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Doctor with the news about Kie comes soon after they left.
,,Sarah Cameron, was it?" he asks if he remembers correctly when I was explaining to him what happened to her.
,,Yes." I get up. So does Caleb.
,,I'll be honest with you, the girl should be daed. It took you some time to get her here. Long time." he shakes his head.
,,But she is?" I assurance from him.
,,Yes. I don't know how is that possible. It's a miracle to say the least." he still shakes his head.
,,I heard about the boy, who carried her here, that he needed a hospitalization too, so I put them in the same room. They'll bring her in few minutes there." he explain to us. 
,,Thank you." I smile appreciatively at him.
,,Just one more thing. I need to know her full name, so we could contact her family. She didn't look like as an adult." Cabe opens his mouth, but I answer more quickly.
,,Cameron. Kiara Cameron. I already called our parents, but they are in Mexico. They said they'll be here as soon as possible." I lie with a smile so he wouldn't notice. Cabe looks at me, but doesn't correct me, he stays quiet.
,,Alright, but we had to contact the police, they are going to need your statements about what happened." he says before he leaves. I head to the room Pogues already went, but Cabe gabs my arm and stops me.
,,What the hell is happening here, Sarah?" he asks confused and kind of angry.
,,Not here." I look around us.
,,Come." I head to that room and he follows me.

When we get there, I explain the rest what the doctor told us. Before Caleb starts to asks questions again, they bring Kie here. She lays without a movement and she is on the drip as well as JJ.
,,We let you know when the police arrive." the nurse says before she leaves us here alone. Caleb opens his mouth but the nurse comes back.
,,I almost forgot, here." she gives me the kerchief that John B gave Kie on her wound. I frown a bit.
,,Sarah, everything alright?" John B asks me. I look up at him.
,,The doctor said that Kie should be dead. It was a miracle she survived. Just as me, when I got shot. My heart stopped, the doctor told you it's over, but here I am and I don't think it was because of yours doctoral skills." I remind him.
,,What if it's because of the kerchief? The Librey lady said something was supposed to be in the cross what can cure anything. We know nothing was in there, what it is your kerchief? Maybe it was there before, but someone got it long before her. You got it from your dad, right? He knew everything about the Royal Merchant.. what if he found the cross before us?" I am guessing to be honest, but it would make sense why Kiara and I are alive. I look at Pope, he frown.
,,It isn't impossible. Anything isn't impossible after what we went through." he kind of agrees with me.
,,Healing kerchief? Did you lost your mind, Sarah?!" Caleb shakes his head. Before I can answer him, we hear a movement. 


I open my eyes and the first thing I realize is that something is beeping annoyingly. I look around and see my friends around the bed I am laying on. Caleb is standing behind them.
,,What happened?" I ask confused.
,,You have concussion and you passed out." John B answers my question. I try to sit down, but it isn't the best idea, so I lay back down. 
,,How's Kie? Do you know anything?" I need to know. 
,,She's fine." Sarah smiles at me and I smile too out of relief. She points to the bed next to mine, so I look at it. I smile even more when I see for myself that she's breathing and color came back to her face. 
,,Thank God." I say. 
,,The doctor said that he doesn't understand how's that possible to be honest. She should have died." Sarah stated and I stop breathing for a second. At least I feel like that. 
,,What?" I ask. Maybe I just heard wrong. That could have happened. Yeah, I heard wrong.
,,Yeah." John B nod and my heart left out a beat. Sarah starts to explain me her theory what happened.
,,It isn't impossible." Pope shrugs.
,,How else want you to explain she's alive?" he adds.
,,Guys, it's a miracle that she survived. Miracles happens! It isn't because some piece of clothe!" Caleb interrupts them. I look at him, I can't help it. I don't like him and I don't even know him. Maybe it's the fact he's a Kook and how he talked to us earlier.
,,If you knew what happened this summer, what we went through, you wouldn't think it's impossible, trust me." Pope states. 
,,Well maybe, you could finally tell me. Maybe you could explain why is Kiara's name all of a sudden Cameron and not Carrera." he looks at Sarah.
,,Cameron?" I ask myself.
,,You would really wanted to explain to her parents how did this happen?" she looks around.
,,Not really, they already don't like us." I nod in agreement.
,,I don't blame them, but you forgetting that part I could just called them and if you don't gave me some great reason why not, I am gonna and this charade would be pointless." Caleb steps closer to us. Sarah starts to explain everything that happened in the last few months, I turn my attention to the brunet next to my bed in the meantime.


,,Oh my God!" Caleb raises his voice which brings me back to reality.
,,And what do you plan to do next? Hide here form the rest of the world? Don't you think her parents deserves to know?" he asks.
,,It's her choice, Cabe. At least wait for her to wake up and decide." Sarah closes the case and Caleb sighs.
,,Fine, I'll wait." he said and starts to pace around the room.

The door suddenly opens up.
,,The police is here." the doctor states. Everyone start to goes outside, one by one. The last person to be interviewed except for Kie, who is still out, is me. The officer kicks everyone out so he can talk to me.
,,JJ.." he looks at me.
,,Maybank." I complete my full name.
,,Right, so.. what happened out there?" he asks.
,,We had a small bonfire at the beach and we fell asleep late last night. A gunshot woke us up in the morning, at first I thought it was just in my dream, but it was in reality. It was Rafe Cameron, who shot it." I stop when he looks up from his notes.
,,Cameron, Sarah's and Kiara's brother?" he asks just to be sure.
,,Yes." I lie about that part he's also Kiara's brother but I don't think that's the point here.
,,Continue." he nods at me.
,,He was on edge and wanted they would come with him. He started to point the gun at them, when they said no. He even threatened to us, that he will kill us if they won't leave with him." I stop again when I sense another question from him coming.
,,They didn't get well with each other?" he asks.
,,No, they don't. Well he got distracted for a moment so Kie kicked him and punched so he fell down, we started running to the woods. We were on the edge of it, when we heard another gunshot. I looked around but everyone kept running so I thought he missed. Then Kie fell down, so I helped her up. She told me she got shot, so I grab her and carried her here as quickly as I could. We hadn't seen Rafe since." I end my explanation. 
,,How did you get that wound on your head?" he points his pen at me. 
,,I fell down the stairs the day before we had that bonfire. It thought it was nothing." I shrug.
,,Right." he nods not really convinced.
,,Alright, I fell down, it was bleeding a little but nothing serious. The doctor said if I wouldn't carry Kie here all they way from the beach and rested instead, I wouldn't even end up in the hospital bed." I lie some more. Deny, deny, deny. He nods again. He closes his notebook.
,,We'll let you if we find him." he says and goes to the door.
,,On the reception are familiarize what to do if he was that stupid to come here." he explains before he leaves the room. Everyone goes back in.
,,JJ, we have to go, the visiting hours are over. We are going to find some motel near by and we come back tomorrow morning, alright?" John B states immediately.
,,I'll take some money from the bank, so Ward wouldn't know where exactly we are staying." Sarah adds.
,,Alright, tomorrow morning." I nod at them. 
,,Look after her, key?" Caleb turns around at the door. I nod and look at her, he leaves in the meantime. 
,,Always." I say even though he can't hear me. I can still sense the crushing fear I had all this way. I think it won't disappear until she wakes up and get back up to her feat. 

I try to stay awake, so I would be here when she finally wakes up. She's going to be confused why am I in the hospital bed. I think she's going to remember why she is unfortunately. However the meds they gave don't really help me to stay awake because I grow very tired. After some time I gave up and fall asleep. Back to my nightmares. 

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