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,,I told you." I say to the therapist via FaceTime.
,,I told you, I can't tell them how complicated it is between me and Rafe, because I am not the only one who he hurted and now she told me exactly that." I explain.
,,She was angry at you because you gave them nothing. Why don't you tell them he's also your brother and what he did before he left the last time?" she asks me.
,,You can't expect from her to believe you on nothing when it comes to that he could be a good brother she always wanted." she adds when I stay quiet.
,,I know that." I nod and look out of my window.
,,I don't want him to know that I know he's also my brother. I think there is a bigger picture why he's here, so before I tell her, I need to know if I am wrong." I state vagualy.
,,I can tell you won't explain what did you mean by that." she says.
,,Not yet." I nod.
,,Still, I am glad you called me to get it somehow out of you." she smiles at me.
,,I know you and Rafe have a complicated history and he might actually be on your side on this and help you, but don't underestimate him. You can't trust him, so be careful, Kie." she says.
,,I know." I nod.
,,Alright, call whenever you need but we are schedulled on Friday when you call me even if you feel like you don't need me, okey?" she reminds me.
,,Yeah, yeah." I nod.
,,Bye and stay safe!" she hangs up the phone and I sigh. I fall back on my bed and look at the celling for a minute.


,,I'm here to see Caleb..." I start, but someone interupts me.
,,Kie!" I turn right and see Mal running to me.
,,Hey!" I hug her for a second.
,,Didn't know you are here." I say and smile.
,,How are you feeling?" I ask her.
,,A lot better, thanks to you." she hugs me again.
,,Come on." she nudges me to follow her.
,,My parents dropped me off few minutes ago. They went to visit your dad." she states and looks down.
,,I'm sorry, I didn't have the chance to talk to you since it happened." she adds.
,,Thank you, Mal." I smile at her.
,,So, what do you think about sleepover at your house so we could catch up?" she looks up at me.
,,Okey." I nod.
,,Will... JJ be there?" she asks shyly.
,,Sorry, kiddo. He's mad at me right now, but I can arrange something so you could talk." I say.
,,Oh, okey. That would be great.. I mean good, I mean if he wants to..." she shakes her head.
,,Sorry. I don't know why am I so nervous." she sighs.
,,I am sure he wants to meet you too, M." I say.
,,Okey. Great, good.. I'm gonna stop talking now." she chuckles.
,,And I'm not a kid." she adds.
,,If you say so." I laugh.

,,Heylou." we enter Caleb's room. He's on his phone.
,,Was wondering when you remember I exist." he looks up and starts to laugh when he notices my guilty face.
,,I'm just joking, Kiara." he pats his bed and both of us sit on it.
,,I'm sleeping at Kie's today. Ha!" Mal smiles.
,,Without me? Rude!" he shakes his head.
,,Girl's night, you wouldn't be invited anyway." she adds.
,,Thanks." he smiles ironically.

I talk about 2 hours when my phone starts to ring.
,,Hey, bro." I pick up the phone.
,,You are lucky I can see on Find me where you are or I might finally lock you up at your room and never let you leave the house." he states.
,,Oh, I am good. Thanks for asking, how are you?" I ignore him.
,,When are you going to be home? Riley's asking if you are going to eat dinner with us." he ignores my question too.
,,I love how we just ignore each other and say something out of context." I comment with a laugh.
,,Love that too." he chuckles.
,,And yes, I am gonna eat with you. Mal is going with me home so we could have a sleepover, just so you know." I state.
,,You should find friends your own age." he points out.
,,Why would I do that? Kids loves me." I state.
,,I am not a kid!" Mal frowns at me.
,,Alright, dinner's in an hour. Be home by then. Sarah's coming home or is she staying at John B's?" he asks.
,,Don't know." I say.
,,Alright, I call her next. I love how I became parent to three from one over the night." he comments ironically and hangs up.


,,Hey." I pick up the phone.
,,Hey, just wanted to ask if you coming for dinner or you staying at John B's." Kyle says.
,,Is your sister going to be there?" I ask still annoyed at her.
,,Are you two mad at each other or what?" he asks.
,,I just talked to her when I asked her if you are coming, she sounded off." he explains.
,,Don't know. I guess at the moment." I say.
,,Great." he chuckles.
,,Malia's going to sleep over by the way, if I can interest you in your own sister? I guess." he says like a question.
,,Fine, I'll come." I agree.
,,Key, is JJ coming too? Or John B? Or all of you? Just I know how much to cook." he asks.
,,Like you are going to cook." I recognize Kylie's voice.
,,Hey, Sarah." she steals his phone.
,,You all coming to dinner?" she asks.
,,Don't know." I look at the others and put her on speaker.
,,You can ask them yourself." I say.
,,Hey, it's Mik. Are you guys coming to dinner? Should be fun, I'm going to be there!" she laughs. The Pogues exchange a look.
,,Me and Cleo have plans already." Pope says.
,,Don't you say." I smile at him, he rolls his eyes.
,,Shut up." he leans back into the chair. Cleo smiles and looks away.
,,And you two?" Kylie reminds herself.
,,Malia's going to be here too." she adds.
,,Okey." JJ nods.
,,It's a date." John agrees also.
,,Alright, be here in an hour." she says and hangs up the phone.

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