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3 day's later


I can't actually believe this is happening. I didn't belive this when I first found out. The next morning. The day after that. The day after. Yesterday. Not when Sarah bought us tuxes. Not when I put it on an hour ago. And still not standing outside of the cemetary where we just parked.

But I think seeing her coffin go down into a hole in the groud might do it. I'm not ready to accept it.

,,Come on." John B says to all of us because we were just standing on the parking lot thinking.

No one says anything but we follow after him. I know he's taking it bad too. We all had different relationship with Kie. He saw her as his sisters. He knew her first. But we all love her the same. She was one of us and it's killing me that I now have to refer to her in past tense.

She deserve better than this. Kylie too. She was only four years old. She had a life ahead of her. Such a long life ahead of her. She didn't get to meet her brother. Her first crush. First love. Teenager years. School. Nothing. They were fucking robbed and none of us should be here right now.

The ceremony starts soon after and it's a mess. All people crying. Most of Riley. Kyle's trying to be brave for her, but he's buring his parents, his sister and his daughter. I can't even imagine how he can still function. I barely function and he lost so much more.


I sneak into Reed's house he's staying in OBX. It's around midnight and he was drinking since the funeral which was perfect for our plan.
,,Why are you so down? Isn't this what you wanted?" I lean against the door. He looks up suprised.
,,What?" he raises his eyebrows.
,,You are dead." he shakes his head and pour himself another scotch.
,,Yes. You killed me, remember?" I say and walk around the room.
,,You were asking for it. Getting in my business?" he says.
,,Being born." I turn around.
,,Don't forget that reason." I shake my head.
,,Mikayla was four, what did she do to you?" I say her full name so he wouldn't find it's really me.
,,You are just like Rafe." I say when he stays quiet.
,,I'm nothing like him!" he punches the desk.
,,I'm you conscience, I can't say anything that you don't already know." I stay on task. I need a confesion.
,,He didn't have a reason for killing, I did... still do." he shakes his head and drink the skotch in one movement.
,,It's interesting, you focus only on Anna and about what she did but not on Ward? You are full of shit." I state.
,,He cares about me!" he shouts.
,,He doesn't care about anyone except for himself." I stay unemotional.
,,It doesn't matter. Anna chose her family and it wasn't me. You weren't suppose to die." he shakes his head.
,,Just collateral damage." he looks up at me.
,,Was I curious about you? Kyle? Sarah? I wanted to know what was so special about you that they chose you and not me! But then, you had to poke around in what really happened at the Wreck! You didn't give me a choice!" he gets up and gets closer to me.
,,It was all planed out. Luke was going to take the fall for the bomb and that's it. I wasn't going after you too. Or Sarah. Kyle. Rafe. Wheezie. Malia. Kylie. No. You even helped me when you started this arguments with him. It gave him yet another motive, but then.. you had to find out it was me! That I planted the bomb. I couldn't have that even if that meant compromising Luke, but fortunatelly for me, they said he had to have some helping him. See how easy that was? I didn't even had to lift a finger to think of something." he chuckles.
,,The only thing that remains is your little boyfriend and friends. Did you tell them about your suspicion?" he asks and leans closer.
,,I don't know. I'm still only your conscience." I shrug and try to stay normal after everything he said.
,,I'll find out, but you better didn't." he smiles and goes to pour himself another scotch. When he's turn around I sneak away and run the hell away fast.

I meet Rafe outside and we run away together back to Tanny Hill without a word.
,,Did you get it?" he asks.
,,Yeah, he confessed." I nod.
,,You don't look happy?" he frowns.
,,He confessed to killing my parents and trying to kill me! Might still go after my friends, I'll be happy when he's in jail!" I states and take of the wire.
,,We call Shoup first thing in the morning." I say and go upstairs to find Kylie.


,,I think we have a problem." Rafe comes into the room where we are staying.
,,Ward and Reed know. He was drunk last night but today he realized it wasn't his conscience." he states.
,,What? How?" I ask and sit up on the bed.
,,Well, he doesn't have one for starter and he doesn't regret it." he crosses his arms on his chest.
,,We have to call Shoup right now." Rafe says.
,,It's too late. We'll lose them." I shake my head and look at Kylie.
,,We need to get them arrested today." I state.
,,How?" he throws his hands into the air.
,,We trap them." I decide.
,,Again, how?" he asks.
,,They still think you are on their side, we can use that in our plan!" I get up.
,,We have a plan now?" he raise his eyebrows.
,,Working progress." I shrug.
,,We have to tell Shoup and he can help us, Kie. This is serious, we could die on our own. I didn't save you, just so you could go and get yourself killed." he shakes his head.
,,Okey. Call him." I agree because he's right. I just so want to go home. Today is the seven day everyone believing we died. I want this to be over and go home so badly I don't even think straight anymore.

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