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Eventually I fell asleep too. When Sarah wakes up, I am in so much pain I almost yell at her, but I don't and pretend I was never better.

The sun already set up and the sky is in pink shade when we open the door. I am going last but they all wait for me, JJ ready to help me any second, but he waits for me to ask. 

We get outside of the building when I sigh in relief.
,,I was curious how long are you going to hide up there. I guessed another hour or so. You know, you wait for the dark." Rafe speaks behind us. I froze on spot. I turn around after a few more seconds, I fear him more now when I had to relive what happened almost a year ago. Rafe steps forward, Barry spins with his knife. JJ stands before me in instant.
,,Don't come any closer." he says. I know JJ's holding back with everything he has, but I am sure after what he said before, he would punched him if they were alone. They are not, fortunately.
,,Just to be clear, I didn't aim at Kiara when I shot. She got in my way." Rafe says and find my eyes. He's telling the truth for a change. He aimed for JJ because the two of us were behind, so when I look back at him and saw him aiming at J, I got in the way. However, JJ doesn't need to know that. None of them do.
,,I would never intentionally hurt you, Kie." I chuckle, but before I can do anything JJ punches him in the face hard. Barry steps in, but John B and Pope start to fight with him. Cleo take his knife when he drops it. 

,,We need to go!" Sarah yells at them and goes to John B, I grab JJ's shoulder and he stops punching Rafe to his death. J narrow himself, Rafe turns to the left and cough some blood out. 
,,This isn't over." JJ looks at him before, the rest start to run away. I squeeze JJ's hand so he wouldn't start a second round. He looks back at me, then at our hands for a moment. 
,,We need to go." I say. He nods and we start to run after our friends. 

When I turn back, Barry is already back on his feat and helps Rafe to get up too. Rafe turns to our direction and our eyes meet for a second before I turn my sight back in front of me. 
,,We need to hurry up, they are coming after us." I say. We catch up the rest and I let out JJ's hand. I try not think about that feeling that just went through my whole body when our hands met. 
,,Fuck, run!" John B shouts, but our ways splits.
,,Sarah!" I yell after her. She turns around.
,,Meet us at Caleb's!" she shouts back and they are gone. We head in our own direction. 

,,Where to now?" JJ asks when we end up in crossroad. 
,,Doesn't matter, we just need to get rid of them." I decide. JJ grabs my hand again and he head to the right, because there are more people so we might merge with them. 

JJ punch into some boxes and they fell down behind us which slows Barry who is following us. We run a little further when JJ turns right into the small alley. We press into the wall and hope not to be seen. The adrenaline fades away short after and the pain takes over.

,,Kie, your shirt!" JJ says in shock. I look down and see blood on it. Shit. JJ rolls up my T-shirt without asking and both us look at my torn stitches. Double shit
,,It's fine." I lie and roll my T-shirt down again. JJ opens his mouth to protest with my answer when we hear some loud noise from the left.

JJ presses himself closer to me, so we wouldn't have been seen. I kind of forget how to breath in that moment. I know I've more important things to worry about, but I can only concentrate on the parts of my body his body touching mine. A shiver goes through me and I close my eyes for a second. 

When I open my eyes I spot Barry, he's looking around to find us. JJ presses himself to me even more f that's even possible. I don't know. I am just occupied with his close presence that I can't concentrate on anything else. 

Barry eventually run away when he doesn't see us here and I sigh in relief. JJ sighs too and turns his head to look at me. He freezes when he realized how close are we standing. Our faces are centimeters away from each other, but none of us moves away. We stand still looking at each others eyes and waiting for the other one to move I guess. I don't. He doesn't either. My eyes go down to his mouth. What am I doing? Why am I am looking at him this way? Does he feels like I do? I mean, he haven't move yet.

,,We should go." he whispers, but he doesn't move even though what he just said.
,,Yeah." I whisper back. Why are we even whispering? It's just the two of us. No one can hear us as long as I know. 

When he sees I am not moving too, he tilts his head even closer to mine. We look at each other and I see something in his eyes I have never saw before. I smile a bit. It's automatic, I don't think I can control myself anymore. 

What if this destroys our friendship? I ask myself in my head, but I ignore that thought and lean closer as well. We are millimeters away when we look at each other for the last time before our lips brush each others. But before it can go any further we hear our names and JJ back away from me.
,,JJ! Kie!" I hear again and I look away from JJ as Pope comes into view. The rest follow after him and they spot us seconds later. Before they can say anything or ask anything, JJ speaks.
,,We need to get to Caleb, Kie's stitches torn." he briefly looks at me before he looks away again. I know they couldn't have seen us, but I feel like they can read our thoughts right now when we stand in front of them. 

Sarah takes a step forward and rolls my T-shirt up. She looks at my stitches closely.
,,It's not far from here. C'mon." Sarah decides and none of us argue. Everyone turn around and my sight goes automatically on JJ, who hasn't moved.

My eyes wakes him from his trans, he doesn't say anything, he just goes to me and help me to get moving. We are slowly following the other, but we stay silent and avoid each others gaze. 

What the hell just happened? I ask myself. And why I am kind of mad the Pogoes showed up? What would have happened if we weren't interrupted?

My thoughts stops when we get to Caleb's. He invites us inside. He looks at my T-shirt and then to my eyes.
,,What happened?" he ask confused. A lot, Cabe.

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