What's next?

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This is it🤯. This is how I imagined to finish this book, but... we have some options here.

1/ I'll write a sequal to this book and that will be it.

I was also thinking to write another jiara book with more season 3 inspiration. I already started to write some drafts and ideas for it.

2/ I'll keep going with this book, because there are still some unfinished ends I just mentioned and didn't closed.

Then would mean the option number 1/ would be post-pone.


My personal opinion is that the book could end here (with one more chapter - the sequal) because I am pretty satisfied, but on the other hand it's hard to say goodbye and I feel like I could do more chapters, because we still have Kate in large, Big John somewhere, Wheezie and Rafe (what's going on there?), Ward in prison, Hanaah-JJ-Malia relationship, The Wreck, Luke, graduation, the shroud, the gold and cross and so on. As you see, we have a lot of unfinished business here, so...

I don't knooow what option to choose. That's why I leave it up to you to decide.

Please write - continue or end in the comments.

I think I would leave it open for a month and then check the comments and see what you want more.

Either way, there is going to be another jiara book because I loveee them <3.

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