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This paintball game is bullshit. Me and JJ are the ones left standing, but we are against each other. The rest is shouting our names from afar but they can't actually see us since it's a large play ground.

I am just walking through the woods and look around me, but I don't actually care if I win or not.

When I hear something snap, I pick up my paintball gun higher and turn around the tree I was standing behind. JJ is standing there poiting his gun at me, but neither one of us pull the trigger.
,,What are you waiting for?" I ask and find his eyes behind the gun.
,,What are you?" he shoots back the question.
,,When it rains." I say the first thing I can think off.
,,You'll be waiting for a while." he states I look at the sky for a second. There is not a cloud in sight.
,,And you?" I remind him I am waiting for his response. He stays queit for a while and then he pulls the gun down. I frowns and do the same.
,,What are you doing?" I ask.
,,I was told it hurts." he states with serious expression.
,,I was litterally shot, JJ. Twice. I can take it." I say.
,,You shouldn't." he shakes his head.
,,Just shoot." I step forward.
,,I can't." he looks down.
,,It's just a paint." I remind him.
,,I'll be fine." I add.
,,It's a game." I steps forward again but he steps back.
,,Why don't you shoot me then?" he looks back up. Now I'm the silant one.
,,I.." I start, but sigh.
,,I can't." I shake my head and look away.
,,Why not? I can take it." he steps closer.
,,It's just a paint." he keeps going and I don't move.
,,It's just a game." he stops right in front of me.
,,I'll be fine." he whispers. I just manage to nod.
,,One of us have to shoot or Malia will kill us both." I step two steps back and shoot myself. JJ steps forward.
,,Why did you do that?" he frowns.
,,I was making a point." he says.
,,I got that." I nod.
,,I made my point too." I state.
,,You matter, Kiara. It's not better if it's you and not me or the Pogues." he shakes his head.
,,It has to be someone." I say.
,,It could be no one, that's an option too." he says.
,,That option doesn't exist since we found the gold, J." I shake my head.
,,Since than, it's always someone." I step forward.
,,I can't lose you." I state.
,,Well, I can't lose you! Not again! Not ever!" he steps closer without realizing it.
,,I already know how that feels like." he sighs.
,,I'm trying here, but you have to try too damn it! You have to meet me in the middle! Please, Kie, meet me in the middle. I can't do all the steps, you have to help me." he frowns.
,,Trust me, if I could do it for you, I would have without hesitation, but... I can't. I can't do it for you because it's your decision. You have to decide that. You have to choose." he sighs and I can see he means it. He would do anything for me, but he can't do this.
,,Please." he says.
,,I know you love me and you would die for me." he places his hand on my cheek and steps even closer. I close my eyes.
,,But I need you to stay alive for me more." he finishes his sentence.
,,I have never love anyone like I love you." he says.
,,So please, don't do this anymore." I open my eyes at that.
,,I know things changed since your parents died. I can't imagine that, but you are alive. Please act like it, because when you meet them on the other side after a long life you will have, they will want to hear about your life and I don't think they would like this. I don't think you like this and I deffinetaly don't." he states and walks away.
,,I know." I say to myself and follow after him.


That day we go to dinner in the same restaurant we went on my birthday. Riley's brothers are already gone. I'll have to call them and apologize I didn't even get to talk to them. That should be fun.

We get ready and around 8 in the afternoon, we devide into cars. The Pogues are taking Twinkie. Kyle, Riley, Kylie and mewma are taking Kyle's car. Finnley's taking theirs. Hannah, Rick and Mal are taking Rick's car. Cabe, Sam and Jamie are taking Sam's car. I'm taking mine own.

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