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Shit, what did I just said. I was caught up what she indicated, but she never really admitted she feels anything for me. Maybe I was reading into things and took what I wanted. What did she really said? 

I look at her surprised by my own words, trying to remember exactly what she said.

,,You.." she say, but doesn't finish the sentence. I can see, she doesn't understand this either. I sigh and look down for a moment. I already said it right? I can finish what I implied too. 

,,I like you, Kie. More than I probably should." I look up and look her in the eyes.
,,I don't regret anything. I said you are, because I know I don't and it really felt like you do." I explain the truth. She's looking at me surprised, confused, maybe tired, but she doesn't say anything.
,,Please, say something." I take a step closer to her.
,,I.. I.. what?" she shakes her head in disbelieve. I nod slightly.
,,I should have known better." I whisper and turn around to leave as quickly as possibly I can.

,,J, wait." she grabs my arm and stops me. I close my eyes for a second before I can face her.
,,I get it, Kie. I already said I have eyes, you are surprised, you didn't see it coming and I think I got our conversation the wrong way. You don't feel like I do, which is totally fine, I already knew that, but for a second I forgot about it and hoped I was wrong. I wasn't and I don't really want you to pity me or something.. I'll get over it." I say but I don't look at her. 
,,What!?" she says.
,,Why are you keep saying that?!" I look at her now kind of angry.
,,I get it's surprising for you, but you're making it like you can't even imagine that." I say.
,,Yeah, because it is surprising for me. I didn't really expected you to like me more than friends do." she nods. I blink twice at that.
,,Thanks." I say offended and head to the window again, she sighs behind me.
,,You still don't get it, J." I stop again and turn to look at her.
,,I am surprised, because I thought there is no way you could have liked me more than friends, not the other way around." we are staring at each other now.
,,I thought the kiss didn't meant anything for you. You regretted it, so I am sorry I'm confused and surprised about you feeling something for me." she says. I raise my eyebrows.
,,So, you like me?" I ask just to be sure I got that right. She nods slightly, almost scared to admit that.
,,I do." she takes a step closer. Shit, this is really happening.
,,You won't ask me?" I smile at her.
,,I think we already covered that." she smiles too. I take the few more steps closer to her. She looks up still kind of confused. You and me both, Kie.
,,What does it mean for us, J?" she asks. I don't tell anything, instead I lean down and my lips meet her's half way. I place my arms around her waist and press her closer to me. She smiles, so I take the opportunity and slip tongue inside her mouth, she doesn't protest, but I can feel her heart beating so fast. Or sit it mine? She runs his fingers through my hair.

Our moment is interrupted when I hear footsteps. I narrow myself and look at the door. Kie looks confused and disappointed I cut our kiss short, but then she hears it too.
,,Shit, ehm.." she looks around and the pushes me into her closet. She closes the door right when the door to her room starts to open up. 

I peak through the closet door and see Sarah. 

,,What the fuck are you doing, Carrera?" Sarah asks annoyed and tired.
,,Ehm, what?" Kie asks her confused.
,,I heard you talking and walking back and forth, I though you would be tired after..." Sarah doesn't have a chance to finish the sentence, because Kie opens up my door. Sarah turns to me then at her then at me.
,,Ou shit, did he caught you?" Sarah opens up her mouth.
,,Yes I did." I nod even though I don't know what she's talking about.
,,He doesn't know, so I would appreciated if you didn't finish the sentence you were about to say." Kie says. 
,,But I caught you lying." I look at her briefly, it's weird looking at her now after we cleared things, after I kissed her again.
,,Is he going to talk?" Sarah asks.
,,Could you not talk about me when I am standing right here, Sarah?" I step out of the closet and sit down on the bed.
,,Are you?" she looks at me.
,,Don't know yet." I smile.
,,He won't." Kiara corrects me.
,,You know that how?" I look at her. She gives me a look. Yeah, I am not talking if she keep kissing me like few seconds ago.
,,So you were lying to us too?" I look back at Sarah. 
,,For a reason." she says.
,,Which is?" I try again, even though I know they won't say anything.
,,Nice try." Kie says.
,,When?" I look at her.
,,When what?" she asks confused about my question.
,,When will you tell us and stop lying you are grounded?" I clarify my question. She exchange a look with Sarah.
,,Few more days." she says.
,,Okey. I will think about about telling others then." I get up.
,,You better not, JJ." Sarah warns me.
,,Wait and see." I say before I climb out of Kie's window. 
,,See ya." I look at her for a second and then I head home.

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