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,,I kill him." I say to myslef when I discover JJ isn't in my house the next morning. I grab my jacket and keys.
,,Be right back!" I shout and go into my car.

I drive to JJ's house. His dad opens the door, so I bypass him and go inside to look for JJ.
,,Carrera. Back so soon?" he asks too cheerfull fot my taste.
,,Where is JJ?!" I turn around.
,,His room. Packing." he nods at his door. I go inside immediatelly.
,,I'll kill you." I say when he spots me.
,,I went here to pack my things. I need them so I didn't have to go back here. Ever." he says. I frown at him and cross my arms. He sighs and closes the door behind me.
,,Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't come her for my things but when I saw him, I remembered what you said yesterday and I didn't say anything. I promise." he looks into my eyes.
,,Your promises doesn't really mean anything to me right now." I say still kind of mad. He promised he won't go back to his dad and here he stands. Luke could have dome something to him! He still can.
,,Hurry up." I say and sit down on the bed.

It takes him another 10 minutes before he packs all the things he wants. The door open sudenly and the police comes inside.
,,Kiara Carrera, you are under arrest for traspassing." officers says. I stand up confused and exchange a look with JJ.
,,I invited her! I live here, she doesn't traspass." JJ goes to me, but they turn me around and cuff me.
,,You don't live here, boy, remember? Be glad I don't let you arrested too." Luke says on our way out.
,,Wait." I look at JJ.
,,Let him have my keys." I say and they do. JJ takes them from my back pocket and follows me to the police car.
,,I tell Kyle. I'm so sorry, Kie!" he shouts through the window because I'm already in. I nod slightly and lean back.


,,What were you thinking!?" Shoups sits behind his desk. I'm starting to have a dejà vu.
,,You weren't." he answers the question like he did yesterday.
,,Okey. I just went to pick up JJ. Luke's just being a smart ass. He doesn't know we might know and I think after I showed up today, he won't be alert." I say.
,,So, maybe that's a good thing." I offer.
,,I told you to stay the hell away from him but here you are. Arrested again because you were traspassing his house!" Shoup says.
,,If we actually get him, he might use this in court. We don't know if it helps him or not but it might!" he leans back into his chair.
,,Do I need to call your brother or JJ already passed the news?" he asks.
,,He did, but I have a feeling I'll spent more time in here today." I comment because I remember our yesterday convo with my brother.


,,Arrested?" Kyle repeats after I told him what happened.
,,Wasn't her fault! She didn't do anything, Luke's just being a smart ass." I say.
,,Two days in a row, that must a record." Kyle shakes his head and exchange a look with Riley.
,,I can't wait to tell about this to dad when he wakes up. That should be fun conversation." he sighs.
,,So, will you go get her?" I remind him.
,,No. I will not." he looks back at me. I frown.
,,It's my fault. She didn't do anything!" I repeat again.
,,I heard you the first time, JJ." he crosses his arms.
,,I warn her yesterday, she should have listened and wait for you outside when she knows Luke's a dick." he sits back down and drinks his coffee he made for himself before I came here.
,,You can't be serious! You can't let her stay there." I say frustrated.
,,Oh, I can." he nods.
,,Maybe she will realize the consequences to her actions this time around." he adds.

I look at the Pogues who shrugs.
,,Great." I shake my head and we go to Sarah's room upstairs.

,,Another great idea you had, J." John B comments.
,,I thought I'll be back before she wakes up." I say.
,,She doesn't sleep too much these days." Sarah says. I sigh.
,,Shit. She'll kill me, for real this time." I sit down on the chair.
,,She might." Pope nods.
,,She might." he repeats and shakes his head at me.
,,Why did you go there anyway? Didn't you promise her not to go back?" Sarah asks.
,,How you know about that?" I ask her.
,,I know everything, remember?" she smiles.
,,They think it was my dad who set up the bomb. I figured it out when you left Kie's room last night." I state.
,,I don't really know why I did go there, but I just packed my things and we were on our way out when the cops showed up. I thought it was weird he didn't try anything. And then let Kie in." I add. They all look at me shocked.
,,Shit. That's..." John B starts but doesn't know how to finish the sentence.
,,Yeah." I look down.
,,You know it doesn't concern you, right? It's not on you what he did." he reminds me.
,,I know, but.. he's still my dad. It's wrong. The whole situation is, but of all people who could have done it, it had to be him." I sigh again.

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