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We go to the guest room. John B raises his eyebrows at me. He wants and explanation. 
,,What was that downstairs?" he asks when I stay silent.
,,Rafe was aiming at me and Kiara got in the way." I say.
,,You think it was your fault?" he figures.
,,Because it was." I nod.
,,The pain she's going through was suppose to be mine, not hers. She almost died, John B." I look up at him.
,,It's not your fault, JJ." he shakes his head.
,,It's Rafe's." he corrects me. 
,,When we were in Bahamas, Rafe shot Sarah, but he was aiming at me. She got in a way too. She died and I was devastated. When she start breathing again, I was relieved, but all I could thought about was that it was my fault. She never mention it, she never said it was my fault. Then I figured that she never thought it was mine fault, she only blamed Rafe. When I realized that, I knew she was right, it wasn't mine fault, I wasn't the one holding the gun. She was close, like Kie must have been because other wise they couldn't take the bullet instead of us and Rafe must have seen that, he isn't blind. So when he said he wasn't aiming at Kie or Sarah, it might have been true, but he should have know, they won't let us take it, when they can see on who he's aiming. He knows them, so he just didn't care if they got in the way." John B explains to me. 
,,We just have to be glad that it turned out in the good way." he adds.
,,I didn't thought about it that way." I admit. He kind of has a point.
,,So... you good?" he asks to be sure I mean what I said.
,,Yes. Kind of, I just need to process that." I nod.
,,P4L?" he smiles.
,,P4L." I smile too.

We go back to the others. Kie and Sarah are already back.
,,I know you want to go, Kie!" Caleb just said.
,,I can see it in your eyes." he adds with a smile, but Kie's shaking her head.
,,You know what?" he pulls up his phone from his pocket. Kie look up when I sit in my previous chair.
,,I am sorry." I say to her. She smiles and nod.
,,I am sorry, too." she says.

,,Heey, Cabe, where the fuck are you?" someone says from the phone.
,,I kind of forgot and Kie is here with her friends." Cabe answers through FaceTime.
,,Let me guess, she's stubborn as always and doesn't want to go." the person from the phone says.
,,Carrera!" he shouts after that. Caleb gives his phone in front of her face.
,,Hey, Sam." she smile ironically.
,,Alright, all three of us know how it's going to go. At first you say you are not going anywhere, then it's a maybe and finally you agree, because you love me so much and you can't leave without seeing me." Kie smiles and shakes her head.
,,So can we save all of us a time and skip to the agreeing part? That would be lovely." he adds. Who the fuck is that and why Kie loves him so much? I ask myself.
,,Great you don't even resist, so get up and fucking come here. All of you." he adds.
,,I just hope I don't need to have this speech for all of you again." he says. I think this Sam is already drunk. 
,,Fine, you are still sitting so... I need to use my secret weapon." he sighs.
,,We have a karaoke, Kiara." he says.
,,But that's something else, you should have started with that!" Kie points out.
,,Now you need to ask the others." she waves her hand around her.
,,Guys, free alcohol!" he shouts and Caleb turns the camera on us now.
,,I'm Samuel, by the way, but everyone calls me Sam." he introduce himself.
,,Any objections?" Caleb asks us. I would personally be happy to go and have some drinks after what we went through and after what happened with Kie. I need to get her out of my head.
,,We are in." I say when the rest nod with their heads.
,,You better have the karaoke ready when we get there, otherwise I am leaving!" Kie gets up and ends the call.
,,I take some of your T-shirt, I can't go like this." Kie looks at Caleb.
,,Shit." he sighs. 
,,You always take the best ones and never give it back." Kie winks at him and disappears in the house.
,,Fuck!" Caleb stands up and rushes after her. I remember her wound and hope she's not rushing too, so she wouldn't torn her stitches again.

Both of them are gone now and I realize we still haven't had the chance to talk about what happened between us. I spent this day not talking to her, maybe I should have done the opposite.
,,So... Kie and Caleb? Are you sure there isn't anything going on between them except for friendship?" Pope asks Sarah and I am glad, because I was thinking about it since they mention the kissed when they were 14. I look at Sarah and wait for the answer.
,,Definitely not." she chuckle, which isn't very convincing.
,,Does he have a girlfriend?" Pope asks again.
,,Literally he's 'Never have I ever' was that he never had one. Why would he say that if he had one?" Sarah points out the obvious.
,,Maybe he wants one." Pope says.
,,Yeah, sure." she shakes her head with a smile, which is kind of confusing. 

The door opens and Caleb and Kie show up, so there isn't another chance to ask anything else.
,,I hate you, hope you are happy." Caleb says.
,,Very happy." she smiles.
,,It's unbelievable, I even bought you the same shirt because I knew you would steel it from me otherwise, but guess that was pointless too, because you have it and you still stole mine." he shakes his head.
,,Well, it's back at home, so.." she's still smiling, which makes me smile. Shit!
,,Besides, it suits me better anyway." she adds. He gives her a murderous look.
,,I really love your visits." he says ironically.
,,You should come over more often, really, I would appreciate that. My wardrobe has too many clothes in it anyway. Please come over more so you can take more clothes from me, it would make me the happiest person alive." he continues.
,,If you insists, I will." she winks at him. I look around and everyone hold back their laughter.
,,We should go, before I kick your ass over there." Caleb turns around and head to the beach. 
,,Great idia, Cabe!" Kie shout after him and follow suit. We all do. 

We walk along the beach around 15 minutes before we stop before a white fairy. The music can be heard from here already. John B, Pope and me exchange a look. 
,,Kook territory." Pope whisper to us. Then we follow Caleb inside. Closer we get inside, we meet more people with red cup.
,,When you want to go back, just come find me." Caleb turns around when we stop in the living room.

,,Finalllllllyyyyy." Sam shows up out of nowhere. He leans to Caleb and gives him a kiss. I raise my eyebrows surprised, but then I finally understand the answers Sarah gave us earlier.
,,Kieeee!" he hugs her for a moment, she doesn't even have the chance to hug him back.
,,Sarah, right?" she points at her.
,,Yup." she nods.
,,Kie told me about you." he says.
,,I can imagine." Sarah says ironically, because the truth is the same, Kie hated Sarah for almost a year.
,,This is Cleo, Pope, John B and JJ." Kie introduces us and points us accordingly.
,,Yeah, I heard about you too, except for Cleo." he looks back at Kie.
,,She's new, but she's just as cool." Kie nods.
,,Alright, so have fun!" Sam grabs Caleb's hand and they start to disappear through the crowd.
,,What about the karaoke?!" Kie shouts after him.
,,Working process!" he shouts back at her. Kie smiles ironically.
,,That doesn't even surprise me." she shakes her head.
,,I would find some alcohol, now." John B says.
,,You read my mind." I nod. We boys go get some drinks and the girls wait here for us.


,,They really thought Caleb likes you!" Sarah starts to laugh. I do too.
,,Anyway, we definitely singing some song the three of us." she changes the subject. 
,,Yeah, I don't think so, but enjoy it." Cleo thumbs up for us. We shake our head at her.
,,Warning ahead? Give up. When Sarah decides for anything, she gets it. It's a lost fight, I learnt that long time ago and it saves my so much time just accepting my faith." I clap Cleo's shoulders. She sighs.
,,I got that feeling." she sighs again.
,,But one song max!" she demands.
,,Sure." Sarah smiles and all of know she's lying. We look around and head to the TV where the karaoke should be.

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