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Kyle doesn't step outside of dad's office the rest of the night. The Pogues goes upstairs with me and the rest stay downstairs.
,,So, what did exactly happened?" Pope asks when we sit down on my bed. Sarah lets us all know she won't sit there because what JJ and I did yesterday and sits down on my chair with her legs crossed.
,,Called him to meet me. I almost shot him and definetally punched him couple times. The gun went off to the air and the cops showed up minutes later." I explain.
,,You know who the suspect is?" JJ asks. I nod without looking at him.
,,They don't have a proof yet so they are looking into it, but they have a motive. Couple of them actually. He was planing that Sarah would be there too. There was a mention of mine name too, but..." I shrug. I don't want them to know who it is yet. Not until it's proven. Luke's still JJ's dad and I know JJ would blame himself too.
,,You think the person will try something else on you two?" John B asks. I look up at him.
,,Don't know, but I wouldn't pass it over him." I say.
,,So, you know the person?" Pope asks.
,,Yup." I nod sligtly.
,,And you won't tell us." Sarah states.
,,I won't." I nod at that too.
,,Why exactly?" she asks.
,,First of all, I don't need you to go all crazy as I did today, which at least one of you would 100% and second of all, I promised Shoup. It's still ongoing case and he doesn't want the person know we are onto him." I explain.
,,Which one of us?" JJ asks.
,,I won't tell you." I smile at him ironically. He rolls his eyes.

,,Hola hey!" Kiley waltzes into my room and jump between us.
,,Wanna play something? I am bored as fuck." she smiles.
,,Aren't you like 3?" Pope raises his eyebrows at her.
,,Dad said two bad words so I yet can use another one." Kylie explains to him.
,,If one of us says a bad word, she can too." I explain.
,,Usualy it's thanks to Mia." she adds. They all look at me so I shrug.
,,Happens." I say.
,,Which one of you is JJ?" she asks and looks around.
,,Why?" JJ asks.
,,You? Great, I was suppose to tell you that I said I love Mia's straigh hair." she remembers. JJ gives me an annoyed look and I smile at him.
,,So you can see you are still the stupid one!" I comment.
,,Back to two bad words I see." Kailey comments.
,,You are like a watch dog I swear to God." I shake my head.
,,I am told that a lot." she nods with another smile.
,,So, what should we play? I am still bored and my parents are in gradpa's office." she reminds us why she came here.
,,What do you have in mind?" I ask because I know we will play whatever she wants.
,,Ludo!" she jumps out of the bed and grabs it from my shelf.
,,How many board games do you own!?" JJ raises his eyebrows.
,,A lot!" Kylie comments and sits back on the bed.
,,So there are only 4 colors of figurines so you have to play in pairs. I play solo." she says and prepares it. I grab the blue ones before she has the chance.
,,Ha." I say and place them on the board.
,,That's not fair! You know I love blue!" she frowns at me.
,,So do I." I stick my tongue out at her.
,,Unfair! I am three, you should be nicer to me. Pff." she shakes her head and grab the green ones. JJ gives me a look but I shrug again.
,,So, how about the pairs?" she reminds us.
,,I'm with Kie." JJ says and scoot closer to me.
,,Figured." Sarah says and sits next to John B.
,,I'm with my boy." she adds.
,,So you two are together." Kylie points at Pope and Cloe, they nod.

We start the game. Kylie decided that the youngest begins. We play about 30 minutes. Sarah and John B wins.
,,Un-fucking-fair." Kylie comments and shakes her head.
,,Didn't you hear the rule when you let the kid win?" she points out.
,,Oh stop whining." I say to her.
,,You're mean Carrera." she gives me a look.
,,Runs in the family, Youngest Carrera." I smile ironically at her.
,,One more time!" she decides and we play another round. This time JJ and I win.

,,That's how you do it." we high five each other.
,,Un-fucking-believable!" Kylie comments again and gives us a death stare.
,,That was the last one! Be carefull now." I state with a smile.
,,I hate this game." she says and storms out of my room.
,,Shouldn't you go after her?" Cleo asks me.
,,Nah. She's doing this everytime. She'll get over it in no time." I state and pack the game back to the box.
,,It reminds me of someone." JJ says. I give him a look.
,,Carefull with your words." I warn him and place the box back in the shelf.

,,Guess what!?" Cabe comes into the room few minut later.
,,What?" I ask.
,,Well, you have to guess." he states.
,,Don't want to." I give him a smile.
,,You are ruining it, girl." he shakes his head.
,,We set up the caraoke downstairs." he smiles proudly.
,,Enjoy." I give him a thumbs up. He frowns.
,,What do you mean? Get your butts downstairs, we are going to sing." he smiles again.
,,Don't want to." I say.
,,I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow, but you should go for it." I say to the others. They exchange a look and they get out of the room like it is on fire.
,,I said go! Not run! I'm not that boring!" I shout after them. Caleb gives me the same look the Pogues exchanged and gets out.
,,What was that?!" I throw my hands in the air.
,,You are not running?" I look at J. He smiles at me and shakes his head.
,,Unless you want me to." he says. I frown at him.
,,Why would I want that? You are the only person left in here." I lie down and turn on my side to him. He gets up and switches the light off. He lies back down and turn to his side to face me.
,,I could really use your advice on what to say, because I am useless." he grabs my hand and intertwins our fingers.
,,You don't have to say anything." I scoot closer to him and he hugs me.
,,Just stay with me." I say. The feeling about my parents comes rushing back because I was avoiding them since my yesterday breakdown.
,,In our family runs rudness, but in your the best hugs." I joke slightly, but the part about his family is true.
,,I know you hate your mum, but she was there for me yesterday when I was too out of it to even call you." I explain what I mean.
,,I'm sorry if..." I start, but he interupts me.
,,Don't. She didn't do anything to you and I am glad she was there when your mum couldn't be. I get it, Kie." he kisses the top of my head.
,,I love you and I do anything to help if you need something. Anything." he says. We stay quiet for a minute.

,,Can I ask you something?" he asks.
,,You don't need to ask that, J. Of course you can. Anything." I say.
,,Just promise me to give it to me straight. Yes or no. I promise I won't do anything." he starts. I look up at him.
,,What do you..." I get interpted.
,,Is the suspect my dad?" he asks and I shut up. He looks down at me and waits for my answer.
,,Why would you think that?" I ask, because I was carefull with my explenation and answers earlier.
,,Wasn't a no." he says.
,,It wasn't a yes either." I say.
,,You mention Sarah. Who else would want to hurt her? He's probably still mad about the whole Malia situation, so he wanted revange on Ward and your parents. You also mention you and after what happened two days ago..." he closes his eyes.
,,And you said one of us would do something, that's why you can't tell us. You were talking about me." he adds.
,,J," I start, but I get interupted again.
,,Am I wrong?" he whispers. I want to tell him yes, but I can't.
,,We don't know for sure." I state.
,,Still didn't here yes or no." he reminds me. I snuggle closer to him and his hands around me tightens.
,,No. You are not wrong." I sigh. He nods but doesn't say anything.
,,You know I don't blame you, it's not your fault." I say and look up at him again. I car see tears on his face, so I scoot up and cups his face. I wipe the tears away and make him look at me.
,,It's not. You have nothing to do with it, so stop torturing yourself that you do." I repeat.
,,Don't I? He's my dad. I should have known better. I should have gone back after you threaten to him or whatever you did." he says.
,,No. You shouldn't and you won't. You promised me, J! It's not your fault." I state again.
,,Maybe not your parents and Sarah, but you went after him because of me. You said he mentioned you too, why? Oh yeah, cuz of me!" he shakes his head.
,,Told you I am not worth it. Look where that got you." I wipe his new tears.
,,Look at me, J." I say, but he doesn't.
,,Look at me." I repeat and he does.
,,He messed with the wrong people. We get him if he really did this. I make sure of it. And I don't regret saying what I said to him." I say.
,,You did nothing wrong and you are the best thing that happened to me, okey? You are worth to me and of me. I will remind you for the rest of our lives if I have to. Maybe you accept it along the way." I lean down and kiss him slowly. I kiss him to show him I mean it.
,,I love you." I say.
,,I love you more." he hugs me.
We fall asleep soon after.

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