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I lock the house and we head to Twinkie all together. Sarah runs to John B and hugs him. Me and JJ stops next to each and exchange a look.
,,Here it comes." I warn him.
,,You okey, Sarah?" John B asks her.
,,They scarred me for life!" she steps back.
,,You should have knocked." I remind her.
,,Oh God, I didn't have to know that." John B closes his eyes for a second and shakes his head.
,,Don't be a children, Jesus." I get into the car. They all follow.

We have a great rest of the day. We surf and when it gets dark, we chill in the beach for a while.

Shit goes south when they drop us home. It's 10 o'clock but my parents aren't at home even though they should. The Wreck closes at 9 and they are usualy home 10 minutes after.

I go to my room and pick up my phone from the nightstand. They didn't texted or called but I have a few missed calls from Shoup. Sarah takes a shower in the meantime I call him back.
,,Kiara?" he says when he picks up.
,,Yeah. I'm sorry, I didn't have my phone at me. Did something happen? Something with the Camerons?" I ask because why else he would have called me.
,,I'm so sorry to tell you this but... there was a bomb at the Wreck that went of an hour ago. We got there as quickly as we could but your dad is in coma and your mum... she's dead. On sight." he says and I fall on the floor.
,,What?" I whiper like he would say anything else.
,,I'm so sorry. Everyone is on it, but we will need a footage from the cameras to find out who might have done this. The bomb was home made." he says.
,,I know it's devastating news but if you could come by the precinct tomorrow to give us the footage, it would help." he adds.
,,Ehm. Sure. I'll come." I say and hang up the phone still in shock. This didn't happen. My mum isn't dead. I'm just having a nightmare and I will wake up every second.

,,The shower is free!" Sarah shouts and I look up. I hear her door closes. I get up and turn on my TV to see if something is in the news.

,,A bomb went of at 21:01 this afternoon. As for now, one person was dead on sight. Others who were still inside were transported into the hospital in critical condition and fighting for life. We will update you as we learn more. Our condolences goes to the Carrera's children." I listen to the report. I turn off the TV and call Kyle immediately.
,,I know." he says when he picks up.
,,Shoup told me few minutes back. I had my phone on silent because Mik is already asleep." he adds.
,,Same. I was just at the beach, didn't have my phone with me." I say and my eyes start to water when the reality starts to set in.
,,I am still waiting to wake up and this shown out to be just a nightmare, but..." I close my eyes.
,,She can't be dead, Kyle." I shake my head. I hear him cry too.
,,Shoup wants from me a footage from the security camera. Could you go with me tomorrow?" I ask him.
,,Of course." he says.

,,I get it!" I hear Sarah shout from the hallway. Then I realize someone is at the door ringing

,,Do you want me to come home?" he asks.
,,No. Sarah's here. Be with your wife. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and hang up.

,,It's Rick and Hannah!" Sarah shouts. I get up and slowly go downstairs.
,,Hey. What.." I don't even finish the sentence when Hannah hugs me.
,,I'm so sorry, sweetie." she says and the reality is set in stone. I break down. I fall down but she doesn't let go of me. She sits down with me.
,,What's going on?" I hear Sarah asks.
,,You didn't hear?" Rick asks. I lean back to look at Sarah.
,,A bomb went of at the Wreck." I say.
,,My mum died on sight. Dad is in coma and other people are critical." I add. She falls down on a chair behind her. She shakes her head. I start to cry again. Hannah hugs me tighter this time. I let her.


I don't remember how I got in to my own bed last night, but when I wake up the next morning, I am there. Sarah's lying next to me.

I pick up my phone from the floor and see it's 10 o'clock. I didn't set up an alarm so that's why I didn't wake up sooner.

I have several missed calls from the Pogues. Some messages too. My attention takes one particular message.

Rafe Cameron: I'm sorry.

I frown and then thought runs through my mind. What if it was him? Or Ward?

Who else would want to hurt my family? No one has the reason to hurt my parents except them. No one.

I silently stand up and go downstairs. I open the door to my dad's office and go to his desk. I open his drawer and there's a mini safe. I tap the pin. It's mine and Kyle's birthday together. I take out his gun and load it before I leave the office. I grab my jacket which hangs by the door and go to my car.

I call Rafe in the car.
,,Hey." he says kind of confused.
,,Can we talk?" I ask nicely so he wouldn't get suspicious.
,,I need to talk to someone who won't look at me like I am made from eggshell." I add.
,,Sure. Where?" he asks.
,,Our spot?" I ask, because not many people goes there.
,,I'll be there in 15." he hangs up the phone.


When I wake up, Kie isn't in her bed. She isn't even in the house. I try to call her but she doesn't pick up. I try to find her location through Find Me on my iPhone, but she turned that off.
,,Fuck." I say and call the Pogues who might still don't know what happened. I didn't call them last night. To be honest, my mind was else where.
,,Finally!" John B picks up.
,,Where are you? Why aren't you in school?" he asks.
,,Something happened. It's better if you come to Kie's. I would rather not tell you over a phone call." I explain.
,,Sure. But you two are okey?" he asks.
,,Physically? Yes. Mentally? Not so much." I say vagualy.
,,Just come here. ASAP!" I say and hang up the phone.

I call Hannah next, but on the third ring, her car parks in the driveway. I hang up the phone call and look out of the widow.

It's all of them. Even Malia and Caleb. I go to the door and open them before they can ring.
,,She's gone." I say nervously.
,,What?" Hannah asks confused.
,,I don't know where Kie is! When I woke up, she wasn't here!" I let them in.
,,Do you think someone took her or anything?" Caleb asks.
,,No. I think that would wake me up. We were sleeping in the same bed and the doors and windows were locked. Also, her car is gone, so she must have drive somewhere by herself, but she's not okey right now, who knows what she's planning." I explain everything I know.
,,I tried to find her through her location but she turned that off and doesn't pick up the God damn phone!" I sit down because I was starting to shake.
,,Do we call Shoup or someone?" Cabe asks.
,,I called the Pogues, they should be here any minute. They still don't know and I didn't want to tell them over the phone." I say.

,,Tell us what?" I turn my head to see them standing in front of us.
,,What are you all doing here?" JJ asks.
,,That's him?" I hear Mal asks Cabe silently, but all of us hear her.
,,Yeah, but this is not a good time, M." Cabe answers here.
,,Come with me, you should lie down, you can play something on PlayStation while the adults talk." Cabe nudges her to the living room. She rolls her eyes on the way.
,,I am not a kid, Cabe." she comments.
,,You are 15 so you technically are. Don't argue with me." he says and they disappear around the corner.
,,Where's Kie?" JJ asks another question. I exchange a look with Hannah.
,,There was a bomb at the Wreck yesterday. Anna died and Mike's in come. Some people are critical. Kie disappeared this morning and we don't know where she went." she explains with shaky voice.
,,What?" Pope says and looks at the others. JJ looks at his mom in trans and John B looks at me.
,,Who... would do... this?" Cleo asks.
,,My money are on Ward but..." I shrug.
,,Fuck." JJ runs his hand through his hair.
,,What do we do?" John B asks.
,,We wait. We don't know where she is." Cabe comes back.

And we do exactly that. We sit around the kitchen table and wait. All of us spam her with texts and phone calls but she doesn't respond to anyone.

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