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,,You are a bully, did you know that?" I say to Mal when I park outside of my house.
,,We are late and guess who's gonna take the blame? Me? Why? Because I am older, but you made me!" I open my door and get out while she's laughing.
,,What can I say." she shrugs and grabs both bags from the back seats.

We head inside. I open the door for her and follow her inside.
,,Look who it is! Late as always." Kyle shows up in the hallway.
,,It's not my fault, okey?" I shake my head.
,,She made me!" I point at Malia.
,,Yeah right." she chuckles.
,,You are older, you decide." she smiles even more.
,,Bully." I shake my head at her.
,,Alright, fine. It was my idea to stop at the grocery shop, but you are older and should be responsible. I am just a kid." she states.
,,Oh, now you are kid!" I roll my eyes.
,,Jesus, just go. Dinner's ready, we waited for you." Kyle nudges us to the kitchen.
,,Finally!" Kylie sighs.
,,What took you so long, you want me to die on hunger?" she stops in front of me.
,,We got snacks!" I defend myself.
,,The good one." Mal winks at her.
,,Hope you got enough, we have guests." she says and turns around. I exchange a look with Mal and follow her.
,,Oh, hello." Mal stop in front of me. I look at the Pogues and hold my breath for a second.
,,Hey, Mal." Sarah greats only her. Figured.
,,Go sit, I'll take care of this." I take the bags from her and take them to my room, where I take another deep breath before I go back downstairs.
,,Would you sit down already!?" Kylie shoots me an angry look.
,,Jesus, calm down, kiddo." I sit down opposite to her, next to Malia, who sits next to JJ.
,,How's Caleb?" Kyle sits next to me at the end of the table.
,,He's better." I shrug.
,,Okey." he nods.
,,Ehm, I also heard, Reed's back in OBX?" he almost whisper that but the conversation stop at that second and I feel the Pogues looking at us.
,,He is." I nod and take a plate from Riley.
,,Did you told them or why are you all looking at us like I said I killed someone?" Kyle noticed their looks also.
,,She likes keeping secrets." Sarah says.
,,I take that as a no." he nods.
,,Sorry I asked." he starts to eat too. I zone out a bit, so I don't know what they talk about during the dinner.

After 10 minutes, Kyle's phone starts to ring, but he ignores it, because he has no-phone policy during the dinner. However, when his phone stops to ring, mine starts. I exchange a look with him and take my phone out. It's a random number.

,,Kiara Carrera speaking." I pick up and leave the table because Kyle's giving me a death stare.
,,This is Outer Banks Memorial Hospital, I'm calling about Michael Carrera." a woman says on the other side.
,,Is he okey? Did he woke up?" I ask hopefully, but when she stays quiet for a second, I know that's not the case.
,,I'm sorry, he died few minutes ago. We tried everything, but he was unresponsive." she explains. I look out of the window. I wait for the news to settle in, but it doesn't come. It feels unreal just as with my mum.
,,Thanks for calling." I say and hang up the phone. I lean against the kitchen counter and sigh.
,,Everything alright? The meal is getting cold!" Riley shouts from behind me.
,,Kyle, can we talk outside?" I ask and head to the porch without an answer.

I look around when I hear him close the door behind him.
,,Who died?" he asks when he looks at my face. I don't say anything and just look him in the eyes.
,,He didn't make it." I say and look away.
,,Dad?" he asks after a minute of silance. I nod slightly.
,,I didn't want to ruin their night. Malia meeting JJ for the first time, but... you should know." I explain.
,,Okey." he has the same blank face as I must have.
,,I really thought, he's going to make it." Kyle says out of nowhere.
,,Me too." I look at him before I hug him briefly, so I wouldn't start to cry. I am not ready to accept the truth. The truth that our parents are dead.
,,We should go back in." I decide.

We go sit back to the kitchen table.
,,Everything good, Mia?" Kylie asks.
,,Peachy, Munckin." I smile at her and eat the rest of my meal.
,,It was delicious babe." Kyle kisses her cheak and we clean the table while they go the living room to play some bord game Kylie chooses.

I grab a bottle of my dad's whiskey and pour myself a glass. I drink it and pour myself another one.
,,You know you are underage for drinking." Kyle looks me up and down.
,,I think we can agree I deserve one." I state and drink the second one.
,,That was second." he points out.
,,I need more than than to be honest." I sigh.
,,Alright." he nods and goes to the living room.
,,You are good here on your own? We have to go somewhere." I hear him say.
,,Sure, if the snacks are staying." Mal says.
,,They are in my room. You can go grab them." I shout.
,,Love you!" she shout.
,,Love you too." I say.
,,Who do you love more?" Kylie asks. I roll my eyes and go to the living room.
,,I love you both the same, Kylie." I smile with every power that is left in me.
,,But I am your niece. You should love me more." she points out.
,,And I still love you the same." I give her a kiss on the forehead.
,,See you later." I say and me and Kyle head out.

We end up in a club on Figure 8, where we drink a lot of shots and leave a lot of money.

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