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,,Morning." I say when she opens her eyes sleepishly.
,,Morning." she sits up slowly.
,,What time is it?" she asks.
,,Almost 10." I say when I check my phone.
,,What!?" she turns around to look at me.
,,You joking. I went to sleep around 6!" she raises her eyebrows waiting for me to say that I am joking. Unfortunately for her, I am not.

I turn around my phone and show her the time. She looks at it and then smiles.
,,Nice wallpaper." she comments. I roll my eyes and put my phone back to my pocket.
,,I am on it, so.. obviously it's nice." I joke.
,,You were there too? I only noticed me." she plays along and I chuckle.
,,Thought so." I nod and look into her beautiful eyes.
,,We should talk." I state.
,,Abour yesterday and the they before." I add. She sighs but nods.
,,I'm sorry.." she starts but I interupt her.
,,Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. I did." I remind her.
,,I am sorry." I state and grab her hand into mine.
,,I shouldn't have gone back home. I promised you and I... am an idiot. I was just so... angry at him. I wanted to hurt him because he hurted you, but... I couldn't. When I got there, I thought about you and the investigation.. and I didn't want to ruin something I knew so little about, so I just went to my room and wanted to pack my shit, so I would never have to go there again." I start to explain.
,,Then you showed up, because of me.. and got arrested because of me. I'm so sorry. I should have stayed here." I add.
,,It's Luke who called cops not you. I am not angry at you anymore. Thought, you broke the promise... that will cost you." she smiles and leans to kiss me. I kiss her back but I stop her short. I know she doesn't want to talk about yesterday so she wants to distract me, I won't let her.
,,That's not all, Kie." I say when I pull back. She sighs again.
,,Kyle told you." she nods as she figures what's coming.
,,If you don't talk about it, I won't push you. I just want you to know, that you can tell me anything and it won't change a thing. I love you. All of you. Nothing can change that. I know I might haven't give you the space to talk to me or maybe gave you the ipression you can't, but you can. About anything. I know how badly I reacted when you told us about what Rafe did to you and then you went to my dad, but... I didn't have the whole picture to understand. But that shouldn't have mattered. I didn't look at it from your picture and storm out. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." I say. She looks down on our hands.
,,I just.. it's not... I don't want you to know. I guess. Not now at least." she says.
,,Maybe someday, I'll tell you, but.." she shakes her head.
,,Hey." I cup her face so she would look at me.
,,I said I won't push you. I just wanted you to know you can if you want. Or when you are ready. I'm always here for you." I say and kiss her forehead.
,,I know you are, J." she place her hands on mine.
,,I love you too." she adds and we look into each others eyes.


That day Shoup calls us that Luke did sent a box through that delivery and he's working on warent to his hous and arrest.

Around 7 o'clock in the afternoon, I sit down with my brother into my dad's office to play the video, our mum recorded and was given to us from the lawyer.

It's only 5 minutes long, but it's plenty enough for her to shock us to the bone and stare at the screen long after the video is over.

,,What the hell?!" Kyle says after another 20 minutes. I exchange a look with him.
,,I.." I start but don't know how to continue.
,,That can't be true. He's an asshole." I state.
,,He's a Cameron." he points out.

We sit for a little while longer in silance before we go back to our own rooms.

The next few days later comes by quickly. Nothing interesting happens. Our dad is still in a coma. Luke was arrested for murder and multiple attepted murders. The court will take place on Friday which is in a 7 days, but Shoup is confident he'll be convicted.

The Pogues spent most of their time at school and in jobs, so I haven't seen much of them in the last few days. Except for JJ, who sleeps in my bed every day. Kyle is okey with it, because he likes him and he knows he'll keep me safe. His words exactly. I also had some more meetings via my macbook with the therapist, but I still haven't got back to school.

That's about it. About the last few days of peace. Kind of.

Everything changes the next day with a phone call.

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