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JJ gets tested the next day and unfortunately, he's not match. Which brings me to another surprise they forgot to mention. Malia's father is Ward Cameron, so Sarah and Rafe could be potential donors too.

Well Sarah not, because she already gave one kidney to Wheezie when she was little and had the same problem as Malia. They were all tested for that, Rafe also, so Rick went to the hospital with Sarah to find out if he could be a match.

I sit in my room and wait for them to come back with a verdict. I don't really know what would make me happier, because if he's a match, he's in jail, which isn't a problem for the surgery. They could still do it with police escort, but like we all know Rafe, he won't do it for free. He's going to want something in exchange and I can imagine what that could be. Free pass from jail, because the only thing they really have is the tape recording and my charges. If I take them back, they wouldn't have enough. However, if he wasn't a match, Mal would have to wait on a wait list for someone else who would be a match, which could take time she doesn't really have.

So I sit and don't know what news I want to hear.

Someone knocks on my window, so I look up. It's JJ, I open the window and let him in.
,,Hey." he smiles lightly.
,,Hi." I say and go sit back on my bed.
,,Why do you look like someone died?" he asks.
,,Didn't you hear?" I ask him.
,,I did." he nods.
,,That's why I am here." he squeezes my hand.
,,To cheer you up and makes both of us forget our week." he looks down.
,,I know I kind of disappeared on you, but I hope you know I don't blame you for anything. I just needed some time to process it all on my own." he says.
,,I know JJ, you don't have to explain." I lean closer and hugs him tightly.
,,I missed you." I whisper, he moves his hands lower and lifts me, so I would sit on him and be closer to him.
,,I missed you, too." he kisses my head and we stay like this a little longer.

,,Want to get out?" I ask him and lean back so I could look at him.
,,What do you have in mind?" he smiles at me.
,,We could take HMS Pogues and leave this mess behind for today." I say. He gets up and let me stand up on my own feet.
,,Let's go." he kisses me quickly before we sneak out to my car and drive to John B's. He's with Big John somewhere and Pope's with Cleo, so we take some beer and head out to the see by ourselves.

We drop anchor in the middle of nowhere and open up a beer.
,,This is nice." I close my eyes and lean back.
,,Yeah, I like the view here." JJ says, so I open my eyes to find him looking at me.
,,Good for you, mine is pretty shitty." I joke with natural face.
,,Bullshit, you like your view. Nothing better to see in the whole word." he corrects me and that makes me laugh.
,,Maybe if you admit I am the best surfer, I can agree with that statement." I point out.
,,Never." he shakes his head.
,,Doesn't matter, if you say it. Both of us know it anyway." I take a sip of my beer.
,,Sure we do. I am the best, the rest thinks that too." he winks at me.
,,Like hell. I would kick their asses." I say.
,,Maybe that's why they haven't said it out loud. They are just afraid of you, but they think I am the best." he laughs. I look at him, because that reminds me my conversation with Sarah.
,,I don't understand how I didn't know sooner." I say out of nowhere.
,,Know what?" he asks and finishes his drink.
,,That I like you." I admit. He stops grabbing a new beer and turns around.
,,You only like me now, huh?" he jokes.
,,You know what I mean." I roll my eyes.
,,I would literally kick their asses if they would finally decided who's better surfer and it wouldn't be me, but here you are, saying it every other second and I do shit." I state and he just stares at me.

Before he says anything my phone pings so I look at it.

Miss Know-it-all: Rafe's a match.

I don't respond, I just stare at it. I have an urge to throw that phone in the ocean like it would erase the reality of what's about to probably happen.
,,What?" JJ reminds his presence. I look at him.
,,He's a match." I repeat what I just read.
,,And I think both of us can imagine what he's going to want for giving Malia a kidney." I add and turn off my phone. I don't care about texting my parents, I am still mad at them.
,,It's still your decision." he sits right next to me.
,,Unfortunately, I am a good person and I wouldn't let Malia die over my grudge over Rafe." I say.
,,That's not unfortunate, Kie. Not everyone is like you, not everyone is that kind and thinks about others first before themselves. It's a quality you should be proud of." he interfere our fingers.
,,You were right." I look into his eyes.
,,I love you." I lean in and kiss him. He doesn't waste a second to wraps his arms around me and lifts me, so I could sit on him again. He deepens the kiss when his tongues gets into my mouth. I let him, because I like it when he does that. I love it.
My fingers runs through his hairs and presses him closer to me, his fingers goes under my shirt.
,,Isn't it hot in here?" he asks and pushes my shirt up.
,,So hot." I nod and let him take the shirt off. Then I take his shirt off, but we don't go any further. It's not the best time with everything that's going on. I want to remember our first time without remember all the hurt and betrayal. I want it to be special.

That doesn't mean we don't kiss through the day we stay here. We do, but we mostly talk. We talk about the surf trip. About the dream we hope comes true.

JJ's phone starts to ring around 4 o'clock. I turned mine long time ago, but he hadn't, so he picks up and puts it on speaker so I could hear John B.
,,Hey, where are you?" he asks.
,,We took your boat." JJ answers and gives me his joint.
,,We? Are you with Kie?" he asks.
,,Sure." I say.
,,Everyone's looking you." he states.
,,I'm sure they are." I already figured that after that text came.
,,You turned your phone off." he says.
,,I know." I give the joint back to JJ.
,,I am glad neither of you have a care in the world, but..." he starts.
,,Oh jeez, man, leave us take a breath after the couple of days we had." JJ interrupts him.
,,All of us had couple of days, JJ. My dad came back from dead and Sarah's father is OBX. It's not just you two, who has problems." he says it like we implied no one other than us has problems.
,,We are sorry to take some time off, but you can do that too. We are not stoping you, so stop blaming us like everything's our fault." I frown, unfortunately, he can't see that.
,,I am not blaming you alright? It came wrong, it's just... this is not the best time to take time off." JB explains.
,,It's the perfect time, the world can wait for couple of hours. The problems will be still there at the end of the day. Mal has still a time and Rafe will wait for me in jail." I grab JJ's phone.
,,Bye bye now." I end the call and turn JJ's phone off also.
,,Didn't expect that." J points out.
,,You were right, we deserve a breath before the reality that will come kicking us back to our asses." I state and finish my 3rd bear.
,,I'm always right." he smiles and I laugh.

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