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,,Well, I guess they are coming." I announce to Cabe and Rafe. We are waiting for some test resultes the hospital took, so they could check everything is okey and they can do the surgery.
,,That's very sweet of them." Rafe snorts.
,,You shut the fuck up." I shoot him a look.
,,Don't be like that, I helped you!" he smiles.
,,Prison changed me. I am new man." he adds.
,,Right." Cabe gives him a death stare.
,,I am! Aren't I, Kie?" he looks back at me.
,,I told you to shut it." I remind him.
,,Don't be mean. Jeez." Rafe shakes his head.
,,You literraly shot me, then attacked me. Twice! I can be mean as long as I want to." I give him an ironic smile.
,,That was the old me, this is Rafe 2.0." he points at himself.
,,Sure. Like you are even capleable of changing." I shake my head.
,,What's taking them so long?" I ask and look around to see if anyone is heading into our direction.
,,This tests take a long time, Kie. You should get comfortable." Rafe comments.
,,You sound too much comfortable for my taste." we look up to meet JJ's, Sarah's and John B's eyes.
,,Great. Didn't miss you at all." Rafe says to them. I roll my eyes.
,,Don't you have school kids?" he adds.
,,Can I punch him now?" JJ asks, so I stand up and grab his hand.
,,We get coffees." I say before I drag him away.
,,Chill out, will ya?" I let go of his hand and head to the cafeteria.
,,Will not." he catches up with me.
,,Why didn't you tell me he's getting out today and you are spending a day with him?" he asks kind of annoyed.
,,Because." I say but don't know how to continue.
,,Yeah, that's not good enough, Kie." he grabs my hand and makes me turn around.
,,He's dangerous. He hurt you in the past multiple times, you can't not tell us about this stuff. What if something would have happened?" he gives me a serious look.
,,We are in the hospital, he can't do shit in here." I try to shake his hold on my hand to get moving again but he doesn't let me.
,,There's reason I took Cabe, okey? I didn't go alone." I add, when I realize this conversation isn't over like I hoped.
,,I don't care." he shakes his head.
,,He doesn't know him like we do." he adds.
,,Beg to differ, JJ. He knows him better and he can keep his cool." I state.
,,I'm sorry, are you mad about yesterday? I was defending you!" he throws his arms into the air.
,,I didn't need defending, J! Pope was mean, but he was hurting, he didn't mean it! He just needs to cool down." I say. I didn't even realized how mad I actually am till this moment.
,,Right, poor Pope. He can't say stuff like that about you and just walk away like it's nothing!" he shakes his head. I take a breath.
,,Doesn't matter, we have other problems to worry about." I cut the conversation, because JJ won't change his mind and I won't either.
,,It does matter, you made it sound like I am the bad guy here and can keep it together! Just so you know, when he told us where you are and with who you are, he wasn't kind with words either." he crosses his arms on his chest.
,,You are not the bad guy, JJ. I am just saying, you can't punch everyone who says something mean to me! When I need someone to defend me, I can do it myself, okey? And like I said, Pope just needs time, I know he's still mad. I met him earlier, you know." I state.
,,Well, I am sorry I care." he turns around and head to the cafeteria. I follow after him without word.

We order 5 coffees and I pay for it with my phone. We grab them and head back.

,,I am lightly offended I didn't get one." Rafe notices we have only 5 coffees.
,,I don't give a fuck." I sit next to Sarah and drink peacefully my coffee. JJ sits on the other side of the room, next to Caleb. Rafe exchanges a look between us and then chuckles.
,,Jesus, what happened there?" he asks.
,,Can you stay quiet for a moment? You are getting on my nerves." I shoot him a look.
,,Oh no, are you going to punch me too?" he chuckles again.
,,I might." I look away from him.
,,Wouldn't want to hurt me now, would you? I'm getting a surgery soon." he reminds.
,,I don't see the conection there. Doesn't affect me punching you." I say.
,,For real, shut up Rafe." Caleb speaks up and Rafe actually listens to him.


Rick and Hannah comes soon after that and takes over for us, so we head out.
,,So, why don't you two speak again?" John B asks.
,,Why would you think we don't?" JJ plays it off.
,,You haven't said a word since you came back with the coffee and on the way to the hospital you couldn't shut up for a second." JB states.
,,Wouldn't want to defend Kiara, she can do it on her own. Right?" he asks but doesn't look at me. I roll my eyes.
,,Get over yourself, JJ. When I need help, I ask." I say.
,,But you never need help or did I got that wrong too?" he asks again.
,,Okey, sorry I asked." John B shakes his head.
,,How about we go surfing?" JB changes the topic.
,,Sure." I nod.
,,I don't have a surf. I borrowed Kie's last time." Sarah reminds us.
,,We can buy you one before we go." I say. She looks at me for a second before she nods uncomfortably.
,,It's not a big deel, Sarah." I roll my eyes.
,,Yeah, nothing is not a big deal." JJ comments.
,,Don't start again." John B warns him.
,,Can we just hang out without suprises and arguing today? That would be lovely." he adds. Both of us nod eventually.
,,Great. I'll text Pope." JB says.
,,Do you think that's a good idea?" JJ asks.
,,He can say no, but we won't exclude him. He's a dick right now, but maybe he'll realize that if he comes with us." JB says.
,,Say bye to your lovely afternoon then." JJ comments.

We head to the nearest shop with surf boards and Sarah picks one with our help. I'll pay for it even though she has her own credit card from my parents.

We put the surf on Twenkie and John B and JJ head back to the châtuae while we head home to change into our swimsuits.

Then they pick us up, because my surf won't fit into my car, so I have to put it on Twinkie also.

Pope is waiting on the beach with Cleo when we get there.
,,Hey guys." Cleo greets us.
,,Hello, how was the job yesterday?" John B asks her. That's why she missed the fun!
,,It was great actually. I like it to be honest." she smiles.
,,Where were you today? I haven't seen you in the school." she asks.
,,Hospital." Sarah answers. JJ and I stay quiet for safety reasons so we wouldn't upset someone even more. I think he already hates that we are still breathing by the look on his face.
,,What?!" she asks suprised.
,,Are you okey?" she looks us all up and down.
,,Pope didn't tell you? Rafe was realased from prison so he could help Malia. We went there to watch over him." John B explains and shoots Pope a look.
,,I forgot." he speaks for the first time since we came here.
,,When's the surgery?" she asks.
,,We don't know yet, they are still waiting for tests resultes they did today and then they can plan it. But hopefully this week." Sarah answers that one.
,,You two are awfuly quiet." Cleo points out and looks at me and JJ.
,,They got into argument again and promised not to bring it here, so that's why." John B says even though that's only partly true.
,,Why?" she asks, but my attention is cought by Pope smile.
,,Doesn't matter." I shake it off.
,,Like everything else." JJ repeats again.
,,Okey, we should go. I am not listening to another round of this shit." John B decides and we head into the see. We put our safety ropes around our ankles and wait for waves.
,,I am still not good at this, so don't laugh like last time." Cleo points out.
,,It's fine, I am not really good also, so you are not alone in this." Sarah backs her up.
,,You get handle on it. Takes only practise." Pope says.
,,Easy for you to say. You all four surf since your childhood." Sarah says.
,,I don't." I look at her.
,,We learned her when we started to hang out." John B explaints to them.
,,I though your dad learned you." Sarah looks at me.
,,He tried, but... you know. I was bad." I lie. She raises her eyebrows.
,,Oh don't you say. I thought you are the best at everything." she jokes on my account.
,,She's not." Pope comments and starts to swim to catch a wave that's coming to us.
,,What was that?" Cleo asks.
,,He's angry at us." JJ explains.
,,At us? You and Kie? Or all of you? Did I miss something?" she asked confused.
,,Oh you did." John B nods.
,,What happened then?" she looks at me for an answer.
,,We are kind of dating and he doesn't like that." I explain.
,,Oh." she looks between us for a second.
,,Why's that?" she looks away at Pope.
,,He was in love with Kiara for a long time before." Sarah explains. This is starting to be very uncomfortable.
,,Oh. I see." she nods kind of sad. I exchange a look with others.
,,Okey, so can we?" John B changes the subject again.

And we do start surfing. John B helps Sarah with some new tips and JJ helps Cleo while Pope's giving him a death stares again. I mean he could have helped her himself if he got over his ego.

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