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,,What are you doing here?" Luke asks me when he gets out of the prison bulding. I look up and go to him.
,,Here." I give him an envelope with stack of money.
,,What's this?" he asks and takes it.
,,Both of us know how we feel about each other, so..." I point at the money.
,,Either, you get yourself together, use the money for rehab or.. you take it and get the hell out of Outer Banks." I look into his eyes.
,,JJ was through so much, so fucking forget about you coming home and do what you were doing till now. I got you out of the prison how I promised you. I didn't do it for you to torture him some more." I shake my head.
,,So, you go get better for him or... go away and forget he exists or you'll be back here. I crossed the bridge to the point I won't look away. I told you that, but since he's already stopped talking to me, he can't even stop me anymore." I say.
,,If you do decide to get better, I can also give you a legal job. Give me a call when you decide." I turn around.
,,And don't think about talking to him now. I'll be watching you." I say after me.
,,Wait!" he shouts.
,,I don't have your phone number!" he shout after me. I slightly turn around actually suprised by his responce.
,,It's in the envelope." I say and get into my car. I drive to my old house.

I sigh and go to the front door. It's still standing. The kitchen isn't there anymore, but I make it upstairs into my room. The upstairs is without a roof for some reason and my parents's room and a guest room where Kyle's room was, is gone too.

I sigh when I look around my room. Almost everything is burned up from the fire. I lie down on the remaings of my bed and look at the blue sky.

I lie there and cry. This was my family house. My parents chose this empty house and make it a home to me and Kyle. I live here since I can remember. And it's gone now. Forever. Just like my parents.

After two hours I get up and take everything that can be safe which isn't much. Some photos. Some things. I also take everything I can from Sarah's room and the living room and get out. I call demolishing company and order them to remove the house. It's only danger now and I don't want strangers going there. I visit the Wreck next to see what is needed to be done to remodel. It's bad but I will give every cent I have to repair our family legacy.


When I park outside of our hotel I am suprised to find several reporters outside.
,,Fuck." I say and cover my head with a hood. I don't have energy to do this today.

They notice me before I even get out.
,,Kiara!" they shout from all around. I move between them and try to get to our room.
,,What happened?"
,,How is it possible you survived?"
,,Is it true Reed Cameron did this?"
,,How did you..."

Someone grabs me by my wrist and turns me around. I try to shake his hand off but they won't let go. More question are thrown at me. I start to panic when I realize I am surrounded and mics and cameras are on me from all around me. I look around me still trying to get away, but I can't.

,,Hey, leave her alone!" Kyle comes rushing to me between them. Then Rafe is here too. The hell is he doing here!? They push everyone back.
,,Police already gave you a statement, leave my sister alone!" Kyle shouts at them and Rafe helps me to our room in the meantime. I don't even realize it untill the door closes behind us and Kyle comes seconds later.
,,You okey?" he comes to me and makes me sit down.
,,Peachy." I say and Riley gives me a glass of water.


When I open up my phone. It's full of messages. Hate messages since Reed was told to be a Cameron. When I open up my instagram it's not much different except for some Kook's insta stories where are videos of Kie being attacted by reporters.
,,The fuck?" I raise my eyebrows when Rafe shows up and helps her away while Kyle shouts at the reporters.

Them some people comment under the videos if the rest of the Camerons are with my dad and Reed or with Kie.
,,What's up? Someone else rose from the dead?" JJ asks. I look up still frowning.
,,Were you on insta?" I ask them.
,,I turned of my phone after the police annoucment few hours ago. We are getting popular since we are her friends." JJ says and the rest nods.
,,Why are you complaining? At least your last names is not Cameron." I state.
,,But this... it's brutal." I show them the video. JJ sighs.
,,Why the fuck is he there?" Pope asks.
,,It's not okey to attack her." John B shakes his head.
,,I am suprised you are still suprised about what she does with Rafe." JJ looks at Pope.
,,He was already there when she came and even though we don't like it, he actually helped her for once." I state.
,,You don't really care?" I look at JJ confused. He chuckles at that.
,,Do I look like I don't care, Sarah?" he leans forward.
,,I care too much, I can't take it anymore, okey? I couldn't help her, I still obviously can't. She's the one who doesn't care here." he shakes his head.
,,I told her milionth times she can tell me anything and I will stand by her no matter what. She promised she will and she didn't. I can't do this anymore. She doesn't want my help. She doesn't want your help, just accept it." he takes a sip of his beer.
,,I already did." he adds and looks away. I look at John B who only shakes his head so I wouldn't say anything.
,,You do you, JJ." I get up and call Kyle.

He picks up few seconds later.
,,Hey." I say and go somewhere where I will be alone.
,,Is she okey?" I ask.
,,Not really." he sighs.
,,I saw the video." I say.
,,It wasn't even the whole video." he states.
,,They surrounded her and hold her so she couldn't go away." he states.
,,We are leaving in an hour." he adds.
,,We don't want to leave you behind because I read what are they saying about you, but we can't stay here. I know you probably say no, because you already did, but I have to ask... please come with us, Sarah." he says and I can tell he means it.
,,I'm sorry, Kyle. I can't. I am mad and worried about her, of course I am. She's my best friend and I love her to the death but... this was too much, I need time to process everything. All of us do." I sigh.
,,I know." he says.
,,But please know that we are your family now too and if you need anything, please call me or Riley. It's just 45 minut drive from the cabin. I can make it in 30 if it was emergency, okey?" he asks.
,,Thanks, it... it means a lot, Kyle." I smile.
,,It's Mike." he chuckles.
,,Sure, Kyle." I chuckle too.
,,Okey, if you change your mind I'll text you the adress of the cabin and please text me that you are okey and alive." he asks me.
,,Everyday, Sarah." he adds.
,,Okey, I promise I will. I'll even call if I'll be drunk enough." I joke.
,,Great. Can't wait to bail you out of the prison too." he jokes.
,,I should better learn you number from memory then, so I could call you from prison." I say.
,,I bet it will come in handy." he laughs.
,,Okey then. Text me when you get there safely." I say.
,,Alright. Bye for now." I say my bye and hangs up.

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