Where is it?" Kie looks up.
,,We left it in the kitchen." they sit down.
,,I'll get it!" Kylie runs off.

She comes back with a box.
,,I don't get it. Why would dad sent you this? You are living together." she looks at Kie.
,,What?" Kie asks.
,,It's written here!" Kylie nods at the top.
,,I'll be back for you, sis." she reads it.

,,Kyles." Kie gets up slowly.
,,Don't move." she adds and it hits us all. Kylie looks down.
,,Oh no." she shakes her head and steps back with the box.
,,It's like the last one, right?" she looks into Kie's eyes.
,,The one with the bomb." she adds and steps back again.
,,Don't move, Kylie, it's going to be fine." Kie makes another step forward.
,,Kyle!" she shouts. I exchange a look with John B who nods at me. I nod too and we stand up. He grabs Kie around her waist and I go to Kylie.
,,What are you... JJ!" she realizes what are we doing.

I squat down in front of Kylie.
,,Kylie, it's alright." I place my hand on the bottom of the box.
,,We'll do exchange deal, okey?" I find her eyes.
,,When I tell you now, you let go of the box and go steal my phone. I'll have the box and you'll have the phone, it's a good deal, don't you think?" I ask her, she nods.
,,What's going on?" Kyle comes to the room.
,,What are you doing there?" he asks.
,,It looks like the same box with the bomb I got. It came through the mail." Kie explains behind me.
,,We had no idea." one of the twins says.
,,Alright, we'll take it out." Kyle walks by us and opens the glass door.
,,Okey. Now, Kylie." I say, she lets go and runs off.

I stand up slowly with the box and I go outside. I place it in the snow far enough from the house.
,,What do we do now?" I ask when I get back on the porch. The rest is still inside.
,,I'll go call 911." Kyle says and nudges me back inside, locking the door behind us.
,,You crazy?!" Kie pushes into me out of nowhere.
,,It could have blew up into your face!" she adds.
,,You would like it better if Kylie would walk it out?" I ask, she stays quiet.
,,Or you?" I frown.
,,It was for me." she says.
,,Okey, walk it off!" Caleb stands in between us and nods at Kie to walk away. She sighs but walks away.
,,And it was such a nice morning." Sarah sits back down.
,,Yup." I nod and look at John B.
,,I'll go find Kylie with my phone." I say and walk away too.

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