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It's around 11 o'clock in the afternoon. My birthday is almost over when the bell rings. I frown and look at my door.

I know Kyle, Riley, Hannah and Rick are downstairs, so I ignore it and don't move. I hear the door open and some voices. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep but after a while, I sigh and get up.

I go downstairs to find Luke, Kate and Wheezie there. They are in the kitchen talking to Kyle. I frown when I realize Kate shouldn't be here. She should be in mental hospital.
,,Hey." I say and they looks at me. Kate steps back.
,,Kiara." she shoots a look at Luke.
,,What.. are you doing here?" I ask confused.
,,Can I talk to you?" Luke asks so I slowly nod and we go to my room upstairs.
,,I know I am about to ask for a lot, but I need my salary sooner. Kate needs money so she could get away from Ward radar." Luke says.
,,What are you talking about?" I ask confused.
,,He held her captive so she couldn't get away, but now he's in the prison, she got out and..." he starts to explain.
,,You got it wrong, Luke." I say.
,,She was hospitalized because she has a schizofrenia. He didn't held her captive." I shake my head.
,,What? Ward obviously had to lie about that." Luke crosses his arms on his chest.
,,He couldn't. Rafe told me she saw three specialist so they would be sure about her illness. She was staying at the mental hospital, I went to visit her with Rafe twice when we dated." I state the facts.
,,But.." he shakes his head.
,,She lied to you." I say. He stares at me for a second before he turns around and goes downstairs. When we get there, we don't see her anywhere. Wheezie is sitting in the living room, but Kate isn't here.
,,Where's Kate?" I ask.
,,She went to the bathroom when you went upstairs." Kyle says. I go to check but I don't find her there. I don't find her anywhere in the house.

I run back into the living room and tell them what I just told Luke.
,,She had to know I'll tell you so she run off." I add at the end.
,,We have to find her. She couldn't get far." Luke looks at me so I nod.

We leave the girls in the house and we go in pairs to look into the woods. I am with Luke unfortunatelly.

I text Rafe about his mum on the way.
,,So, you and JJ broke up?" Luke asks out of nowhere. I bite my lip and shoot him a look.
,,We can look in silance." I say instead of answering.
,,You still love him though." he keeps going.
,,What's your point, Luke? I love him, he broke up with me anyway. End of story." I turn away.
,,It's because you faked you death?" he asks yet another question.
,,Yes. Could you stop?" I shake my head.
,,No, I can't actually, because this isn't right." he stops. I sigh and look up.
,,You think I want this? No, but it's his decision." I turn around.
,,Doesn't look like it from where I'm standing." he steps closer to me.
,,You run away from him. I'm sorry to break it ya, because you think you are better than me or Hannah, but you did the same mistake as we did." he frowns.
,,You didn't stay and fight for him." he states.
,,You know, maybe I finally understood." I step closer too.
,,He's better off without us." I say the truth.
,,It's just a pretty excuse for being a coward." he corrects me.
,,Fine! You want the truth!? Will you leave me alone then?!" I shake my head.
,,I don't have the strenght to fight anymore! I'm tired, okey!? I'm barely fighting for me to stay alive! I can't..." I look down.
,,I can't fight for him too. I want to..." I sigh.
,,I would if I could, okey?" I close the subject and walk away.
,,You can, you are just afraid." he comments and we walk in silance untill we stop at sight when we hear a loud noise.


JJ (an hour before)

After Kyle calls Sarah about her mum we hop into Twinkie and go there immediately instead of waiting untill tomorrow morning as we planed.

We get there 35 minuts later and we instantly recognize the right cabin since it's the only one who has lights on.

Sarah is out of the car before John B parks. She runs inside and we follow short after her.
,,Hey." Kyle greets us and we look behind him.
,,I don't know how he found out." he says when our eyes land on Rafe.
,,He won't do anything." Kyle adds and he tells us everything. Sarah talks to Wheezie after that.

,,It's ten minutes past." Kyle says and exchange a look with Riley.
,,Past what?" I ask. He looks at us and sighs.
,,We said we'll come back here in 40 minutes and regroup, but it's 50 minutes now and Kie isn't back yet." he shakes his head.
,,Does she have her phone? Maybe they got lost?" Hannah asks.
,,If she has a phone, she isn't picking up." Kyle says and looks at the clock again.
,,With who she went?" Sarah asks.
,,Luke." Kyle gives me a look and I frown.
,,Fuck no." I shake my head and head outside.
,,Where are you going? We don't know it here." John B and Pope runs after me.
,,She's with my dad." I say like it's a good enough explanation. They don't say anything else and just follow me into the woods.



I exchange a look with Luke in the dark.
,,Was that..." I start.
,,A gunshot." he finishes the sentence.
,,Fuck." I unlock my phone and realize it's 23 minutes past our check point at home. I call Kyle and he answers almost immediatelly.
,,Where the fuck are you!? We decided to be back in 40 minutes!" he says.
,,Is everyone back?" I whisper.
,,No. JJ, John B and Pope went looking for you when you didn't come back." he says more calmly.
,,What?! They are suppose to be in OBX!" I almost yell.
,,I called Sarah to tell her about Kate. They came few minutes after the check point and you weren't back!" Kyle yells back.
,,We just heard a gun shot. Did they have a gun by any chance?" I ask hopefuly.
,,No." he says.
,,Fuck." I state and look up at Luke who looks confused.
,,Kate had to steal a gun at the cabin." I say to him and Kyle.
,,Don't even think about..." Kyle starts but I hang up.

I open Find Me app and click on JJ.
,,What are you doing?" Luke steps closer and looks at my phone.
,,I hope it's a map of a way back." he says.
,,JJ, John B and Pope are still here." I look into his eyes.
,,They don't know it here. I'm not leaving without them. You do you." I turn around and run to JJ's location. Luke suprisingly follows me.
,,You don't have the strenght to fight for him, huh?" he has to make a comment. I ignore him and go faster.

It take us 7 minutes when I see on my phone JJ is near by. I lock my phone and put it in my pocket. I look around and listen for anything. Luke's doing the same.

We hear another gunshot and we squat down again. I narrow back and silantly follow after it. I stop behind a tree and take a peak around it.

I recognize Kate immediatelly. She's poiting the gun in front of her. I look from the other side of the tree and find the Pogues standing there. They are holding their hands up, JJ's standing slightly in front of them.
,,We have to do something." I whiper to Luke who's looking at them too. He's frowning.

,,I can't let you leave! I can't let you tell them where I am!" Kate sobs and both of us turn back to them.
,,What do we do?" I ask again.
,,Stay here." Luke says and gets up. He bypass the tree and goes to them.
,,Kate." he says in normal voice. She points the gun at him.
,,What are you doing?" he asks. I bite my lip and look back at my friends. They are still too close.
,,I didn't... you didn't tell me Kiara's going to be there, Luke!" she shouts at him.
,,Don't say her name." JJ steps closer angrily and Kate points the gun back at him.
,,What the fuck, J." I whisper to myself.
,,Hey, Kate... don't point at him." Luke reminds himself and she points the gun back at him.
,,I'm sorry. I thought they could help." he says.
,,You... you ruined everything! I finally.. had my Wheezie." she shakes her head and tears comes rushing from her eyes.
,,It's too late!" she takes a deep breath and slowly points the gun back at my friends. I can recognize the look on her face. She already decided what to do.

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