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I don't answer any question in the car Sarah throws in my direction, because I don't want to get angry while driving. We get to our house practically at the same time as Twinkie and we all head inside.

Shoup is still here sitting with our parents.
,,Dad?" John B goes directly to Big John.
,,JB." he stands up and hugs him.
,,God, I missed you, Bird." he hugs him tighter.
,,Why didn't you come home?" John B steps back.
,,It isn't safe there and I didn't want to come untill everything is safe. I came only because of what happened yesterday, but no one else can't know I am alive. Not yet." he says very vaguely for my taste.
,,So, who are you again?" JJ asks Kyle.
,,Michael Carrera." my brother says.
,,What?" everyone looks at me.
,,He's my older brother." I say like it isn't obvious.
,,We don't talk much." I explain why I haven't told them about him.
,,Okey?" JJ exchange look with Pope and then John B.
,,I can't believe you haven't told them about me!" Kyle looks at me.
,,Sorry that I wanted something for myself for the first time in our lives. Not everything have to be about you." I cross my arms.
,,Okey, we are not doing this now." dad gets between us. I roll my eyes and look away.
,,So, since you are all here, we should talk about your little adventure." Big John says.
,,Alright, I should go. I don't want to hear something I have to report." Shoup gets up.
,,I sent unit over here to watch your house and I put a warrant, because Ward was pronounce dead, so the last one is useless." he announce before he leaves the house.

,,Sit down." dad says and everyone does that, except for me and JJ.
,,I rather stay here." he says.
,,Likewise." I agree.
,,Do what you like, we just want to explain how all of this started." dad sits back down next to mum and they start.
,,You know Ward Cameron and I were born Pogues. We were friends when we were around your age. Even with Luke and Big John. We didn't care we weren't rich, we had each other and we were enjoying our summer. I think everyone in Outer Banks was trying to find the gold at one point. So did we. We didn't find it, obviously, but we found something else." mum starts.
,,We came across the gold cross. We found the Kerchief inside of it, so we torn it and each of us took one piece. We claim the cross as ours and all of us got their fair share of money. Our story divided from that point forward, not only because of the money, but also because new people came around. Our partners. Your other parents. We graduated and then got married. We lost touch and everyone did with their money something different." Big John says.
,,The cross was in the church, didn't you get the money?" Pope asks.
,,Yeah, but we found it somewhere else. The person who bough it must have hidden it there, we don't know for sure." my dad answers that.
,,Anyway, I met your father and we moved here. We bought this house and I got pregnant for the first time. We also bought The Wreck and the rest of the money we saved for yours collage funds." mum explains her part.
,,I travel a lot and wanted to know more about the Royal Merchant, most of the money went to my research. I also saved some money for you, Bird, and was planning to give it you when you hit 18." Big John says.
,,Ward did practically what I did. He went full Kook, got married, she got pregnant and he invested his money to gain more." mum explains that part.
,,He went broke as you know, so he wanted to find the gold. We got a deal, but he went psycho." Big John takes the word.
,,Luke bought a house and we got married, but then he started using drugs and the money slowly disappeared there. When we had you JJ, he got abusive and when you were three, I got pregnant again. I didn't leave because of that child, I got pregnant with someone else and if Luke found out that I cheated on him and this child isn't his... I was afraid he might even kill you for revenge. He didn't beat you at that point, so when the chance came I left. I would have took you with me, but... I couldn't." Hannah says.
,,We all helped her, but there was room for only one person in that escape plan. We tried, we wanted you to go with your mum, but there wasn't enough time to arrange that and after she went away, she had to hide." mum says.
,,Like it never happened." Big John adds.
,,I changed my name and became a completely new person with new life." Hannah says.
,,3 years ago, I moved into Kinstone. I moved a lot, I was always afraid, Luke would find me. I met Rick there and we became friends, then we started dating and after a while I told him who I was." she explains the rest.
,,We went on vacation every year and we told her what's new here, but the rest of the year we haven't talk." mum says. 

,,But now, you got into trouble because of the gold and then the cross and our past came back to haunt us." Big John gives us all look.
,,There are a lot of people who are after that and they know you know a lot about this stuff." he adds.
,,Maybe if you told us sooner, we wouldn't get into that shit." I comment.
,,Just saying." I add when Kyle shoot me a look.
,,The facts stays the same here, you chose your second child over me." JJ speaks up.
,,I'll help if I can, but don't expect anything else from me. I don't forgive you and if I am a match, I will do it for her, because this isn't her fault. Not for you." he turns around and get out.
,,We should go." John B says.
,,I'll call you." he kisses Sarah and follows after JJ, Pope and Cleo goes too.

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