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We started fire when the sun went down. We were lucky Pope has many talents, otherwise we wouldn't had it. I lay down on the sand and close my eyes. I am tired but like I said I don't want to fall asleep, so I listen to the boys conversation.


I look around. We are smiling because we finally for a moment forgot what happened today and enjoyed this piece of paradise we have. My eyes stops at Kie, she looks like she fell asleep. When I realize that I am obviously staring and look away. Cleo is explaining to us how she got herself from the Bahamas to the boat we were, I start to listening to that.

We talk few more hours before we decide it's best if we get some sleep for tomorrow. 


I wince at a gunshot and sit up. At first I think it was only in my dreams but when I look around and see the faces of friends, I know it wasn't a dream. 
,,Good morning!" I turn around and see Rafe with a gun in his hand.

Everyone get up instantly, I take a quick look at Kie, she give a look too with full of fear.
,,I am here for Sarah. Dad wants you home." he looks directly at his sister and points the gun at her. John B doesn't hesitate and stands before her to protect her.
,,Over my dead body." he states. Rafe looks at him for a moment before he smiles.
,,If you insist." in corner of my eye I can see Kie to take a step forward to John B and Sarah.
,,Rafe." she shakes her head. 
,,Oh, don't worry, you are coming with." they exchange a look. I take a step so I would stand in front of her. Rafe doesn't like because he points the gun at me this time.
,,Don't take another step, Maybank." he shakes his head.
,,If you haven't figured it out, Sarah's coming with me. So does Kiara. It's up for you if you are going to be alive when we leave.. or not. Both options suit me." he smiles like he already won.
,,So, c'mon you two. I don't have all day." he looks at them. Sarah and Kie exchange a look before they start to move forward. Rafe turns around and heads to his boat.
John B catches Sarah's hand with his and that stops her. Rafe notices that nobody is moving, so he starts to turn around, before anyone can stops her, Kiara runs to him and kicks him in the crotch and then punch him in the face. He falls down in pain.
,,Run!" Cleo shouts and no one hesitate to run to the woods.

We are at the edge of the forest and the beach, when another gunshot is fired, but we keep running. I look around quickly, but no one seems injured. Rafe is behind us so I try to concentrate where I am stepping.

We run for a while longer, when Kiara stumbles and fall down. I stop and run to her as quickly as I can.
,,Kie, we need to keep running." I squat down in front of her. She takes my hand so I help her back up. I want to start running again, but she's not moving.
,,J." she finally looks at me with a look I haven't seen at her and a voice I don't like. I frown with worry. 
,,Everything okey?" I ask even though we don't have a time. Rafe could be here any second. She doesn't say yes or nod. Instead she keeps looking at me.
,,Kie." I scan her face, I can see she wants to say something but she doesn't want to and she also look very pale. 
,,I got shot." she looks down, I do the same and look at her right side of her torso.
,,No." I shake my head instantly. This is not happening, not to her. I look up.
,,Everything is gonna be alright, okey?" I place my hand on her which she has on the wound. 
,,I need a doctor, J, and I don't see anyone here. You should go.." she starts, but I shake my head not even let her finish the sentence.
,,Not happening. I am not leaving without you, so shut up and save your energy." I support her so she wouldn't fall down again and we start to walk away. We don't get far, her legs start to buckle. I press her closer to me. Fuck this! I bend down and pick her up bride style. 
,,Hold on to me and don't fall asleep please." I say to her, she has closed eyes but she nods lightly.
,,I with you." she says, I pick up the pace so I almost run. 

,,JJ! Kie! Fuck, where are you?!" I hear John B's voice.
,,Shut up, man! Rafe could hear you!" I recognize Pope's voice.
,,We need to find them!" John B starts to argue with him.
,,I doubt they will hear us if we whisper their names." he adds.
,,Hey!" I shout at them and everyone starts to turn around.
,,Jusus, man, we were worried." John B says before he can sees us. When he does, they look at Kie in my arms.
,,Rafe shot her, she need a doctor, now." I explain.
,,Shit." JB whispers and they all go to us. 
,,Kie?" Sarah holds her hand.
,,It's fine." she whispers.
,,Here, it could slow down the bleeding." John B takes down his kerchief and place it on her wound.
,,C'mon, we need to find a town here." I say and start to move.
,,We don't even know if this island is inhabited." Cleo states what everyone is thinking. I stop and turn around angry.
,,So start praying, because she isn't dying!" I practically shout at her.
,,J." Kie whispers. I frown at Cleo but turn around to keep moving.
,,Sorry." I say after a few seconds.
,,I can't lose you." I state.
,,We, we can't lose you." I correct myself and shake ma head a bit.
,,I'll always be with you, whatever happens." she whispers. I can hear in her voice she doesn't have too much energy left. One tear leave my eye.
,,Don't you dare give up, Kiara." I say to her maybe too harsh. 

We keep going for another half an hour maybe, when we finally see a town in distance.
,,Yes!" Pope shouts and we exchange look. They start to run and I am right behind them. 
,,Kie, we are almost there. Just hang on for a little while longer, okey?" I look down at her for a moment, but she doesn't respond.
,,Guys!" I look up, she's out, we need to hurry the fuck up!" I shout at them, they just nod and everyone pick up their pace. 

When we get to the town, we find a hospital soon after. Sarah goes inside first to tell them what happened, John B holds the door for me and Pope with Cleo goes in after us. 

The doctors come running with a stretcher where I lay Kie down. The disappear after that. 
,,What now?" Pope asks with tears running down his face.
,,We wait." Sarah says with numb expression on her face.
,,How we even pay for this?" Pope asks another question, I have never considered punching him to this very moment.
,,I have Ward debit card in my watch, I haven't mentioned it before, because he could track us down with it, but it doesn't matter now. He knows where we are, or at least Rafe does." she gives us a look.

We sit down in the waiting room and we wait. I lean back and close my eyes. I remember her face before she told me what happened, I know now what that face was about. She thought she's going to die. She was scared. She was scared how we are going to take it.

I can not lose her. Not Kie. I would change place with here without a second thought. But I can't.

,,She's going to be fine." John B says into the silence. I open my eyes and look at him. He's staring on the ground in front of him. No one says anything else. I just hope he's right.

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