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After almost an hour, we finally get to the motel. I took us longer because I could barely walk. JJ isn't in the best condition either, so when he help me to walk, he also had to bring himself to walk, which witch concussion isn't the easiest to do. 

When we stop before the entrance, older lady comes to us, but she doesn't tell us anything useful. We don't know under which name are they registered, so she couldn't tell what room are they staying or even if they are staying here at all. 

,,They weren't in the hospital, Barry. Maybe they've seen us and run." I recognize Rafe's voice around the corner.
,,Barry." I whisper. He was the person with Rafe who I couldn't seen but recognized his voice. I thought Barry betrayed Rafe, didn't really think they would get back together in Rafe's quest after Sarah. And me, I guess. 

,,JJ." I shake with his arm, because he's looking around if he can maybe see one of our friends.
,,I think I heard Rafe. He said Barry's name too. Maybe they are also staying here for the time being." I look at him with eyes full of fear now. JJ looks around a then he grabs my arm and take me with him behind some column. They come here a minute later and we turn around the column as they walk to their room so they wouldn't seen us. We stay behind it even after they close the door, because they directly opposite to, so if either of them look out of their window they could see us sneaking out of here. I feel like I am in a trap and if I mood I drop dead. 
,,What are we gonna do?" I whisper.
,,We wait." JJ whispers back and press himself closer to me, so we would be sure they won't see us in this angle.

We stand here for another hour at least. No one came out of their room or out of anyone's room. 

It doesn't take much longer and of the doors open up. I hold my breath when I think it's Rafe or Barry. I can't really have a view from where I am standing. After a few seconds JJ take peak behind the column to see if it's them. 
,,I think it was the room which is above them." he whispers and peak even more.
,,I think it was Pope, but I saw only his back and closing door after him, so I am not totally sure it was him." JJ looks down at me.
,,How sure you are?" I ask.
,,Like 80% sure." he admits. I nod. JJ catch me around ma waist again and we start to walk towards the stairs.

We move quickly and I have my spare hand over my mouth so I wouldn't make a noise. 
,,We are almost there, Kie." JJ says and we take two more steps. We head for the door JJ thinks he saw Pope get in and knock lightly. 

We wait and when the door opens we back up before John B with a lamp with his hand ready to attack us.
,,JJ? Kie?" he says confused. He moves and let us get in. The rest are standing near the window. No one says anything when JJ helps me sit down on the bed.
,,What the fuck are you doing here? Why aren't you in the hospital?" Sarah asks the first questions. 
,,Rafe visited the hospital. With Barry of all people." JJ answers her. 
,,Are you okey?" John B takes a step and looks at us from head to toe.
,,Not really." I shake my head. 
,,We run from them and come looking for you guys, but guess what? Rafe lives here too. Great right?" JJ asks ironically.
,,What!?" Pope almost shouts.
,,Shut it." I look at him.
,,They are right under us." JJ explains. 
,,What the fuck." John B shakes his head in disbelief.
,,Yeah." I nod.
,,Alright, alright." Pope takes a step to us too.
,,You two should rest. Sarah and Cleo, you stay with them here and me and John B sneak out to buy some food and clothes. Kie have blood all over herself." everyone nods at his plan. 

The boys leave with some cash, the girls help us to lie down on the bed. After that, they lie down on the other bed and turn on the TV, because there isn't anything they can do for us. 

I close my eyes and turn to JJ. 
,,Wake me up when they come back with the food, please. I'm starving." I say without opening my eyes. I know he doesn't plan to sleep, because he was watching the TV and even if he fell asleep, he has light sleep so he would wake up when someone would enter the room. 

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